Saturday, June 2, 2012

VIDEO: 'Humboldt Park bitch' goes on Near North Side rampage!

A "woman", described as "Humboldt Park trash", was caught on video making a complete fool herself.

In a YouTube video uploaded on May 29, 2012, a enraged "woman" was filmed creating a scene on the 1100 block of North State Street, on Chicago's Near North Side.

At one point, the "woman" was sitting in the front of a taxicab and appeared to be trying to destroy the dashboard; while three men stood by, wondering what to do.

When she finally exited the vehicle, a man, presumably the cabdriver, asked the woman for money. To which she replied, "Fuck you nigga! Nigga, you talkin' to a Humboldt Park bitch, nigga!"

Then, the short, manly female pushed the man, nearly knocking him off  his feet.

As if that weren't bad enough, the "woman" started making noises like a wild animal... smacked a nearby business' sign with her hand... and threw a garbage can!

That Humboldt Park bitch's parents must be very proud of her! 


  1. Wow she sounded like a wildebeest!

  2. All 3 of them should have choked the hell out of her until the cops came.

    It's your drugs and alcohol here though, Chicago. Never seen this consistent behavior elsewhere.

    Halsted Street was an absolute mess Friday night before 1:00 am (similar situations). All I wanted to do was cross it to get to the store.

    I know times are hard but the bartedners are just going to have to cut them off (and get your drug dealers off your streets too).

    Subhuman behavior (on many levels and from many sides).

  3. I assume she also "dont know notting bout no gangs"

  4. Every third word she says is "nigga", which makes no sense for a number of reasons...what a waste of skin

  5. I'd very simply have laid her out with one punch the moment she laid a hand on me.

  6. OMG! WTF! She was in a bad mood before she got wasted and now taking it out on everyone/everything in her way! I wonder if she remembers all this when she woke up hung over in jail?!

  7. The MTV/rap culture is destroying our society, even non-blacks are embracing TNB and acting out. It's so generic. Whenever I walk past 2 North State there is always some schvartze selling a (c)rap cd badly self manufactured and likely has a virus on it. If they gave me one and gave ME $5, I might break it in half and then shove it up their @$$. Oh boy, I get to hear about gangsters, pimps, dope and hoes! Killin' da whyte man!!
    No black I've ever seen aspires to be an engineer or anything useful, just bakkaball, feetsball or rappin'. Can we declare them an evolutionary dead end, yet? Because that's what they are.
    Well, when China buys us out bi*ches like this as well as the schvarftzes will either go back into the cotton field, or get dumped in the ocean as fish food.


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