Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blacks in Boystown: Cops said go back to the South Side

A YouTube video posted by Video Action League on July 12, 2011, purports that Chicago police officers are racially profiling and harassing young African-Americans in Boystown.

Joloni Lane, from Country Club Hills, Illinois, said two Chicago cops told him and friend, to go back to the South Side "where they belong".

Tyrone Strickland, a Far South Side youth who frequents the Boystown, Lakeview neighborhood, said when people constantly call the police on him, it makes him feel like he’s not good enough to be in the area.

The Video Action League believes black youth in Boystown are being unfairly labeled as troublemakers and criminals.

According to them, minorities at a recent CAPS meeting in Lakeview, were "shouted down" and told to "go back to the South Side" and to "get a job".

However, as one Chicago News Report reader pointed out, there have been four stabbings within four weeks, and in each case, the perpetrators were African-American.

Copyright © 2011 - Chicago News Report.


  1. ....or Indiana....or Compton. Really got it goin' on here Chicago. I'll admit, I was duped.

  2. I feel sorry for these kids. They were run out of their own neighborhoods because they are gay and now they are being kicked out of Boystown because they are black. Minorities don't stand a chance in Chicago.

  3. Hey, Tyrone! What behaviors do you engage in that cause people to call the police on you? What are YOU doing to draw concern? Police aren't dispatched for 911 calls that simply report a black guy in the area.

  4. I'm White, was run out of Detroit and was told Chicago is a "better place" for gay people to live in peace. NOT!

    NO sympathy here. Black people need to deal with homophobia within their own "culture" before pointing fingers ANYWHERE. Their "choiches", rather than being a fashion fair, need to address "diversity".

  5. So lil' Ty-Ty ain't gonna have no babies to drop off at GranNana's house so she can collect more gubment cheese while he out hustlin' for more $$$ because he's "unemployed" and can't take care of them himself. THAT's the real problem with blacks not accepting their own homosexuals! The REAL truth!

  6. The Truth is the south side and the areas where these people come from is rough.

    The Truth is they bring this violence with them and they still wonder why no one wants to live next to black people. It's reasons like this

  7. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJuly 16, 2011 at 10:39 PM

    Tim that's an excellent question! What is Mr. T. doing to warrant the cops being called on him? Disturbing the peace with loud ghetto banter? Sitting on people's cars? Harassing residents as they walk down the street? Shoplifting at the local 7-Eleven?

    That tug-at-your-heartstrings video is not fooling me one bit!!!!!!

  8. "...they help with showers"


  9. I'm a little suspect of this video. What in the world is enough for these "youth?" 30 million spent on the COH, which has plenty of "youth" programs and it's STILL not enough. My family (parents) totally disowned me, said I was dead to them and so it's been for 34 years. I was just a few years older than these 3 on this video. I didn't expect people to give me handouts, I got a job and paved my path. This is the "street" mentality IF I ever saw it. Whatever happened to working? Sure the economy is bad BUT I see "Now Hiring" signs all over the place. The sense of entitlement in this city is amazing. That BYC..anyone ever wait for the #36 out in front of the place? Those "youth" are loud, litter and think the bus shelter is their personel room.

    Here's a thought. Why not act with respect and manners? Why not change the behavior, because it obviously isn't helping. Instead of "hanging out all day and night, go volunteer. You get what you give and it seems all these "youth" want to do is take. Besides, aren't these "youth" adults? When does one stop being a "youth?"

    They may not be the ones causing violence, but they are creating a nuisance in that area.

    I so doubt the police told that "Youth" to go back to the south side...gimme a break!

  10. So what exactly is stopping people from creating their own Boystown on the Southside?

  11. A black being insulted is headline news. Actual crime by blacks where they rob, assault, flash mob, and so on, is being minimized.
    Things are upside down.
    Blacks profile themselves; they create their own reputation.

  12. The whole street mentality is based on "Gibs me dat", everybody just expects society to support them and they don't want to lift a finger to help themselves. It's what's bankrupting the country.

  13. Note that these two of these "youths" are 24-years-old and the other is 21. "Kicked out" at 15 and still prowling the streets at 21? Do something about it.

  14. Anonymous 7/16 @10pm...these attackers are not gay and are not being kicked out of boystown because they are black. These are str8 thug men who come here to boystown to rob people and thats why they are being told to leave. I am a minority and yes I do have a chance here in Chicago because im not out there robbing people. I act like a normal decent human being, not like an animal!!! People need to stop playing the race card.

