Friday, September 23, 2011

Female face-slasher terrorizes Bronx subway riders

Bronx, New York - Police are looking for a woman who reportedly slashed two female subway riders in the face, on two separate occasions.

The first incident occurred Tuesday, Sept 6, 2011, around 4:20 p.m., on a northbound 4 train near East 170th Street, reported NBC New York.

The obviously deranged woman approached a 19-year-old girl, without provocation, and cut her face with an unknown object, said police.

The second slashing happened six days later on September 12, at approximately 3:55 p.m., on a southbound 4 train near Mount Eden Avenue.

This time, the female Jack the Ripper slashed an 18-year-old girl across the face with an unknown object, said authorities.

In each case, the crazed offender was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, clear plastic gloves, and a thick green bracelet on her wrist, said the New York news report.


1 comment:

  1. HOPEFULLY, the next woman she attempts to slash will be a UFC Mixed Martial Arts Champion - and will break the Biyatches Gawd Damm Ph ucking Neck!!!


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