It's official! Black people hate Lakeview!
Okay... maybe not all black people... but at least one black man has publicly declared his disdain for one of Chicago's most liberal neighborhoods.
Edwin "Gettin-my-shit-together" Ervin, a black man who claims he works in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood, said he was physically assaulted by an "old ass white man" in Boystown.
The alleged racial incident happened Saturday, July 21, 2012, when the purported victim was leaving a neighborhood Walgreens.
According to a post on Ervin's personal Facebook page, an older white male purposely hit him with a bike, called him a thug, and told him to get out of Lakeview.
"I was coming out of Walgreens and this man had AMPLE room to walk on the sidewalk with his bike. The old white man shoved his bike into me then told me I don't belong in this neighborhood and then calls me a thug," said Ervin.
"I just want to say that I officially can't stand the Lakeview neighborhood. I wish I could put every racist person on an island and blow it up," added the obviously offended man.
Although Ervin never uttered a word about it during his July 23, 2012, posting -- in response to a discussion on the Take Back Boystown Facebook page -- Ervin later claimed the white man also called him a nigger.
"This past Saturday I was profiled by an old white man and was told to 'go back to where I belong you Nigger Thug,'" said Ervin.
When a Take Back Boystown contributor pointed out that Ervin never mentioned that the white man called him a nigger on his personal Facebook page, Erivn replied, "I don't have to lie to none of you. Yes i was called a nigger thug and i don't wear baggy clothes."
An old white man assaulted him and called him a "nigger thug" and he did not do or say anything except complain on Facebook? Not very likely story.
ReplyDeleteSounds like normal people in Lakeview have had all they can take with outsiders.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that is very clear with many of them is that they are NOT happy where the CHA has placed them. They know it's not the color of their skin but their actions/practices/words/behavior (or lack thereof) that are raising eyebrows. They don't want to, and most likely can't, assimilate.
Those lousy nigs spend their whole lives "gettintheirshittogether." Why doesn't that "honor roll" nig move back to Englewood with his ghetto mama?
ReplyDeleteThat ugly spook has 373 Facebook "friends" ...ALL of them are spooks...not ONE white person. And who is racist?
ReplyDeleteOne night I was walking behind this black guy about 4" taller than myself. He had that zig-zag swagga/walk going on (so as to avoid a direct hit) and kept looking behind like he was being followed. I really wanted to say "you don't have to do that anymore". You can spot these Section 8 people a mile away and not by color. Maybe he just did something. I dunno.
ReplyDeleteThey are not happy and are taking out their angst in various ways.
I can't help but comment on these observations because I've never experienced anything like this in my entire life. And yes, some of my best friends ARE black.
What is that shine doing in Lakeview anyway? Why does he go where he isn't wanted? We don't go to the ghetto and try to fit in.
ReplyDeleteThat siss hangs out in Boystown because he would get his throat cut in his own nig neighborhood. They don't let gays stay alive.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see the Chicago KKK report still writing excellent articles.
ReplyDelete@ 10:51 - so they then come to the "better" neighborhoods to kill each other.
Stepping out for some organic cupcakes and chicken wangs w/waffles.
Wasn't he/she one of those sisses in the IHOP video...the one with the Cher hair weave?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"Glad to see the Chicago KKK report still writing excellent articles."
Glad to see liberal lies die a slow death.
Congrats to the white guy who called a thug a thug. He should be Mayor.
ReplyDeleteHis momma "Pookie" was a crackho welfare bitch who shit out litters of nigs.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's about fucking time "WE THE PEOPLE" stood up against these low life fucking scum bags !!!
ReplyDeleteThose ignorant chimps NEVER move to give someone else room on the sidewalk. They have the manners of gutter rats. I'm sure he was blocking some white guy's access to the store when he was told off and he deserved it.
ReplyDeleteWhy do the darkies always keep to the left while walking on the sidewalk? This isn't the UK, India, or Thailand. Stay to your right. I know you don't want to conform to normal society, but some unwritten laws are actually good.
ReplyDeleteAs a side note, why do the darkies walk soooo slow and are always spitting on the sidewalk? I typically add 10 minutes on to my travel time because somewhere there will be a black person slowing me down.
Can you change the URL? This is not news. Should be the "chicagoopinionreport.com"
ReplyDeleteIf he had been called nigger he would've been screaming about it from go. Maybe someone called him a thug and told him to get out of the neighborhood because people are sick and tired of blacks attacking whites.
I'm ready for white posse's to start patrolling. If someone wants to organize it I'm 230, work out and can more than handle myself. I'm ready to fight back.
