Friday, September 23, 2011

Singer Vesta Williams dead at 53, found in California hotel

El Segundo, California - Sultry soul singer, Vesta Williams, best known for her songs "Congratulations" and "Once Bitten, Twice Shy", is dead at the age of 53.

Homestead Studio Suites, 1910 E. Mariposa Ave.
According to various news reports, Vesta's body was found Thursday, September 22, 2011, at Homestead Studio Suites, 1910 E. Mariposa Avenue, several blocks south of LAX Airport.

Chicago News Report called the hotel for their reaction, but a female desk clerk claimed she wasn't aware of  the singer's death.

TMZ is reporting that several empty bottles of prescription pills were found in Williams' hotel room.

Police are investigating the singer's death as a possible suicide or accidental overdose.

During my investigation, I uncovered an unconfirmed Twitter page entitled "Vesta Williams, Vesta4U".

Vesta 4 U was the title of Williams' 1988 album containing the hit single, "Congratulations".

Even though the Twitter page is unconfirmed, it appears to belong to Williams.

On September 19, four days before Williams was found dead, she sent a tweet to R&B songstress, Stephanie Mills.

"Loving you back Stephanie, now and always. :)", tweeted Williams.

That same day, Williams also sent a tweet to TVONE, an African American cable entertainment channel, thanking them for attending one of her recent performances.

"Special S/O to @tvonetv for being in the house on Saturday. Love ya. I didn't forget u, I just forgot to write that..Ok..I'm awake now. LOL", said the singer, in one of her final tweets.

Chicago News Report contacted Williams' manager, David Lombard, for his reaction, but his telephone number was disconnected.

Williams was scheduled to appear in the 21st annual "DIVAS Simply Singing!" in Los Angeles; an AIDS/HIV benefit.

Due to her untimely death, the October 22, 2011, show will instead pay tribute to Williams and the late Teena Marie.


  1. Was surprised to hear about this Friday.

    Always wondered why she didn't have a more consistent recording career. But then again, the music business and radio is all "flava of the week" anymore.

    I do remember seeing her in a couple of interviews years ago and she seemed surprisingly almost wild.

    When you hear of them passing away in their 70's, etc. it's understandable, but 40's, 50's........

  2. In the 80s I was a huge Vesta fan! Loved Congratulations, Once Bitten Twice Shy, and the Bread remake, Make It With You.

    Vesta's career went into a slump after her weight started to balloon. At the same time, the music biz was starting to change. I think she struggled with depression as well.

    RIP Vesta, my dear.

  3. In addition to my first post, despite those mainstream hits mentioned, she displayed some true talent with songs such as "In Your Mind". I was first drawn to her with "Something About You" more for the musical arrangement than the voice. No offense to Chicago, but I'm certain you would have never heard those songs on radio here.

    I'm not buying the weight gain thing. Martha Wash is still cherished here. Along with Jennifer Holliday's original stage version of her "hit" (but no mention of her true talent within earshot otherwise).

    Yes, RIP and thanks for recognizing her.


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