The car accident happen around 1:15 a.m., near the intersection of South Lake Shore Drive and East Monroe Street, east of Millennium Park and west of the Chicago Yacht Club.
The pedestrian was crossing the street, when a 45-year-old male motorist struck him, said police.
The pedestrian was pronounced dead at North Western Memorial Hospital and the driver was detained for a possible DUI.
Approximately 15 minutes later, around 1:30 a.m., a woman said to be in her 40s, was run down by a vehicle in Chicago's Uptown neighbor, reported the Chicago Tribune.
The North Side car accident took place on the 4700 block of North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Lawrence, said officials.
The hit and run driver fled the scene.
The female pedestrian was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital, were she succumbed to her injuries.
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