If this idiot was called ****** that would have been the first thing out of his big racist mouth. He's full of sheet.
ReplyDelete@anon 2:12 .
ReplyDeleteGood idea in spirit but the nigs always avoid packs or "patrols". I think a different approach would be needed. Cat and mouse games or something. When I was younger we always used to have the smallest guy start the fight...
So maybe send one 'plant' like a smaller framed guy/girl to walk alone down a back street where the nigs will follow. When they do, turn the tables with a surprise or swarm attack. If you
1. Catch nigs off guard and
2. Conront them with equal or greater numbers
they will never win.
I just moved to Chicago and so far, nearly everyone I've encountered/read about/seen on the news here has managed to appall me. Those committing all this crime AND the assholes like you (all of the above) on this "news" site, making the most horrible comments. Race and crime can't be ignored, I'm not naive,but you all are proving yourself to be just as much low-life scumbags. I moved here from Boston; I'm not some small-time townie who doesn't know how to handle herself. This city is absolutely beautiful and has so much to offer; it's too bad assholes are ruining it. And I'm talking about these thug criminals, your laughable and corrupt police department AND you assholes on this very board when I refer to assholes, just FYI, not sure if you caught that. You're pissy wining and racist remarks on a message board do nothing to get your city out of the gutter it's in. Sad, really.
ReplyDeleteProposal to fix?
Delete@6:54...you must be either a nig or a nig lover/coalburner. If you "just moved" here, you haven't had your turn at being mugged by a jungle savage nig yet. Just wait. It WILL happen. The come back and tell us how much you love them.
ReplyDelete@6:54, thanks for the comments. Go elsewhere if you do not like this blog. As a long-time resident, I appreciate the focus on crime in my neighborhood and I also appreciate the free-speech forum for everyone (including you) to contribute without being censored.
ReplyDeleteTake out your iPhone, put in some ear buds and wait for the Red Line at the Chicago stop this weekend. Make sure to let the honor students you encounter know you're appalled by the reaction of whites to the last several years of one sided (black on white) mob attacks. Let them know that the mean people on this message board are saying cruel things about them. Warn them that there seem to be some white men willing to fight back so they might want to watch out if they run into a group of aggressive white guys who aren't intimidated by their posturing and thug culture. Let them know we're the real problem.
After you get stitched up let me know if you've changed your mind.
@6:54, The only thing you are right about in your comment is "this city is beautiful and has so much to offer". Too bad we can't enjoy what it has to offer because we are HUNTED by some in the black culture bent on ruining the entire city!
ReplyDeleteYou "just" moved here? You don't have enough time under your belt to tell those of us who have lived here a life time and watched our neighborhoods become increasingly dark and threatening,anything. You don't know yet what it's like to constantly be looking over your shoulder for fear of being mugged, robbed, raped and injured. You'll learn though, and then will be one of the many people on this blog who have become racist because of some in the black culture. Go back to Boston, we don't need another bleeding heart here.
Why are so many of you "Meshicans" complaining about the blacks? Other than putting your diseased and uncut weiners in the manure filled cracks of queers, why are you in Lakeview? Wait, that's what Lakeview is here for! Nevermind.
ReplyDeleteDoes the publisher of this website advertise on white supremacist sites or something? Seriously, how do all of the backwoods racists come together to post their semi-literate incitements to violence on this one piddly site? It's not even good for a laugh anymore; it's too predictable. I'm just wondering honestly how you all found this website, and if there is some collective pact to pounce on anyone who calls out the white supremacism on display.
ReplyDeleteI am already anticipating the "blacks are racist" response, so please forgo that and address my question.
Johnny go suck AIDS infected nig dick with yo momma.
ReplyDeleteHey Johnny I've got a serious question for you. Is it racist to want groups of blacks to stop traveling from their neighborhood's to my neighborhood and attacking white people? Looking for a serious answer.
ReplyDeleteIf wanting that is racist then I guess I'm a racist.
What now?
Who raised you people talking like this about Black folks? I happen to be friends with some fabulous Blacks who are lawyers, doctors, and professors. All of whom worked very hard for their achievements, more than all of you will ever accomplish combined. Amazing how you self-hating people have to say these things to make yourselves feel better. Don't blame others for your failures! If you loved your own lives, you would not be focusing your energy on hating others for their skin color. Have a nice night!!!
ReplyDeleteIm sorry but black people have been terrorizing our neighborhood for years now. What goes around comes around. 95% of crime in lakeview is commited by black males. Just sayin...
