Friday, November 11, 2011

Would-be Rogers Park robber pulls gun on Touhy Ave.

A citizen called police after witnessing an attempted armed robbery in Chicago's North Side, Rogers Park neighborhood, said police.

Thursday, November 10, 2011, around 11:08 p.m., a 911 caller reported a man pointing a gun at a woman on the 1300 block of West Touhy Avenue, near Touhy and Sheridan Road.

The 911 caller said the man was trying to rob the female victim.

The gunman was described a male Hispanic in his 20s, about 5'6", and 150 to 160 pounds.

The offender, who was armed with a black handgun, was wearing a dark-colored jacket, jeans, a knitted cap, and a black and white scarf or bandanna over his face.

During the investigation, police spoke with the victim and confirmed the attempted armed robbery.

At 11:18 p.m., police stopped a possible suspect on the 1300 block of West Estes Avenue.

It's unclear if the suspect on Estes was identified as the offender on Touhy Ave.

According to a responding officer, he was having a hard time convincing the victim to participate in a "show up".

During a "show up", a potential suspect is usually brought back to the crime scene to be identified by the victim or a witness to the crime.

Sometimes, depending on the circumstances, the victim is brought to the location where the potential suspect is apprehended.

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