  15. The black community needs to start taking care of its own. Why does the rest of society have to support them? You don't see that many white homeless, or latina, and rarely, very rarely an asian homeless person. Those society/communities understand family and community responsiblity and take care of their people.
    So Momma kicked you out for being gay? So what, Get a f-ing job, get a f-ing apartment instead of haunting Lakeview for 18 hours a day bitching about the injustice in your life. Jesus Christ.

  16. Blacks don't get it, never get it. They are profiled because they ARE violent and steal.

  17. Isn’t it a curious thing that anything blacks come into coontact with disproportionately decreases in value, becomes diseased, is rendered unusable, or is destroyed. Their counter-productive nature and fetid way of life is the antithesis of morality, ethics, virtue and basic hygiene.

  18. The open-minded comments on this website are really refreshing to me. Blind liberalism has really caused this city to bleed its resources and its decent neighborhoods dry. When trashy, disrespectful people are able to hide behind a race card, it renders decent people helpless. If someone gives you the heebie jeebies and you feel threatened, call the police. If you feel like your property might be in danger, call the police. If there is a large group of rowdy teens on a street corner, call 911. Recklessness and lawlessness are just that and it doesn't hurt to have a police car roll by and check it out. Keep up the good work, decent Chicagoans!

  19. Cat is 24 years old... at what point are we no longer "youth" and we are adults, that need to be accountable for themselves and not looking for a handout from a community.

  20. I'm sick of this and other "youths" in society who are able bodied but choose, they f-ing choose to be homeless, and expect society to take care of them. I have seen the same guys for YEARS in the Loop. Same lines everytime as if not a single day has passed. And those "crust punk" kids. Mommy and Daddy don't like our music! Waaaaah!
    I have talked to some of these knuckleheads and "they mommy" kicked them out more than five years ago, that's more than enough time to use the support system liberal America has established to get into subsidized housing. You can also get a job you can't get fired from, like in the Post Office. You can do a lot of things. Boo-f-ing hoo, they're gay and their family doesn't want them. So does that mean invade Lakeview and bite the hand that feeds you? All three of those "youths" (who are over 18") look to me like they could do a hard day's work without dying from a heart attack. But nooooooo....society is unjust against them! The millions of dollars already spent on supporting lazy arse people who won't lift a finger for themselves is not enough. It's never enough.
    !! I was homeless once (parents died) and I took my butt down to Labor Ready, or prowled construction sites,worked for cash,I found people who needed gardeners, and I paid for my food and my shelter and eventually I overcame it. What's stopping these kids? They're just spoiled.

  21. One of those knuckleheads commented on the video that he should be a famous actor!! Grow up. "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile."

    What's stopping any of you lazy asses from doing some hard work and earning some pay? Waaaaaaah! Mommy and Daddy don't like me. You don't look handicapped to me, get your lazy asses in gear, get a job, get a apartment and stop sponging off society.

  22. Realistic guy,
    I could not have said it better! Time to stop with the politically correct mentality in this country and tell it like it is!

  23. You want to talk stereotypes? In any public place in Chicago (excluding the work environment), 99 out of 100 times that I'm approached by blacks they either want some money or a cigarette. The 100th time they're trying to sell me something (Incense, Streetwise, hot sauce, candy). Not once, not ever do they care to know somebody as a human being, it is all about what they can get or you can provide for them. And what's in it for me? I go to McDonald's and in the course of the seven minutes it takes to order and wolf down the food I'm approached multiple times by people claiming to be homeless (although their clothes are clean and they don't smell).
    I grew up in a black neighborhood. Even though blacks hated whites they still expected them to give handouts and constantly pestered my poor mother for tomatoes from her garden, or money. One guy repeatedly came into our house trying to see what he could steal later, I woke up just in time to realize my wallet was sitting on the credenza in the dining room, he was on the verge of snatching it when I came downstairs. Gibs me Dat. Gibs me.
    As for the knucklehead in the video, it seems like everytime a black person gets near a camera or a microphone it's either stolen or they think they've discovered their true calling.
    (C)rap music has done a lot of damage to white minds, irrepairable damage.
    It's not about racism, it's about realism. Blacks have had over 150 years to overcome slavery, and yet they still whine about it. Jews and other races had it much tougher for much longer and they've overcome it, and don't bitch constantly about the Holocaust or buiding the pyramids. When is it gonna be enough for them?

