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Katherine Jackson, second from the left, relaxes in Arizona after 'abandoning' 'grandchildren'. |
As you may or may not already know, dead pop star Micheal Jackson's 82-year-old mother Katherine, has been accused of abandoning MJ's "children".
A tsunami of accusations were unleashed after a family member filed a missing persons report and Paris Jackson took to Twitter confirming her grandmother was indeed, missing.
After discovering Katherine Jackson was relaxing at an Arizona spa, while her poor, little "granddaughter" pleaded for her safe return, uninformed critics called the 82-year-old woman every name in the book... including an "old selfish bitch".
So, in order to set the record straight, I'm going to do what the Jackson clan won't --- I'm going to tell you what's really going on.
First of all, getting this information wasn't easy and the people I spoke with would only talk to me if I promised to leave their names out of this article... so, here goes!
Michael Jackson's adopted and paid-for kids were "terrorizing Kate", said one source.
Paris in particular, is extremely belligerent and refuses to abide by her aging grandmother's rules, said the informant. "She (Paris) isn't the little angel everyone thinks she is", added the source.
When Katherine's children, namely Janet, found out their mother was allegedly abused by Michael's make-believe spawn, they staged an intervention and immediately removed their mom from the situation.
Apparently, the dead King of Pop's "offspring" have been trying to take advantage of Katherine financially, as well; which is one of the many reasons Katherine's children want someone else to handle MJ's massive estate.
"Before he (Michael) died, Paris, Prince, and Blanket were accustom to living an extravagant lifestyle", said a tipster. "Whenever Kate refuses to give in to their every whim, the way Michael did, the children become hostile and confrontational," said the eyewitness.
Today, police were called to Katherine's Calabasas, California, home after an alleged fight was reported.
My sources claim violence at the estate is an on-going issue, which is why Katherine's "grandchildren" haven't seen or heard from her in eight days... and counting.
A few hours ago, Paris Jackson tweeted that she still hasn't heard from her grandmother.
However, Michael's only "daughter" did not mention today's confrontation with several L.A. County Sheriff's Deputies... a situation in which she was directly involved, according to one of my informants.
"Blood is thicker than water," said my source. "For now, someone else is going to have to take care of Michael's 'children'. Our main concern is Katherine's well-being."
FYI: Radaronline.com is now confirming part of what we printed HOURS AGO!
Paris Jackson was involved in a scuffle with her aunt, Janet Jackson, said the online publication!
The incident started when Janet told Paris to stop posting the family's business online, said the gossip website. Janet tried to take Paris' cell phone and a fight ensued, according to Radaronline.com.
Photo credit: X17online.com
Who cares? She's the poster child of "papa was a rolling stone", but have them chillen' with him anyway for a $ then get that man out the door by any means necessary.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is she didn't even know how to cook nor take care of her offspring while he was out working, hence pimpin' the chillen'. She was an entitled queen simply for pumping them out.
It's not a racial stab. It covers all hues of the "rainbow" now. These 60's mama's that knew nothing but Jello molds are now past tense too.
What did Katherine Jackson contribute to society with all that money she happened upon?
Katherine took care of the kids, sir. Not all of the kids were working and being "pimped" by Joe Jackson... Katherine cooked, cleaned, and took care of the house, like most mothers did around that time... and with all those damn kids, do you think giving birth to them was a cakewalk... when you push a baby out of your vagina and raised then tell me she didn't know how to cook nor take care of her offspring while Joe was out with FIVE of all 12 (Marlon's twin died during childbirth)kids... I understand where you were going with this, but your comment is ignorant... Very, very ignorant...
DeleteI wondered if that might be the case. After all, the woman is 82 yrs. old, raised a family already and dealing with todays spoiled bratty kids can give even a much younger person a heart attack. Guess it's Diana Ross's turn....
ReplyDeleteMy guess is she lived a lifetime of physical and mental abuse by that pimp husband of hers. She deserves the spa treatment for that alone and certainly does not deserve to now be abused by her grandchildren.
ReplyDeleteThe children would be far, far better off with Diana Ross. The farther away from their family, the better, sadly.
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of bullshit!
ReplyDeleteWow, this is a mess of a story. Mike famously refused to spoil his kids, they only even got candy once a week. And they were his kids, they were never adopted.
ReplyDeleteThe only ones acting like brats and looking for money are the broke ass siblings who leaked this sorry ass story. If this is how they see his children then good for the kids to be rid of them.
