Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Boystown: Attempted robbery suspect caught, arrested for different crime

Around 2:02 a.m., a Chicago cabdriver claimed a suspect tried to rob him on the 3300 block of North Halsted Street, near Halsted and Roscoe.

The taxi driver said a black male suspect “implied” he had a weapon; then the suspect ran westbound on Roscoe.

The offender was wearing a red hat and a red shirt, said police. 

At 2:05 a.m., police found a man matching the suspect’s description hiding in an alley behind 848 West Roscoe Street. By then, the cabdriver had left the scene.

At 2:07 a.m., police dispatch contacted the taxi driver.

The driver said he picked up a fare and would return to the crime scene in approximately 20 minutes.

Unable to wait for the cabdriver, the attempted robbery was coded a 19-Paul (other miscellaneous incident/other police service).

Before letting the suspect go, an officer ran the alleged criminal's name through the police database.

The purported offender, Derrick Jones, had a serviceable arrest warrant for “criminal damage to property”.

Jones was arrested and taken into custody at 2:13 a.m.

Photo: Google Maps.

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