Monday, December 6, 2010

Thieves Steal Laptop on CTA Blue Line

A man riding the CTA Blue Line had his computer ripped from his hands by thieves.

The robbery occurred around 6:30 p.m., as a Blue Line train headed toward Forest Park, approached the Cicero train station at 720 South Cicero Avenue.

According to police, three African-American men participated in the crime. One of the suspects was wearing a green and gray jacket with the words “New Breed” written on it.

After stealing the CTA passenger's laptop, the offenders got off the train at Austin.


  1. Shame that a person cannot enjoy something they've worked hard for without the ghetto thugs stealing it. Here's some good advice. DO NOT SIT BY THE DOOR, it's too easy to grab & dash. "What's yours is mine" seems to be their motto.

  2. I stopped riding the trains years ago. I think the last time I was on a CTA train, was in the 90's.

    Thieves know they will be long gone before "help" arrives.

    Towanda, do you remember what the trains were like before they installed those so-called safety partitions by the doors?

    Every other minute, someone was getting robbed and assaulted while sitting in the seats by the doors.

  3. Yes I do remember the old trains but with every upgrade, the thugs upgrade the way they rob from us. I very rarely take the trains, preferring to take the buses instead. Strength in numbers there. If people sit by the doors than they should not have their Ipads, Iphones, laptops or mp3 players out for the taking. Sad but people should stop throwing caution to the wind and perhaps they wouldn't be losing the things they work hard to acquire and they should be paying far more attention to what's going on around them. maybe they won't become a victim.

  4. In today's climate, pulling out an expensive electronic device in public, is like tying raw meat to your throat and jumping into a den of hungry lions. A big no-no!

    There have been plenty of times I wanted to work on my laptop in route to my office or a friend's house, and then I think twice.

    And if I use my cell phone in public, I actually check to see who is standing around me and I make it quick.

    It's sad we have to be so guarded, but that's the world we live in.


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