Friday, October 22, 2010

Carol Moseley Braun’s Mayoral Bid Gets Help from Former Daley and Madigan Employees

Can she get by with a little help from the current administration's friends?

The Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that Carol Moseley Braun has decided to hitch her political wagon to Mayor Daley’s former “political enforcer”, Victor Reyes, and Michael Madigan’s ex-political aide, Mike Noonan. 

Victor Reyes, a former Daley aide, was once implicated in an employment scheme to rig city hiring. Although he was never charged, investigators said they believed Reyes was a key player.

Noonan, who will assume the role of Moseley Braun's campaign manager, helped to elect attorney general, Lisa Madigan and embattled Cook County Board president, Todd Stroger.

While Moseley Braun may benefit from their collective campaign experience, the skeletons in both men’s closets, not to mention Moseley Braun‘s own political baggage, could hurt her chances of becoming mayor.

Read the full story at

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