Thursday, October 14, 2010

Man Robbed at Gunpoint: CTA Pink Line "L" Station

CTA Pink Line, Ashland/Lake Street station. Photo: CTA

This story almost didn't make it. It's been an unbelievably busy news night in Chicago.

On October 13, 2010, around 9:29 p.m., several people reported an Asian man chasing 3 African-American men on the 1600 block of West Lake Street, on Chicago's Near West side.

Reportedly, the Asian man was robbed at gunpoint.

According to the 911 callers, the robbery occurred on the Pink Line, Ashland/Lake Street "L" platform, located at 1601 W. Lake Street.

One assailant was wearing a blue jean jacket and the other was wearing a black hoodie. A description of the 3rd offender was not provided.

1 comment:

  1. This el stop is served by the Green Line too.


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