Instead acting like civilized human beings, two grown men decided to turn a commuter train into their own personal stage.
The passengers on a South Side CTA Red Line train near 87th Street were literally held captive while two pillars of the community rapped about oral sex and anal penetration.
One of the classy participants involved in this public display of ignorance paused during the performance and spit food on the floor.
The really sad part is that most of the people caught on camera, including the so-called women, seem to enjoy this obnoxious sideshow.
We feel sorry for the respectable citizens who have to ride the train with this hot, ghetto-mess on a daily basis.
shortly after the video endded, Poo-flinging bgan. Several commuters were struck with airborne, aids-tainted, grape pop & cheetos poo-poo.
ReplyDelete....and sunflower seed shells.
ReplyDeleteI swear to God there is something mentally wrong with black people. I mean, just look at this video! What reasonable person would find this buffoonery entertaining? Disgusting!
ReplyDeleteThese ape-lookin jungle savages complain about not being offered jobs...who would hire these ignorant spooks?
ReplyDeleteRap music is one of the worst nigventions ever. I urge all of you humans to stop consuming it. History will look back upon this time period with shame because white people ate this hateful noise up,
ReplyDeletePublic transportation is consistently turned into a bad experience by all these blacks who just love to be public nuisances and tear everything up. This is all they are good for, destroying everything they come into contact with. Absolutely no consideration for others, that's their nature.
ReplyDeleteI want to open a strip club and only hire "honor students" as dancers. Its going to be called "Girl-illas"
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePhoebe, how would you feel if that moron in the baseball cap spit food all over your floor? How would feel if there were people like that living next door to you? Stop looking at everything through your liberal-colored lenses and see things for what they REALLY ARE.
ReplyDeleteDamn Lincoln for freeing them....
ReplyDeleteReporting the misbehavior of negroes is denounced as racist, but the actual behavior is not denounced at all. Just reporting the facts is bad. Negroes have ruined public transportation, that's a fact.
ReplyDeleteReinforcing negative stereotypes is never helpful.
ReplyDeleteLincoln actually had a plan to send them all to other countries as Phase II of his plan, so actually John Wilkes Booth was a traitor who didn't let Lincoln finish what he started.
ReplyDeleteBlacks are vile, stupid and loud. They ruin it when they actually go to nice restaurants, as they don't understand the dining experience, it is just feeding time for animals. Not just American blacks, I was in Noodles and company and some nigerian booty scratcher was barking out something in pop click language and it jarred me and I took my food to go after that.
Phoebe is a n-i-g-g-e-r lover.
ReplyDeleteThe guy on the left has some talent. Clearly he wins. Get that dude a record deal pronto!
ReplyDeleteBeing the best rapper is the same as being the best dump-taker. It's really no talent at all.
ReplyDeletethe guy in the blue was actually pretty good but my WHITE friend from the suburbs would destroy him....
ReplyDeletePhoebe - what's your problem with this report? Are you OK with the behavior seen on this video? Like another commentor asked, how would you feel if you were on this bus, being forced to listen to this vulgarity, while one of the performers spit food at you?
ReplyDeleteIf you look at this thread again, please reply to this. I'm really interested to hear how you feel this type of behavior in public, on public transportation, is acceptable.
Otherwise, any valid point you may have been making is wasted by your "quick comment & go" attitude.
Who cares about Phoebe, doing a google search of her handle on here, it will take about 0.29 seconds (per google) to ID who she is.
ReplyDeleteAmong other things, she's an amateur journalist who online defends the "rights" of accused criminals in the name of "journalistic integrity.”
It was nice to see the CNR editors blast her a new one when she tried to play the grammar police in an article on here in November, looks like it kept her from commenting (well, at least using her traditional handle on here) for about two months. Though she claims to live in Rogers Park area & apparently uses this blog as a source for local news.
She also espouses the wonderful values that racial diversity and integration has brought to certain area communities. I don’t know anything about the suburb she claims to have grown up in, so won’t comment on that, but I do know that diversity in formerly middle class neighborhoods in the city proper, places like, Austin, Englewood, and Humbolt Park, has turned places that were once wonderful areas to raise a child into gang-infested hellholes that most respectable citizens fled years ago. You know what, Phobe? I don’t care if my neighbors look like me, but I do care that they act like me, as in, act like respectable, responsible adults.
On other sites, she goes off on the accusations that the North Avenue and Oak Street Beach closings last summer were really done because of black teen flash mobs. She claims that, until she is shown proof, that those accusations are by racist “white boys from the suburbs.” Here’s a thought, Phoebe – go to those beaches yourself on a hot summer afternoon, and observe the barbaric, animalistic behavior that you claim doesn’t exist. Though I think if she did go down there, she would just bury her head in the sand & then tell the world that she saw nothing, which technically would be true.
Phoebe, the commentors on here don’t have a problem with all black people – we have a problem with the highly visible generation of 13 to 30 year old gangbanging, drug dealing, uneducated blacks who are terrorizing not only the neighborhoods in which they live, but other neighborhoods throughout the city. I work with plenty of educated, middle class, family oriented black people who hate these thugs as much as I do, and frankly can call them the N-word all day long without repercussion, which political correctness prohibits me from doing.