ReplyDeleteIf you really want to talk about who has been committing crimes the longest, let's talk about white people. White people came to this country and stole it from the Natives. They raped them, robbed them and then enslaved them. This has been going on for centuries. Blacks are the products of their environment, whats the excuse for white people's ignorance...fear?
ReplyDeleteWhites have always dominated inferior races because they are genetically smarter and superior. It's a fact. Get over it. Nigs will always be a subhuman species no matter how white they try to be. They cannot survive without handouts from whites because they are just jungle animals who destroy everything.
ReplyDeleteHi friends, it's the Bostonian who commented earlier!
ReplyDeleteI lived in St. Louis before Boston, and let me tell you, I'm well aware of racial tensions as they relate to crime. I know the staggering proportion of crime being perpetrated by young African-American males in urban communities. You're not saying anything I don't already know. What has taken me by surprise, however, is seeing that story after story, comment after comment, it's clear most of you spend your time here talking about "not having the fear to do something about it." I'm gonna wager a guess that you've done nothing. Tell me, what exactly is it that you've done about it? Spewing slurs on this piece of shit blog doesn't count, sorry. And while some of your comments nearly move me to LOL in amusement, it's mostly at the irony of calling segments of the population uneducated while naming yours superior in what can only be called a string of poorly composed word vomit. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.
What change do your epithets bring? Yes, by all means, get upset that this is happening in your community, but after that, put your big-boy pants on and shut up long enough to do something besides whining. Oh, but then that would mean you'd have to pull away from your precious World of Warcraft sessions and reruns of "My Name is Earl." Never mind. As you were.
As I said, the trash committing these crimes are spineless assholes, but so are you if this is the extent of your effort to "do something."
And it matters little if I'm from here or if I'm new here. I'm here now; a raw, unjaded perspective, littering actual logical thought onto your silly blog hangout. I get it' it's uncomfortable and the truth hurts. Which is why I won't take any of your choice comments from earlier personally ;)
Hey Boston transplant... still waiting for you to take out the iPhone at the Chicago stop and get back to me after that St. Louis Dog Town and lace-curtain Boston ass of yours gets out of the hospital.
ReplyDeleteYou know you're awfully smug and for someone against painting the races with a broad brush you seem willing to make a few whole-cloth assumptions about the diverse posters here.
And if you think you're going to out thesaurus someone here with your liberal arts education I'm right here for you smart ass.
Well-put, Boston! Too bad these WT hilljacks won't understand half of your words. ( too many syllables).
ReplyDeleteNot well put. Not well put at all. It's the same condescending and reflexive response given to any white person that begins to feel the frustration of constant and increasing minority violence. The attempt is to insinuate that any person who recognizes the increasing risk presented by minority criminals in their community is stupid and the language used is an attempt to shame back into the PC narrative.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Boston transplant suggesting we do rather than post here? What does he mean by "do something about it"? Is he suggesting that we conspire with a group of 8-10 friends and travel the length of the city to find an easy victim of another race and attack that person? Is he suggesting that we walk around in an attempt to become a victim and then when out numbered and without the element of surprise "fight back"? Is he suggesting we volunteer in some worthless social program in an attempt to mentor the next generation in an attempt to preemptively remove criminals from the Red Line? Not well put at all.
In fact it's textbook, PC mantra BS. There's already the expectation that not only are we supposed to follow the law, go to work and pay our taxes but now we're supposed to understand that the underprivileged minority has it really tough so we should be forgiving when they're responsible for damn near 100% of violent crime in this city. Apparently getting sick of it is ok as long as it's done... how Mr. Boston transplant? I mean you said racial violence is not new to you. So what's the suggestion tough guy? Clearly articulating your frustration on an internet forum isn't the way to do it. What is then? I'll stop watching "My Name is Earl" and follow your suggestion. What is it? Tell me. Concrete suggestion... go!
The criminals have the upper hand here. They know the jail is so overcrowded that even if caught for a simple mob ass kicking they aren't spending any time in jail. Anyone who has seen the 9am call at Grand and Central knows these scumbags roll in grinning knowing every one of their cases is going to be dismissed. Here honest, law abiding citizens are made criminals if they attempt to even the odds when attacked (remember you're already out numbered by the group that is younger, more experienced in violence and has an attack game plan) by arming themselves.
Maybe you don't have investment in your neighborhood the way some of us who've been here more than a minute do? Maybe your a lockstep liberal who wants to wait until the city is overrun and there is an evacuation ala Saigon Embassy? I don't know or care. But you're "well put" sentiment is classroom, PC bullshit and has no practical application.
