Friday, February 3, 2012

VIDEO: 'How segregated is Chicago?'

A series of YouTube videos asked everyday Chicagoans from different races and ethnic backgrounds one question: How segregated is Chicago?

An older, white gentlemen named Jim Thomas said he can remember a time when there were separate restrooms for blacks and when blacks had to sit at the back of the bus.

"That doesn't exist anymore. That is definitely an improvement," he said.

28-year-old Monique Cooper, an African American resident from Chicago's Austin neighborhood, said segregation is still part of the reality of living in Chicago.

"Do segregation still exist? Of course it still exist," said Cooper. "We see it in the neighborhoods... you got Polish people living in one neighborhood, African Americans living in another neighborhood, so of course it's segregation."

Ivan Perez, a Hispanic man from Humboldt Park, said he sees signs of racial and ethnic division everywhere.

"I see it in my daily life. Everywhere: On the bus, the train, at work. Everybody's still in cliques," said Perez.

Photo and video courtesy of YouTube user ChicagoReport1972.


  1. That fat nigger bitch is a good example of who I don't want as a neighbor. Why can't those subhuman ignorant apes learn to speak English? She says "Do segregation still exist?" and then wonders why decent white humans hate her.

  2. Does anyone understand what the spic is trying to say? "Cliques" on buses and trains? WTF? I grab an available seat if there is one. I didn't know the buses and trains have spic sections and spook sections and white sections...although that would be wonderful.

  3. And Segregation is for a _ V E R Y _ G O O D _ REASON too.

    You can SEE THAT REASON "on the bus, train, at work........."

  4. Is it the usual scruffy looking students making videos for school doing this survey? Those kinds of kids are unbelievably stupid. They're from sheltered backgrounds and don't know a thing. They act like they're making major discoveries.

  5. good thing we still live segregated i wouldnt like a fucking cracker red face hippie living in my neighborhood or a loudmouth porch monkey i like to live amongst my hispanic people mexicans puerto ricans salvadoreans colombians the most beautiful people with alot of culture

  6. Before I found this blog I had no idea there were so many racist morons in Chicago. Thanks for the eye-opening experience, CNR!

  7. Fashion advice for the bald beardo weirdo guy: Shave the rest of your hair off goddammit, it would look better. Also trim up that beard, show some kind of grooming for fuck's sake.

  8. What is with the "I'm bald so I will grow a full beard and nobody will notice..." look?

  9. The spook looks like a baboon wearing a weave.

  10. Answer: Not nearly enough.
    Not a day goes by do I not chase off some scamming nigger from a retail establishment.

  11. "the voluntary act of separating oneself from other persons on the basis of one of the enumerated grounds does not constitute segregation"
    Stop throwing that term around...Segregation applies to institutional discrimination / separation of races! When white people refuse to live around blacks, it is NOT SEGREGATION it is SELF PRESERVATION.

  12. I am glad I don't have to live with poor White American trash!I am of mixed race, Black and French. I am rich, beautiful, smart, and can afford to live in one of Chicago's most expensive building with fabulous residents. How do you White trash people feel about the fact that I AM above you? You are a bunch of losers with ten dollars in your bank account! Sucks to be you! I have to get my good night sleep because I am off to Greece in the morning! Ta Ta!

  13. That old guy seems to be a feeble minded, weak old fuck, I'm sure he was stupid when he was young and it's even worse now.

  14. @10:16PM
    Now French is a race? You are just another ignorant nigger.

  15. Were these made by that same idiot or group of idiots that made that incompetent video about Rogers Park last year?
    They not only got their facts wrong, but when they showed "Rogers Park", they were actually showing that stretch of Broadway between Granville & Devon, which is in Edgewater.
    After a day or so of relentless attacks on it for all the mistakes, the video was made private & we couldn't see it anymore.

  16. these stupid cause-joining kids from highland park are the first to send their kids to private school when they grow-up, get mugged, and realize their inculcated life misdirected them into making stupid fucking videos.

  17. From what I've learned after 6 years in Shitcago, no black people are allowed north of downtown and all White people are rich. Welcome to 1952 (aka Chicago).

  18. (And "latino" hoes getting rammed for cash money 3 nights a week with their windows open b but using their flag as a window covering in one of the "better" neighborhoods are "cultured"). I didn't even know what Modelo was until picking up the empty cans - daily - that they pitch out the window. I passed over the border into Nogales ONCE. Never again. They've arrived.

  19. Oh, and I thought I'd give it a try with this "latino lover" macho thing and see what it's all about (lite skinned cuban which are better than the puerto ricans which are better than the messikans, blah, blah). He humped on the back of my leg and came in 5 seconds before I could even tell him to stop - twice. She obviously didn't have a "latin lover" in the building next door cuz they were going for at least 20 minutes.

    P.S. He's now unemployed in this land of opportunity.

  20. All you poor,ugly White trash losers need to get a life!!! How does it feel to be a complete failure in life? To be White and to know that even the rich Whites hate your poor ass!! You stupid waste of space hillbillies.

  21. What's the purpose of these videos? What is the "filmmaker" trying to prove - that Chicago is segregated?

    Besides he not understanding what segregation means, or realizing that all races & ethnicities CHOOSE to self-segregate, this db doesn't realize that nobody will view this little video series with any respect, because anybody with half a brain will recognize that this is an agenda driven piece of "work" and this "survey" was done with its conclusion already in mind.


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