She does apparently have a cute dog, though. So I’ll give her props for that.
I was a intelligent kid early on, and I remember when rap first hit big in the Midwest in the early 1980's. I watched the members of my generation progressively get worse and worse consuming the disgusting rap culture until by the time they were ready to drop out or barely graduate they became absolute useless wastes of air.
ReplyDeleteThis the "art" that black people always wanted to create when they were still slaves, you can drive through the Southside and Uptown and Austin/Garfield Park and you can see what black people wanted to do with their freedom. It's nothing but violence and misery.
It makes me sick every time one of those Madea movies comes out and I see Tyler "closet homo" Perry gleefully smiling and abusing other black people. That is the true face of Africanus.
Actually I have a problem with 50-70 year old doddering f-u-c-k black men wandering the streets of Chicago. It's the same routine everytime, like Groundhog day.
ReplyDeleteThey spot a white person, or other human, crack a gleaming smile with their rotten yellow monkey teeth, and start the pitch for some change.
If only some crazy Iraqi war vet would flip out at the endless supply of monkey beggars, I would cheer that motherf-u-c-k-er on, I'd buy him a beer before they hauled him off to the pokey.
HI PHOEBE!!!!!!!!!! Hows your dog???? Wooooohooo! Yeeeeeha! Phoebe is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteWell I'm glad to see that Phoebe is an adult and chose to answer my questions about her issues with this article or this blog
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting it is the 'liberal' that has the courage to post under her actual name.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you do 'big bigot anonymous' spend your time trolling for excuses for your bigotry?
For every obscene anything i have seen by a person of color i have seen 10 by white males in the same demographic.
If your rhetoric didn't create atmospheres that allow for racial violence my guess is engaging with you would be a waste of time because you are so stuck in your self righteous unexamined self that an effort to get through to you is an exercise in futility.
Above poster: So at least ten times you've seen a pair of white guys "rapping" obscenities back & forth on a bus while spitting food on the floor?
ReplyDeleteTen times you've seen white guys shooting up the streetcorners in Uptown at Christmas for two weeks, leaving 2 dead, at least 6 injured, and countless innocent civilians terrified?
Ten times you've seen white teen flash mobs surround, beat, and mug the women, the elderly, and infirm? Or ten times you've seen white teen flash mobs take over a store and in an instant, destroy, loot and flee, causing thousdands of dollars in damage? Though with your 10-1 ratio, that means you must have seen that scene at least 150 times in Chicago just last summer.
Look up what happened at Mall of America on the day after. Christmas last year. Or in Milwaukee at the WI state fair last year around July 4th. Or in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Baltimore, Oakland or any number of other places last summer. And tell me you saw that happen with white kids even ONCE, much less ten times the amount of violent, racist attacks by those black kids.
No, 1159 am today, its deniers & ebablers like YOU whose rhetoric permits this sh!t to happen. YOU blame the real victims of this behavior, instead of calling out the community that not just allows, but encourages, it to happen. And unless you are one of them, too, you are so stuck in YOUR self righteous self that until you become a victim (and at this rates, that's a "when," not an "if) of them, getting through to you is simply futlie.
Once you've been victimized, you too will wake up. I just hope you aren't left with any permanent damage, or worse.
I'm really waiting of the day white people take their country back and just eject f u ckwads like this from all of our public places.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if these unhappy white people do go back to their own country. Racist is so played out, get a new hobby. If you are proud of what you're saying post it under your name. Don't sit and make goofy comments about people and their dog. If you are so fed up then leave. That's why it's America. Please stop acting like white people don't commit some of THE BIGGEST crimes and do some of the sickest things to their own families and children. Start wars and kill other peoples children. Grown up, read about your own history of taking land, taking people, taking resources. Then you will understand how we learned from "The matser"
ReplyDeleteWhite people do commit horrible crimes, but by and large you are safe to walk through our neighborhoods. You need not fear sudden violence in our presence. By and large we are polite on public transportation and in public places.
ReplyDeleteWhenever you are in a black neighborhood, or see a pack of blacks bopping and jiving down the street, especially if they are laughing and smiling, you know that sudden violence will soon follow.
Yesterday at 252 pm nailed it.
ReplyDeleteNobody is saying white collar crime, corruption, political cronyism/nepotism, etc, are not bad things. They are, and they happen in white communities as much as or more than in minority communities.
HOWEVER, those aren't the crimes that are destroying our city on a daily basis. When I walk outside of my building in Streeterville, I don't worry that the 75 y/o lawyer in the next unit will white collar me. Or that the 55 y/o banker in the penthouse will corrupt me.
The problem is the random violence, like muggings, armed robberies, carjackings, etc, that are committed in exponentially higher proportion here by blacks than by anybody else -70% of all violent crime arrests in Chicago are of perps "self-described" as black; or the remaining 30% of arrests for violent crime, half of those people "self-describe" as mixed - though everybody would call them black, too. So that means I'm five to six times more likely to be the victim of an aggravated assault by a black person, than I am of a person of all other races combined, including white, latino & asian.