You tried to sound smart. You just sounded young and naive.
Yep. I am pretty young (not necessarily a bad thing, IMO) and I may be naive. But I'm pretty damn engaging, eh?
ReplyDeleteAnd it's funny you assume I'm a "Mr." when in my earlier post I made it clear I'm a woman. Thanks for tuning in...
To be fair, I commend those of you who really do sit and think about how to make your communities better (it's a beast of a problem, there are no easy solutions, but hate speak isn't one of them, I assure you.) The majority of the posters here are making the rational minority of the rest of you look bad. The rational minority here should be just as upset as I am with the racist comments here because it undermines anything you're trying to do or say.
And the person who keeps waiting with bated breath for my impending assault as some sort of welcome to Chicago, thanks. Thanks a lot. So the only way for me to see it your way is to wish harm upon me? Is that your brilliant comeback? You've used it twice now. And against a woman? Such a gentleman you are!
-From Boston With Love xoxo
So Ms. Smug you pointed out I got your gender wrong and that you took my hyperbolic suggestion to go to the location of frequent black on white mob attacks as my desire for you to be injured but didn't address the substance of my post. Disingenuous much? You're both condescending and deliberately obtuse. Nice. I'm sure you have a Professor somewhere who is proud. I suppose last week you were posting somewhere that Daniel Tosh should lose his show for making a rape joke.
ReplyDeleteNow back to the important part. You didn't answer my direct question so I'll ask it again. HOW DO WE FIGHT BACK? (looks at watch)
And you aren't as smart or funny as you imagine. You're just a troll w/ a B.A. picking on what you assume are easy targets. That makes you a bully. You think you're open minded and progressive but your not. You're just as closed minded as the people here you're trying to poke fun at.
/not an easy target
I agree, the problem is monstrous. Staggering. It makes me upset, and as a single woman, frightened, but I don't feel moved to use slurs. I don't know or pretend to know what's to be done. More police? Well, that's costly. Programs? I agree, teaching inner-city youth vocational skills that will make them minimum wage doesn't hold the allure of making a living selling drugs, burglarizing or robbing. Are you asking me what's to be done because you truly care about your city and want a fresh perspective, or is it because you want to see me agree that the problem is a thorny motherf***er that has no easy answer so that you can say "HA!"?
ReplyDeleteWelp, it's a thorny motherf***er that has no easy answer. Satisfied?
I've never said, "Here, do this and all your problems will be solved." What I have been reiterating is that the hate speech on this board will get us nowhere. What does calling someone a "nig" actually do? I'm honestly curious as to what the rationale is.
You might not find me funny or smart, but I personally tend to ignore those I find idiotic and lame. Yet you rather seem to like having a dialogue with me. So maybe you just don't mind wasting time with people you find unfunny and stupid, but gosh, isn't that a waste of time? Why continue to engage someone you find obtuse? ("Obtuse" is a great word, BTW. People don't use it enough. I might agree with most of what you've said, but I do enjoy your vocab.)
I do despise Daniel Tosh. And trust me, it was LONG before the rape joke incident...
You ignore those you find idiotic? Then what the hell are you doing on this forum? Pick a lane. You're all over the road.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for you to articulate what it is that the "My Name is Earl" and "World of Warcraft" crowd should be doing after they put on their "big boy" pants. It seems you don't know or care what they should do as long as it doesn't involve language you find offensive. Am I close? If so you might as well go see some esoteric, flaccid, emo band and leave the real issues to the adults.
I don't choose to use that type of language. But that doesn't mean that true concern about rampant crime in previously safe neighborhoods has many people who don't speak that way concerned enough to put language aside and realize if they have to choose between racist language and neighborhoods filled with criminals the lesser of two evils is bigoted, criminal record-less dullards who aren't going to mob up and jump them for fun.
When I was younger I might have been inclined to language police those I looked down on as backward but I have loved ones to protect now. Sticks and stones baby, sticks and stones. What will hurt me is a group of black guys from 75th and Vincennes who travel to the north side looking for white people to attack. Pick your battles young lady. That racist white guy you're mocking might be the only one who has your back when you end up being the one looking at a mob who know they aren't going to do more than an overnight unless they kill you.
This is the real world and PC notions of what's right don't mean squat.
I was linked to this site from another blog about Chicago News. I had never heard of it and thought it was reputable (it looks the part).
ReplyDeleteThen I read the garbage that is it's content. A giant step backwards for humankind. Though, I do find it hilarious the way this article is written and the language used, compared to a couple others I read where there is a white victim and black perp. This will be the last story I read here.