How much are the Jacksons paying you to print this crap? I see you put "children" in quotes...
ReplyDeleteWhy is children in quotes? They are MJ's kids regardless of what people think about their biological connection.
ReplyDeleteseriously! what a slap in the face to all adopted children
DeleteYou're despicable! That family had all sorts of drama before those kids ever came into their lives. They create the drama, feed it to the press, they claim to be victims.
ReplyDeleteHow can they take advantage of Katherine financially? It's THEIR money! This has Randy and/or Jermaine written all over it.
ReplyDeletethis ^^^^
DeleteThis article is full of crap. Who is your source? Randy Jackson? Jermaine perhaps? The word children in quotes. We knew they would go there next. These psychos are so predictable.
ReplyDeleteYour sources who spoke to you as long as you didn't use their name? You mean Jermaine and Randy?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry. We KNOW the Jacksons have paid for you to write these lies. We don't believe a single word. Try a little harder next time. WE ARE GONNA SUPPORT MICHAEL JACKSON'S CHILDREN. We KNOW who they are. And we also know who the Jacksons are.
ReplyDeleteYou really expect people with common sense to believe this? Grown adult hating on children, sad.
ReplyDeleteYou want my opinion ?
ReplyDeleteDiet Coke is yuck.
♥ ya,
This article is bs. Michael has been footing the bills for the jackson clan since 1980 and that includes paying for randy's children and jermaine's children that they have by the same woman. Jermaine married randy's ex who randy sent to live at hayvenhurst with with their children. Then jermaine decides to marry the girl since his broke ass was also living on mike's dime at hayvenhurst (w another woman and set of kids) and have children with her. Jermaine and randy are both sorry excuses for men and mike was a better father to his children and to his own nephews and neices than they will ever be. Point blank you aren't getting mike's money, ever. Blame the kids if you want but it was mike's decision to not provide for you leeches and why should he? This article is so pathetic that I will advise everyone I know never to visit this fradulent blog again.
ReplyDeleteIt is incredible that the children of MJ not only lost his father, but have to endure all the crap of lies I just read here.
ReplyDeleteRespect for MJ, Respect for MJ3 and most important... Respect for the truth !
Was this suppose to be a new report or an Op ed?
ReplyDeleteTell me how they can be taking advantage of her financially when ever dime Katherine has is THEIR MONEY? She is paid from their trust to look after them, you ninny! How about you write about how her "loving" son dumped his ex-wife AND his children in Katherine's lap to support for years WITH MICHAEL'S MONEY while he never paid a dime in Child support.....how about that for a good son concerned about his overly stressed mother angle?
I'm sure Micheal was afraid he'd die by people wanting the music catalog he owns... That wasn't very thought up, I'm sure, but it was the best in such a time crunch... if you know someone is setting out to harm you, wouldn't you leave your children and money with the person you trust the most...? Just seems logical... He probably figured he's trust his MOTHER to place the kids where they need to be... After all, the WONDERFUL man people call Michael was raised by Katherine!! *nods* :)
DeleteThis blog is the perfect example of how low desperate Jackson family stans will stoop to defend these shady siblings. Adults hating on Michael's own children (no quotation marks needed) is pathetic. If the kids are that much of a "terror"to KJ she can give up guardianship ...but of course that would deplete the amount of money coming in via monthly checks (all of which needs to be accountable for, due to court probate), so naturally that wouldn't be done.
ReplyDeleteThe Jackson's (Namely Randy and Jermaine) can keep telling the media BS to try and discredit a 14 yr old girl who keeps blocking their attempts to gain control of HER and her Brother's money their FATHER left them. 90% of MJ fans are finished with them and their disgusting ways, so keep spewing their bullshit, because they are going to need all the money they can get from selling stories since nobody will support any effort they do in the future.
ReplyDeleteYou're loving this, aren't you? Your pathetic blog hasn't been getting a lot of hits until today, your twitter account only has 264 followers. Are you people this desperate for clickthroughs that you'll publish an article slandering CHILDREN? Has Randy been paying you with whatever he can siphon out of his mother's bank account?
ReplyDeleteAnd you had the gall to tweet this article to Paris and TJ's twitter accounts! I hope the children and their father's estate sue you out of existence.
Randy jackson : Stop leaking your hate to the press! Your ass was disinherited -- DEAL with it! Like a MAN!
