Friday, November 11, 2011

South Side Aldi security guard shot dead, woman wounded

A male security guard was shot to death and a woman, presumed to be a customer, was wounded during a robbery at a South Side grocery store, reports the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times.

Thursday, November 10, 2011, around 7:30 p.m., two gunmen entered the Aldi food store at 9001 South Halsted Street, with the intent to rob the place, said police.

When the store's security guard confronted the thieves, he was shot in the head and upper-body.

The slain guard was identified as 54-year-old Reginald Lanier.

Lanier, who worked at the store for three or four months before he was murder, was often concerned for his safety, said the Sun-Times.

The unidentified woman who was shot as she tried to leave the store, was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

The Tribune stated the woman is in stable condition.

The robbers got away with an unspecified amount of cash.

According to several news reports, the vicious gunmen are still at large.

Back in September, NewsOne, a black online news publication, listed Chicago as the city with the second worst urban food desert in America.

However, their article failed to mention the unspeakable violence that is partly responsible for creating the shortage of decent grocery stores in the black community.

Photo: Google Earth. 


  1. Security guards need guns like the rest of us unarmed civilians. I dont want to be an innocent victim.

  2. You forgot to mention all the theft that goes on in these neighborhoods. The Walgreens in my neighborhood has Dunkn Donuts bags of coffee in a locked area and you need to get a manager to unlock it in order to buy the coffee. Guess it is a popular item to steal and resell - maybe on Maxwell St.

  3. November 11, 2011 10:20 AM, you are absolutely right! Shoplifting is definitely a factor.

  4. This is really a tragedy and so unnecessary. It's also the biggest reason there is a "food desert" on the south side. Can't imagine why any business would want to do business there when they will get robbed blind, shot at and possibly killed.

    "maxwell St"...too funny:)

  5. I have a friend who used to own a grocery store on the west side in the ghetto. I kept telling him to sell the store and get out of that crappy ass neighborhood.

    A few years ago, someone came into his store and threw gasoline everywhere! Luckily my friend wasn't there, but two of his employees were killed in the fire.

    Opening a business in a black area is a bad idea!

  6. fuck you black south sideNovember 11, 2011 at 11:21 AM

    All the posters on here are correct - why on earth would a company invest money in a store in thise violent neighborhoods?

    You will get shoplifted from daily, legit customers will be scared to go bc they are potential targets, and you get shit like this. How can a store make money when it loses so much to theft, and has to pay huge costs for security? Not to mention, extraordinarely high insurance rates?? Also, big name companies are often seen as easy targets for bs lawsuots for shit like idiots having "accidents" on their sites & getting "injured."

    Well done, south side black community. You continue to fuck yourselves over by allowing this behavior to perpetuate.

  7. They deserve their food desert. These animals kill the good black, and for a few bucks? No regard for human life. My heart goes out to the security guard and his family. He was trying to make an honest living and gets killed by some subhuman scum.

  8. I think it's funny that at Binny's in Lakeview every type of expensive wine and liquor is easily accessable on the shelves - but the Hennessy, Courvoisier and Martel is guarded behind the counter.

  9. ^^^same with razors and deodorant

  10. Google: "Kenyans burned alive for stealing potatoes" to see what this GARBAGE deserves.

    And PLEASE don't start that "nobody deserves to die like that" CRAP - I'll bring the GAS and the MATCHES myself.


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