Thursday, March 31, 2011

Shots fired in Edgewater, vehicle seen leaving the scene

Two gunshots were reportedly heard in Chicago’s Far North Side Edgewater neighborhood, around 3:35 a.m.

According to one 911 caller, shots were fired on the 5700 block of North Magnolia Avenue.

At 3:38 a.m., a second 911 caller heard gunshots near the intersection of Ardmore and Magnolia, and saw a maroon-colored van leaving the scene.

As of 3:58 a.m., there was no indication anyone had been injured.

It’s unclear if shell casing were found at either location.


  1. Spillover from Uptown I'm sure. At least someone was sharp enough to get a description of the vehicle and NO ONE got hurt. Our gun law ONLY benefits the criminals who have the guns and leaves us as sitting ducks...something wrong with this picture for sure.

  2. Gee Towanda. Give Uptown a break. They have enough problems. How about spillover from Lakewood-Balmoral? At least at 3:00 a.m. they can't blame Senn.

  3. Chicago's version of "diversity" at it's finest.

    "An armed society is a polite society". I ain't one to gossip or anything but Towanada has a point.

  4. John, why should I give Uptown a break? The criminal element does spill over into our community and until you have an Alderman that actually cares about Uptown and the crime that goes on there day & night, until that new Alderman does something about Uptown having more SRO's sheltars, sec * and low income housing than ANYWHERE else in the city, NOTHING will change and I frankly do not want that element moving into our community. Sorry John but that's just the way it is. I hope for Uptown's sake and Edgewater's sake, the new Alderman cleans up the streets. It's time.


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