ReplyDeleteLol this has to be the most ridiculous crap i have ever read, if Katherine was having issues dealing with teens (like she did not have a football team of her own) she could obtained some help in that situation. I have raised four children and have grandchildren ,some are teens . i agree they can be a handful but there are ways to manage that.I would have to say that the three years i have known Paris and Prince, they have always spoken about their grandmother with respect. Katherine herself has admitted to how sweet and respectful they were and how her own son did a wonderful job raising her grandchildren, These grandchildren mean the world to her and until i hear her say those awful things herself i suggest you stop writing hearsay bs from reliable sources, once again mystery sources that talk to much for money. I am just disgusted that you would write something that is not from Katherine herself. What if the children read this and it was not even a true story, how damaging is that to their esteem, is this not how the media attacked Michael, just cut it out and stick to positive story;s please. think of the children.
ReplyDeleteJacksons are not printing this crap. It's the same old media tactic they used on MJ.
ReplyDeleteWow at your ignorant grown behind typing up BULLSHIT about MJ's 3 kids.Yes HIS 3 innocent kids! MJ3 weren't adopted NOR brought! Those quotation marks around certain word linking the kids to THEIR blood relatives is so ignorant and childish.I stopped reading this crappy FICTIONAL story as soon as I saw that.Jealous adult hating on 3 kids is very sad! You are the definition of a cunt!
ReplyDeleteShame on you for writing this crap of an article. Shame! MJ bought his kids? Please! Those kids are Jacksons by blood. If you don't want to believe the truth, that's fine...but don't slander these innocent kids names...seriously. People want to make these kids out to be little heathens when the only people who should be held responsible are grown ass adults (Jermaine, Randy, Janet, and Rebbie's old ass) for causing these kids so much strife. Smh at this entire mess of an article. All of this over money! Money that does not belong to these greedy ass heathens. There was a reason that MJ stayed away from his "family," and the story is only partly out there now. I hope Paris reads these mofos for FILTH on Twitter. She has every right to speak her mind. Her old ass aunts and uncles don't respect her (or MJ3) so they don't need to show respect to those grown ass nothings!
ReplyDeleteWow! This is one pathetic blog. Financially demanding of their own money? Same tired lack of facts. Who cares what your opinion is? Certainly not Jackson's kids whose father's hard work made them heirs to a billion dollar estate. Of course the people you talked to would only talk to you if you left out their names.
ReplyDeleteKatherine Jackson is the children's guardian. She should at least pick up the phone and let them know that she is ok. Paris is 14 years old, the youngest child is 10 years old. If Katherine Jackson no longer wants to be the children's guardian, they need to appoint someone else to look after them and their money that their father Michael Jackson left to them. It isn't the children's fault that Michael chose to have them as he did. Poor kids, they have no biological family and their father's family won't even let them speak to their guardian. So sad.
ReplyDeleteYou guys have no idea what those kids are like! You have no idea what their grandmother is going through! So just STFU!
ReplyDeleteWht a sick thng to say does this writer not know tht Paris and Prince are borm in wedlock? And tht Debbie their mother watches all of this and stepped out of a custody battle only cause she trusted mrs Jackson nobody else in tht family. You watch wht will happen
ReplyDeleteThis Is One Of Taaj Malik's Blog's, These CHILDREN Was, Is & Alway's Will Be Michael's Children & They Are Katherine's Bialogical Grandchildren They Have Never Treated Katherine Anyway But With Love & Respect, If Anybody Was Using Michael's Loving Mother For Money It Was Jermaine Leaving His Children There To Live With Her & Not Taking Care Of Them His Self. Michael Never Did That So Leave Them CHILDREN Alone & Give Their Grandma Back To Them The Sibling's will NEVER Get Katherine's & MJ3's Money That Is Their's So If You Rewally Need Money Just Stand On The Street With A Sign That Read's Im MJ's No Good Brother & I Wan't Your Money!!!
ReplyDeleteFYI: According to TMZ, the L.A. County Sheriff's Office is insinuating that the people who reported Katherine Jackson missing (Cough! Paris! Cough!)knew she wasn't in danger and may have been using the authorities as "a pawn in the middle of a family game".
ReplyDeleteYou should have stopped after according to TMZ. The girl is forteen and hasn't heard from her grandmother in a week. What game does she need to play? The money is HERS and her siblings' and those broke ass Jacksons wouldn't have crap without those kids. Keep letting those losers feed you crap. You're still scum for writing this mess about kids with only ONE source. You're a pathetic loser and I hope the estate sues your punk ass.