So go ahead, black apologists, store-front reverends, crime pimps, and white idiots who live in a fantasy land and believe that all people act equally. Go ahead & try to distract from the real issue by saying, "oh whites commit all of these awful crimes." As long as the blacks and their "leaders" continue to try to deflect attention from the real issues, and as long as idiot whites will buy the sh!t that's being sold to them by these criminal pimps as truth, there will never be progress here.
Just like with 12 step programs for addicts, admitting the problem is the first step to fixing it. Until the black community wakes up and acknowledges that an entire generation of 13-30 y/o bastards are terrorizing the city, no progress will be made.
You would be SHOCKED how many white people would be willing to support black leaders who actually came out & spoke the truth.
Oh and to reply to the comments from the bleeding hearts on here RE: anonymous postings, people like me who understand & see the truth are FORCED to do so because of people like you, who will immediately start pointing the finger & screaming "racism" at any white person who is willing to speak the truth about what is happening here in minority (well, really just the black) communities.
ReplyDeleteThis means that, instead of being able to openly have a dialogue, people like me, other commentors on here who share my point of view, and even the blog editors, have to hide behind the shield of anonymity. Otherwise, we face potential repercussions from the media & other liberal machines that are quick to call white people racists, while ignoring the realities of what communities are tearing apart our city. I really, really wish I could be open with everybody about my observations & what I’ve learned living here, but I cannot risk my career. In the city of Chicago, it would be very easy to get ostracized professionally by the political machines that don’t want to acknowledge the truth that is staring them in the face daily.
Even black professionals I work with (and I work in a field that requires both undergraduate & graduate degrees, as well as extremely difficult state certification to be able to practice), know better than to express their opinions on the ghetto culture on the south side, except when in private. I can’t risk my career by allowing the yahoo liberals & store front reverends to drag my name through the mud and paint me publicly as a bigot, and the blacks I work with cannot afford to be labeled an “Uncle Tom” by other blacks who prefer to see the status quo unchanged.
You bigots have effectively closed off the debate, by instead of offering answers or asking to work together, painting with the racist brush anybody who is willing to speak the truth, which is the first step towards change.
Remember, kids, this is what art black people had inside them all those hundreds of years that we oppressed them. They had beautiful lyrics and melodies lurking just below the surface, if only whitey could stop making them pick their cotton and whipping them.
ReplyDeleteThis is what they always wanted.
It was a joy to hear, just like the first time I heard "Stairway to Heaven", that good.
Let's review:
ReplyDelete1. These kids acted inappropriately so all blacks should go back to Africa.
2. Rap music turns kids into criminals, the same way rock music makes people sex maniacs, heavy metal causes kids to worship Satan & Marilyn Manson caused columbine.
3. Black people look like monkeys.
4. The only people willing to admit that there is a problem with crime in black communities is the people calling them monkeys.
5. 100% of violent crimes are committed by blacks.
6. If a person expresses these opinions in this city he/she is looked down upon, not because these opinions are stupid, but because of a vast black/liberal conspiracy to silence independent thinkers.
The more you know*
I do not, do not understand rap's enduring popularity.
ReplyDeleteI do like some "ugly" music like Korn and Tool, but it's expressing genuine human angst and it is not entirely without melody.
Rap is just people talking trash over a beat, save for maybe Rage against the machine and some dance songs with tastes of rap flavor in them.
As a human being I want to avoid ugliness and hostility, and enjoy beautiful things, rap for the most part is completely against those values that I hold.
Word of advice: If the train car is more than 50 percent "Yoofs", get on another car or wait for another train.
ReplyDeleteYou'll thank me later.
Disapproving of this behavior and saying that this is ridiculous is not racist but using such hurtful language is racist and just because people like this exist doesn't mean that I should be punished by having to endure racism and its consequences simply because my skin is the same color which I have no control over. I am not those guys and those guys are not me.I have 2 college degrees, I'm bilingual and I barely even gets interviews in Chicago but some kid from Ohio who knows nothing about Chicago can move here and find a job almost immediately. I feel like I can't do normal things like have a beard, wear a beanie and carry a backpack on the train without someone thinking I'm homeless or being able to go out at night anywhere up north without being asked if I had pot to sell. I once tried to tell some girl that her purse was open and i just saw a bum reach into it but she when I tried to get her attention she pretended like she didn't see or hear me because I guess she assumed I wanted something. I was just trying to help her out. Chicago is by far the most racist place I've ever lived and this is coming from someone who once lived in suburban Atlanta and went to college in Southern Georgia.
ReplyDeleteRemember guys, rap music is the beauty that blacks had inside of them all along. All those centuries of oppression, of whitey holding them down, is now expressed in songs like "Fuck the pain away" and "Suck my dick".
ReplyDeleteFor all those years that whitey was crackin' the whip, what we were oppressing was Niggi Minaj squatting and thrusting her baboon vagina at us yelling 'Stupid hoe!!", yup, that's all the beauty that's inside blacks.