Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wisconsin Mall Shutdown by Shoplifters: Eerily Similar to Michigan Ave. Flash Mobs

Sunday, January 2, 2011, the Mayfair Mall at 2500 North Mayfair Road in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, closed early after being invaded by a mob of destructive teenage shoplifters.

Police said the trouble started on the second floor out side the Boston Store, when scores of African-American teenagers began pushing and shoving one another.

Then 50 to 60 juveniles starting stealing and knocking over every piece of merchandise they could get their hands on, said one witness.

The picture on the left was taken by a customer at the mall.  

A WISN reporter interviewed a teenage boy at the scene and asked him why they were misbehaving. The teen said, "they were just trying to have fun."

Wisconsin police said shots were also fired at the mall. Mayfair Mall's general manager, Steve Smith, insists the mall is safe.

Reports suggest Facebook may have been used to orchestrate the mall takeover.

Initial news coverage of the mall riot:

Raw video of the mob:

Frantic 911 calls:


  1. I'm sooo fed up and pissed off at these teenage thugs preying on innocent people and retailers I'm not even going to say anything because it would just be hateful and come across as racist. I think some of the comments made on that website pretty much say it all. I do have a question. Why is it that the majority or ALL crimes committed across this country are committed by "African-Americans"? Are they missing a gene for morality or something? I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't get it. I was not brought up this way and times have pretty much been tough for everyone, but we didn't resort to crime. PARENTS! It ALL starts at HOME!

  2. You're right. It starts at home, but it ends in the streets. And the taxpayers get the bill!

  3. please. white kids do the same shit.

  4. Anonymous, we are discussing Mayfair Mall. If you find some White Kids mobbing Mayfair Mall, please let us know.

  5. Wow, just wow at these comments.

  6. Joe shouldn't you be wowing at the videos?


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