DeleteAnger is a symptom of denial.
Deletewhat a stupid article
ReplyDeleteYour source has to be Randy or Jermaine. Only they would stoop so low as to blame the children for this mess. It's so transparent that they're after the CHILDREN's money. Randy and Jermaine should work for their own money. I'm disgusted by them and this article.
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of crock. Those who knew and worked for MJ, will confirm that he raised his children to be good people - unspoiled, polite and educated.
ReplyDeleteYou just need to look at the footage of Katherine with Paris during the Oprah interview to know how much they respect her and vise versa.
What unfortunate read. Shameful in fact.
Do your research Chicago News. Trent reported her missing, not Paris. Get over your school girl, bitter party and start reporting factual news.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous July 24, 2012, 4:15 a.m., if you think you can tell what a person is really like after watching a short video, you have major issues and I feel sorry for you!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous July 24, 2012, 4:17 a.m., Paris also reported her missing, via Twitter! Next time, get YOUR facts straight!
ROTFL! OMG you are really dense. Trent contacted police who gave him a crime number. Regardless of what Paris tweeted, the initial missing persons report came from him.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, what are you doing following a 14 year olds twitter account .......
So which Jackson convinced you to write this, Randy or Jermaine?
ReplyDeleteFor a start you can't even spell his name right, it's MichAEl not MichEAl. And putting children in quotation marks is ridiculous, if you don't believe they were biologically h11is that's fine, but they were still his legally.
Trent Jackson filed the report not Paris, Trent has confirmed this himself. If you had actually take a minute to do some research before writing this crap you would know that. This reads as some terribly run blog instead of a supposedly proper news website. Go back to journalism school, you're an embarrassment.
why do you put Michael's children in quotes? being a father is not only a biological question! Michael raised those children and he did very well. This article makes no sense, i guess the father is gone you need another jackson to trash... and don't care if it is children. You are pathetic
ReplyDeleteHey dumbass, the money Katherine is receiving from Michael's estate is for looking after the children. If you actually did one second of research you would know the kids can't take advantage of "her" money because it's not hers in the first place, it's their money. Katherine is only getting it because she is their guardian, it's to pay for things for the kids, like their food and clothes.
ReplyDeleteHey, dumber ass, Katherine gets money from MJ's estate... with or without those kids. Next!
ReplyDeleteUntil this latest Jackson drama, every single Jackson who's ever stood in front of a mike has said how wonderful and well behaved these children are. People who have nothing whasotever to gain have said the same. Now, they're suddenly terrible kids because the adults want a stake in an estate their brother deliberately excluded them from. You're allowing yourself to be used by them to the point that you're calling children "spawn". Take the s off the word and see what you are.
ReplyDeleteI told you people that Paris was allegedly involved in the police incident at Katherine's Calabasa, California, home. Now, other so-called reputable websites are confirming my story.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm making things up, how did I know that? Huh?
Of course Paris was involved. The adults who were not allowing her to even speak to her grandmother for a week suddenly appeared to tell her to stop going on twitter and telling the world she wants to talk to Katherine. Why are you not looking at the adults despicable behavior in this drama?
ReplyDelete"Blood is thicker than water". You should check out more how much these folks really care about each other. These brothers were so concerned about each other that one impregnated the other's girlfriend, then had MJ support both sets of children by having them live with Katherine. The Jacksons only care about getting their hands on that estate money and are using whatever method they can to get it, including even having sources badmouth their brother's beloved children, whether they were biologically his or not.
ReplyDeleteHere's some more fat for you naive folks to chew on. Despite the tense situation, Katherine loves those children with all her heart.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason Jermaine and Janet tried to bring the children to Arizona, is because Katherine WANTS to see them.
Otherwise, we've been told that Katherine's circle wants to keep those kids as far away from her as possible.
Are you kiddng? She doesnt speak to them for eight days but now wants them forceaby removed from the home and brought to her in hiding? You must be a Jackson. LOL I can't wait till they go to court and explain everything instead of relying on hacks like the writers of this crap blog to try to spin this situation.
DeleteYeah she loves her "grandchildren" very much. Reading this article, I could feel the"love". LoL
DeleteActually, you're being niave. Doesn't it strike you strange that they want to actually take the children to Katherine, but haven't let them just speak to her on the phone for a week when you're being told they are so belligerent and rude to her that Katherine had to be taken from the home. Wouldn't a phone call be better than a face to face for the stress they are trying to control. They came to take them to get Paris off that twitter as well as get a picture of Katherine with the kids to show all is well. It obviously is not.
