Monday, December 6, 2010

Robby’s Communications in Uptown Robbed at Gunpoint

A cell phone store at 1128 West Wilson Avenue, in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood, was robbed at gunpoint.

The robbery occurred around 6:54 p.m., at Robby’s Communications, located near the intersection of West Wilson Avenue and North Clifton Avenue.

According to police, during the robbery the gunman forced the victim, presumably the store clerk, to the back of the store.

The offender was described as an African-American man wearing a black ski mask, big black glasses, and a black hoodie.

Image: Google Earth.


  1. Moving Out Of Uptown!December 6, 2010 at 7:35 PM

    I swear to God this neighborhood has turned to pure crap over the last couple of years. And we can thank "affordable housing" for this mess! Next yer I am moving out of this hellhole!!!!!

  2. See, that's the thing "Moving out of Uptown, When you do that instead of work to not let thugs take YOUR streets, you give up and the "flight" starts happening and THAN the neighborhood is completely taken over by ghetto thug bangers. Nice. You are right about one thing though, "affordable" housing is ruining the neighborhoods on the north side. The south side is already ruined by these thugs so lets go ruin the other neighborhoods. Sec8 was initially stated back in the 40's to help people get a leg up and move forward. Now, all it does is give them extra money to buy new nike's and take advantage of the generous help they are given by the rest of the people in this city who work and pay taxes for a living. I would rather help the people of Sudan, Chad, Darfur and Ethiopia who truly appreciate would little they get rather than the the bottom feeders of this city who, no matter what they get, it's never enough.

  3. everyone on section 8 sucks! friggin' freeloaders! uptown like every hood had it's issues, but nothing like the savagery that has taken over today. if we were allowed to carry concealed weapons we could take the streets back a LOT sooner!

  4. Moving Out Of UptownDecember 6, 2010 at 8:44 PM

    I don't own a bullet proof vest and I can't legally carry a gun. I have to put my family's safety over principles. God forbid my wife or one of children get shot and killed by one of these immoral assholes. At the beginning of the new year we are moving. The punks can have Uptown.

  5. ANON, I'm with you on carrying. Bet these ghetto thugs would think twice about robbing someone who just MIGHT be carrying. The city & the CHA need to step to the plate and enforce the rules of these ghetto buildings. Everyone needs to take pictures of suspicious activity, call 911, write down plate numbers and basically pay attention. This can all be done without the ghetto thugs knowing. Turn the info into to the police. Trust me, I DO NOT LIKE WATCHING OVER MY BACK when I'm out but I'll be damned if these lowlife, bottom feeding ghetto thugs are going to run me out. That's basically what happened to the south & west side. If we all leave, this city will collapse because these ghetto people do not contribute to the running of the city, they simply suck it dry. I for one am sick of helping those who refuse to help themselves and who don't participate in society.


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