Sunday, September 25, 2011

2 bikes stolen from Uptown apartment building

Some time between September 22nd and September 23rd, two bikes were stolen from a secured hallway in an Uptown neighborhood apartment building.

The building is located on the 5100 block of North Kenmore, between Foster and Winona.

One bike was described as a “shiny, carbon fiber Defy 1 bike”.

The other stolen bike is a “Haro mountain bike”.

Both bikes have a combined value of $2,200.

“If anyone sees our bikes cruising through Uptown in the next few weeks, or at a local paw shop, please drop me a line. I’d like to get our bikes back!” said the victim, in an email to Chicago News Report.

Included with this article, is a photo of the stolen Defy 1 bike.

The bike had a single pannier bag hanging on the left side of the back rack, Azonic pedals, and a cordless Catseye speedo computer.

If you have more information regarding this crime, please contact the police.

If you’d like to contact the victim regarding this theft of property, send an email to, and we’ll forward the message to the victim.

Closeup of Azonic pedals.


  1. Obviously, someone in the building stole them or let someone in who stole them or someone piggybacked in and stole them. Take your pick...

  2. @ Towanda, I agree probably an inside job.

  3. @ Towanda Def not an inside job, as our building is only a 10 flat and we are close neighbors / friends with everyone in our building. Its a tight-knit group. As for the other possibility of a piggyback, if that happened it was unintentional; but again unlikely as this was the rear stairwell. Possible, but unlikely. It was most likely a jimmied latch on both the iron gate at the alley and the back door to the stairwell, both locked at the time. Measures already in place to prevent a repeat. Just wish I could find my wheels :(

  4. @UptownArch,
    Interesting. So the perps might have gotten in to rob a unit but saw the bikes instead? What a shame that your bikes were stolen and it appears that you couldn't even have them in an area you thought was safe. Perhaps, if they're pawned, the owners of the shop will have enough sense to ask for proof of purchase...we can all dream. I hope you had insurance:)


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