ReplyDeleteSo now it's the children's fault their Grandmother took off leaving them with the Nanny? Remove her as guardian and cut her allowace she has been feeding Jermaine and Randy's children on then and give Michael's children to someone who wants them and will not try to use them for money. It's clear for anyone with eyes that this entire situation is because Michael left all of his money to Prince, Paris and Blanket. Get over it Jackson's and get a job.
ReplyDeleteThis article is ridiculous. THOSE ARE HIS CHILDREN. And to suggest otherwise is disrespectful. Legally, he was their father, and those children should be treated as his children. What the family is doing to this is completely unfair. I hope someone has the decency to remove this article. It is NOT ok to blame the children for what the adults in this family have done.
ReplyDeleteSee what u started mr timothy fitz first u posted about having an encounter with a police officer who was trying to pick u up while on duty and he was later charged with abusing police powers which if u were have reported him 10 yrs ago he wouldn't have done more damage and now this tsk tsk
ReplyDeleteThe Greatest Show on Earth!! Michael Jackson is.... Back!
ReplyDeleteI'm so disgusted. I pray that those kids find safety SOMEWHERE.
ReplyDeleteJackson family, God is watching and He will deal with each of you accordingly in this life and the next.
This blog "source" could only have been someone from the "family" ie Randy or Jermaine to have pushed their brother under a bus so ruthlessly! After all, the whole lot of them (bar Prince, Paris and Blanket) have been doing that for years! And for the siblings to now blame the children - how typical! They are not "brats" thanks to Michael's wonderful parenting skills, thank you very much!!! They are Michael's children and don't you forget it!
ReplyDeleteThe only BRATS here are those who signed that letter asking for the Estate Executors to resign! And you know? The Estate Executors are the only ones to actually give a flying FUCK for those kids right now from where I'm looking at it!!
You people are forgetting the woman is 82 years old with teenagers in her care. I don't care if MJ was the perfect parent, teenagers now days are spoiled, get what they want, do what they want and say what they want. It's a tough situation for a person that age. Should she have taken their phone calls? Absolutely. Should she have let them know she was taking a much deserved vacation? For sure. BUT none of us are in that house and none of us have a clue what goes on. Give the woman a break. She has lived a life of chaos and brutality. I'm sorry but Paris seems like a little prima donna who could be very demanding. Whatever the reason for Katherine taking off, none of us will EVER know.
ReplyDeleteI have three teenagers and they don't get, say or do a damn thing unless I tell them to. Depends on who raised you. Every person who's ever been in those kids' company, in the past and recently, say they are respectful, well mannered and polite. So don't put the rotten personalities of kids you know on them.
DeleteI'm not forgetting Katherine's age. Neither am I forgetting her adult children's age. They're all near 50 or already in their 50's & 60's. If they really cared about their mother, they certainly could have found a better way of handling this matter. They have certainly made any tenuous situation much worse. They've behaved more like the adolescent than MJ's children.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It could have been handled much differently, but unless any of you are the age of Katherine Jackson, have lived the life she was subjected to and are RAISING teenage grandchildren, you don't have a clue. I'm taking Katherine's side. The grandkids are NO DIFFERENT than any teenager, I don't care if the POPE had them. As far as her own children, they are the true meaning of the word LEECH but, she has been let around by her husband and those children all her life, it's all she knows. Those adult children have manipulation done to a science. Katherine is the "stepford" wife/mother. ALL the children AND grandchildren should be ashamed of themselves.
ReplyDeleteI’m not going to give Granny a break because she is a steel magnolia and not a shrinking violet. The Jackson’s have chosen to attack Michael’s children so all bets are off and Katherine’s old arse will not be spared. If she can’t meet her obligation as guardian for these children then give them up and allow a competent person to raise them. They need to be removed anyway because Katherine did a terrible job of raising Janet, Rebbie, LA Toilet, Jermaine, Randy, and Tito.
ReplyDeleteYou don’t get to beat up on Michael’s children in order to make Katherine Jackson a saint… She has let her grandchildren down the same way she let their father Michael down. I think she is a horrible old lady and she is on my crap list now. Go back to the Jackson clan and tell them they have FAILED in their pathetic, desperate attempt to blame the children. Know this you fraudulent, pod journalist, Michael’s children will always have my loyalty and the Jackson family can go to hell.
