Friday, November 11, 2011

Sleeping woman awakened by Lincoln Park burglar

A Lincoln Park woman woke up just in time to see an unknown man leaving her North Side home, said police.

Around 2:30 a.m., a home on the 2600 block of North Burling Street, near Burling and Schubert, was burglarized, said police.

The offender was described as a male black, 25 to 30-years-old, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black jeans.

Investigators said the prowler stole the woman’s purse and an iPhone.

Authorities believe the suspect may have fled the scene westbound toward Halsted Street.

At 2:47 a.m., a police evidence technician was called to collect any potential evidence.


  1. Can you believe these frigging animals with the iPhones already? What are they, chimps? Perplexed by a gadget? Sunglasses and an iPhone, it's all these cro-mags need to feel SUPER HUMAN! Soooopaman sooopaman!

  2. We should throw a bunch of iphones into lake michigan and see them jump in and get them. Hopefully, some of them will drown .

  3. He was probably looking for cigarettes. Lincoln Park "hides" them (under beds?) or begs for your last drag on Clybourn Ave. They need a Phony Phee tax on these people. Sometimes the straight ones come up to "Boystown" looking for coke and think I have some because I "look rich", whatever that means (because I'm not wearing a pair of $375 ripped jeans or an Ed Hardy raggedy shirt, or a tattoo?). Yes, it happened. And you wouldn't believe where.

    But I am truly sorry this happened. It shouldn't have.

  4. I'm not sure what people take to make them sleep like the dead or how anyone could sleep through someone breaking into their home.
    I do know that this city needs to put the fear of god in these stores who buy phones or unlock them. They should get huge fines for this. If they stop them from being able to sell them, maybe all the IPhone thefts would start to diminish and crime might REALLY go down.

    But lets go after the people who don't have their dog license, it's easier to charge them a fine then go after the really bad guys. We are messed up in this city.


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