Sunday, November 28, 2010

Robbery at Hollywood Beach in Edgewater

A robbery occurred at Hollywood Beach in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood. According to police, the crime occurred around 7:15 p.m.

The offenders were described as two African-American men. One of the suspects was wearing a black, fur-lined jacket. He also had a goatee. The second offender is believed to be 18 to 20-years-old.

The thieves stole a blue and yellow Parka with the words "Polo Association" on the front, and an iPod from their victim.


  1. I am so sick of all this crap going on in my neighborhood, it's pathetic. What's with these people? If they don't have it, they steal it. If they want it, they steal it. How about getting a job and buying it? How about becoming a contributing society member instead of being a bottom feeder? Maybe if we could carry a weapon to protect ourselves and these thugs thought we MIGHT be, they'd think twice about robbing us. Just a thought. I carry pepper spray now and I NEVER thought I would do that in my neighborhood. So much for the civil rights movement. I am sick of these thugs and their "what's yours is mine" attitude. Get a frickin' life!

  2. towanda, I agree with you 100%! The Uptown/Edgewater/Rogers Park area (in terms of crime) is almost unrecognizable to me. The sense of minimal safety has been basically shattered.

    Like you, I feel that if Chicagoans were allowed to carry a concealed weapon, the criminals would think twice.

  3. Holy crap, it seems that I've been missing a lot of these crazy events that are going on in my neighborhood by mere minutes! I'm honestly just waiting for my turn to get robbed / stabbed / whatever. Any day now...

    But yeah, it's pretty cutthroat out there. The least we can all do is be alert and stay as safe as possible (which is apparently a matter of sheer luck).

  4. Think about the savings to the city if we were allowed to "carry". Crime would more than likely go down which means less taxpayer money put into the court systems and maybe the prison system which than means more help for the police officers and hopefully,no more killing of the officers. What the hell are we waiting for? These thugs to take over the entire city?

  5. Oh yeah, and some of our elected officials need to grow a pair and stand up for the citizens instead of doing what's "pc". Where's the gun lobbyists? I'm not saying I would or wouldn't be carrying but hell, the thugs wouldn't know who was. I doubt there is another city in this country who has lost 6 officers this year not to mention all the other murders and shootings but hey "crimes down"..where would that be? It's my understanding that wherever people are allowed to carry, crime goes down...duh! I'm getting to the point where I don't want to be out after the "bewitching" hour..Hall & Oats said it best "they only come out at night, the lean and hungry type"..doubt they were talking about thugs
    though. And I never take the train at night. I'm not a fool!

  6. towanda said: Hall & Oats said it best "they only come out at night, the lean and hungry type"..doubt they were talking about thugs

    That was too, too funny!!!! But I think those lyrics aptly apply to criminals, too.

  7. Kiwithing, sometimes, some of the news I come across is so disturbing, I have to take a break. You'd be surprised at some of the gruesome stuff that never makes the news.

  8. Glad I could give you a laugh Timothy. With all the stuff you report for us, you deserve it;)

    Love Hall & Oats;)

  9. towanda, I grew up listening Hall & Oates. Sarah Smile, Rich Girl, I Can't Go For That, One on One, Private Eyes, you name it - I have the record/CD. So when you used the lyrics from the song, Maneater, that really cracked me up!

  10. I am so fed up with the crime in this city. Every since Daley shutdown the projects crime has exploded all over the city. It was like cutting into a friggin' cancer!

  11. Have to agree with you there Anonymous. There's no neighborhood safe anymore and that pisses the hell out of me.
    I think they have the right idea in "Escape From New York", put them on an island or in an abandoned prison and let them fend for themselves.

  12. Timothy, I have the original vinyl too! Now I have those songs running through my head. Too funny.

  13. hi Towanda,
    plenty of cities have lost numerous police officers this year. I read a story about Seattle where a cop was sitting in his car writing up a traffic incident and a gang member walked up to his car and shot him in the face, just for being a cop. I think all automatic assault and military grade weapons should be banned everywhere in the US. naive, I know.

    I am not against anyone being allowed to own a handgun to protect their homes, but I think allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons will not only increase accidental shootings to an unacceptable number, it will create a constant sense of dread about who around you might be packing heat. People tend to have itchy trigger fingers, I don't want to live in the wild wild west.


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