ReplyDeleteYes we all know how manipulative teenagers can be. Just ask that tramp Janet who has said she was having sex at 15 behind her holy mother’s back. Didn’t she also sneak off and get married to one of the Debarge brothers without her parents’ consent? Rebbie’s daughter is a mental case on medication for bi-polar disorder and Jermaine’s son ordered two stun guns off the internet and tried to sting Blanket. GET OFF MICHAEL’S KIDS.
ReplyDeleteMichael Jackson did his family wrong by buying two white children and a Mexican and trying to pass them off as his own. The family is disgusted with the situation, and I do not blame them. These kids are NOT their relatives and why should they inherit everything?
ReplyDeleteBecause those white kids and that Mexican are LEGALLY his heirs and anyone who doesn't like can go to hell.
DeleteShe's a 14 year old girl. This arcticle is pathetic. Paris, Prince and Blanket are MJ's children. Mj's siblings seem butthurt that the world is more interested in MJ3 than J5. Michael Jacksons children deserve every penny their father left to them, and they will do their daddy proud.
ReplyDeleteSo Michael Jacksons oldest kids are what...14 and 16? Wow, I've never heard of a 14 year old girl and a 16 year old boy complaining and asking for new clothes. I mean they must be deranged right? And the 14 year old girl is a smart mouth? Gee, never heard of a 14 year old girl smarting off before..
ReplyDeleteBy the way..the UNO picture is a little wierd. Who would show their cards to each other during an UNO game? And also, if they were playing UNO there would be a stack of draw cards in the middle of the table.
ReplyDeleteThose white kids have a right to act up being forced to live with a tribe of nigs.
ReplyDeleteShut up, moron.
DeleteKatherine Jackson seems like a nice lady, but she must act as a proper guardian for the children, or if they are now too much for her to handle, turn over the duties to someone who can. Leaving Paris worried about her Grandmother is unfair and no way to handle responsibility. And what's with the writer of this article putting "children" in quotes? They are Michael Jackson's children, he and Debbie Rowe were married when the oldest two were born, and legally he is their father. The writer of this story obviously does not like the children. These innocent kids are caught in the middle of a financial fight between the Jackson siblings who were intentionally left out of the will.
ReplyDeleteLet the two white children go to their real father, Arnold Klein. Find out who Blanket's parents are and ship him to them. End of story. These children are NOT part of the family. They better learn it now and stop pretending to be something they are NOT.
ReplyDeleteRetarded troll alert
DeleteKatherine is probably being held against her will, not allowed to talk to her grandkids and the plan to do this was probably set up using the concert as an excuse to get her away from her grandkids. I read somewhere that it's been in the making by Janet, Jermaine & Rebbie for 3 years. On the other hand, maybe she's just plain exhausted at her age with dealing with teenagers. One things for sure, if she can't handle them, NONE of the Jacksons should be given guardianship of those kids. They're all crazy.
ReplyDeleteJust because Jackson didn't "father" those children does not make them any less his.
What a posed picture that card game is.
Is it possible to write something MORE stupid than this... um... article?..
ReplyDeleteYeah, what's more stupid than this article are the people who believe those white kids were fathered by Michael Jackson.
ReplyDeleteEven if they are adopted and not his biologically, nitwit, they are still legally Jacksons. Are you 10?
DeleteThe writer of this article is now posing as a poster (troll) to support his racist agenda and to let everyone know what it really thinks. Nice. Not like it wasn't obvious to start with. Pathetic.
I don't know who your source(s) were, but I have a sneaking suspicion. If raising her kids and all the problems they've caused and surviving marriage to Joe didn't do Katherine in. Then it's not likely Michael's children are the big problem. Truth is her children with their continued drama, are the problem. They still think they are entitled to Michael's estate. They will do whatever it takes to accomplish it. This article was a nasty piece of yellow journalism and anyone who buys into this garbage is a fool.
ReplyDelete1. This isnt Chicago news. Ya know as in "chicagonewsreport.com" ....
ReplyDelete2. Anyone who still cares about this needs to realize the Jacksons give less than a fuck about you and yours. Only idiots care about what happens to these kids or their grandmother.
This is total BS. I bet your source is Randy and Jermaine. Those innocent kids would not do anything to put the health of their grandmother at risk. They are not adopted they his own kids and stop writing this crap. if I am correct about the source they are suggesting by saying Blood is thicker than water that they are not katherine's realy grandchildren. That is BS too. They are out for Michael's money and nothing more. They leeched off him for years instead of supporting their own families. They are evil people and the kids are better off without them
ReplyDeleteHA!! Good luck the Public & MJ's state will never allow the jackson clan to take advantage of MJ's kids WE will NOT!! Good luck trying losers!!!
ReplyDeleteThose are not his children. Everyone knows that Michael was infertile because of what happened at We Are The World! Why did he sing in a separate room from the other performers ??
ReplyDeleteWho cares..
ReplyDeleteParis obviously forgot her age, these are her aunts and uncles she still need to abide by rules. Of course she like grandma better because shes 82 years old and won't argue nor discipline her. These kids are getting over like fat rats, Michael Jackson would have never allowed this! He scolded his children and most of all he wanted them to stay in a child's place and enjoy their youth. Michael would have NEVER approved of his children on twitter or Instagram , u see how private and conservative Michael was?! And he left his children with his mother because he believed she was the one e trusted most and would know how he wanted to raise his children. Those kids didn't get to take those masks off til their father was in his grave...duh! Do the math.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who thinks those kids are 'normal' needs to put the pipe down.
ReplyDeleteNormal kids dont grow up with a father who is one of the most famous/infamous people EVER.
Normal kids dont grow up wearing matching facemasks to protect their identity.
Normal kids dont have 550K followers on twitter.
Normal kids dont have entire family structures that have been polluted with fame and excessive amounts of money.
The fact that this is the most popular topic (by far) is a sad comment on society's priorities/interests.
And ironically enough, most of you dont ever care this much or put this much thought into NORMAL kids...
Open your eyes.
What about the hot mess with James Brown's kids?
ReplyDeleteLooks like you got all the blacks riled up CNR. Anyone with a brain can tell those kids are not biologically his. Also, his children are probably spoiled ruthless brats esp. the girl. She probably triggered the stroke her grandmother had. Good reporting CNR. Don't let these idiots get to you.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous July 25, 2012 4:46 p.m., I would have never written this article if I hadn't spoken to credible sources. So, I'm not worried about my critics.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, I sent Paris Jackson a link to this story, because I wanted her to know that at least one person knows what's really going on. :-)
First of all, biological OR not, Paris, Prince and Blanket are Jackson's. Sorry if they are WHITE kids and the Jackson's are BLACK, but this was the hand life gave all 3 children.
ReplyDeleteSecond- Janet should have smacked Paris ( although some say she did not) for Twittering family business. Stop the madness. Aurora CO, 7/2012? Ummmm. Maybe if his mother, father, aunt, uncle had SMACKED his ass years ago SHIT would have never happened.
Third- Mrs. Jackson is toooo old to raise teenagers and the kids are NOT in Diana's family. Sorry. There are 8 aunt/uncles around so until they are 18, Paris, Prince and Blanket must deal with it.
Fourth- Debbie Rowe is NOT even a factor, so please leave her out.
CNR, your report makes more sense than any of the others and is most credible. Good job!
ReplyDeleteYou have proven how unprofessional you are. You have no journalistic skills. You print poor research and lies. You're not that clever are you? Lol.
ReplyDeletePlease do at least a minimum amount of research. I don't think you're the type who can do thorough research, so i'm asking for just a minimum of fact checking. For your own good. It might get you a slightly better job too.
How insensitive to speak about children's origins be they adoptived or natural....in such an awful way..I feel some are so focused on their own racial sensitivities..they overlook all the disrespect, hurt, criticism and hate they emit.
ReplyDeleteParis was in the right, Janet was in the wrong. Janet has no right to tell Paris what to do or take her property (her phone). The only one who can legally tell the kids what to do is their Grandmother. And why should Paris trust/obey any relative who is contesting her father's will? Paris should have filed for a restraining order against Janet and pressed charges for assault. I'm sorry some people don't like the children because of their appearance (was Michael too light for you too?) but the fact is, Michael Jackson left those children his estate, not his brothers and sisters.
ReplyDeleteAll of this is riduculous, a waste of time. You would think people aroung the world would STOP making those JACKSONS important. Hell they say it all the time "we're just like anyone else, we make mistakes" So stop praising the JACKSONS instead praise yourselves and your own families.To me all this stuff is CRAZY like we know them. I bet they don't lose any sleep thinking about you!!!!!!! The FANS!!!!!!