  24. Nobody is blaming the people in these videos. And if the media would stop perpetuating this and others would stop painting ALL the residents in this neighborhood with the same brush, we're not going to get anywhere. Walk the streets all you want, but don't stab people, don't kick peoples' dogs walking down the sidewalk, don't spray people in the face with pepper spray and mug them. THOSE are the people we don't want in this neighborhood. I don't think anyone wants them in their neighborhood.

  25. BOO on all of you who knock the gay community for not being open to all. SHAME ON YOU! Would it be just as acceptable to blame the black community for shunning gays from their own community? Maybe that's how this problem should be dealt with. Maybe churches in black neighborhoods should help families accept their gay children instead of throwing them out on the street. When did it become the gay community's responsibility to take care of gay youth? Should their own parents be taking care of them until they turn 18, at which time they can go and get a job, and a place in Lakeview if they want to live among other gays? That's what we should be talking about here. How DARE some of you put the responsibility of 'caretaker' on a community that didn't ask to become caretaker. Maybe those who decided to have a baby should take care of their children until age 18. For shame, for shame, for shame!!

  26. Does being gay somehow preclude one from having a job, supporting oneself and maybe, just maybe, taking steps to have their own "safe spot?" I've had plenty of jobs with gay bosses, is there something so crippling about being homosexual that it drives one to rely on community handouts? No!! These kids became adults the day they turned 18, they are not "youth".
    Boystown was created with a specific purpose in mind, and it certainly wasn't to take in homeless gays.You know who takes care of homeless people? Uptown. Go there. Maybe it can be the new ghetto for gays?
    I didn't become this way overnight. I watched my neighborhood get systematically destroyed by blacks, they gleefully and joyfully destroyed their properties, then whined to the government that their neighborhoods were in shambles. You always knew which houses were occupied by whites, latinos or asians because they still had grass and foliage in the front and back yards. The windows and screens weren't busted out. One "house party" I witnessed I saw a man of about 22 years old crawl on all fours and headbutt the screen out of the screen door, then laugh like a hyena about it. The next day walking by somebody was shouting about all "they dam bugs" getting in. Another "house party" (two days later) the idiots partying (On a Thursday afternoon!) shot out all the windows in their and the neighbor's windows with a bb gun. These were grown people, not children. Fistfights on the front lawn, constant violence. Grassy lawns replaced by dirt and broken glass, bottle caps, aluminum cans, fast food wrappers.
    This is what these "youth" are bringing with them from the Southside. This kind of mentality. I've lived in several major and minor American cities and the story is always the same.

    Also, as a memo to the black community, stop calling obese people "big man", "big guy" or "big girl", it's really insulting. Do we turn around and say "Ok, Rude piece of **it?" Ok, "Waste of air?" I will pretend that you do not exist if you try to address me this way. And you sure ain't getting my change.

  27. Surprise! The Video Action League has DELETED every comment from this video's YouTube page. Now, comments must be approved before they appear online.

    Hmm. I suppose the VAL didn't appreciate knowing that 100% of the comments about this video were AGAINST the 24-year-old "youths" it featured.


    And VAL will be the first to scream "censorship" if any other moderator restricted their voice, er, screaming.

  28. The only comment left on the video is from a "youth" featured in the video. If he's homeless, why does he have his own Youtube page that clearly shows him in a dwelling of some kind, making his own videos? Seems suspicious!!

  29. Most the blacks that flock to Boystown and suck up free services are not homeless! They are milking the system and the Center on Halsted Street is doing the same damn thing!

  30. Umm... What about all these "black youths" that come up to Boystown from the south/west side to cause trouble? I have been harassed, followed home, called a dyke, etc and had one kid smack me in the a** with a stick! Yeah, I'm going to call the police on these kids when they are acting like thugs...

    Obviously, they are doing something wrong to have the police called on them.

  31. Halfway through watching this video I was overtime with feeling of that same disgust I felt when I saw the youtube video of the stabbing on Halsted and Aldine. I wish these adults (they are clearly not youth) that do not OWN residences in lake view cease loitering in lake view. I pay almost five grand in property taxes so I can be intimidated by the whole "youth gay" scene? Face it, if you're going to engage in thug like behavior, people will call the police on you. I have done so many times and I will keep clling the police. This video has only made my stance firmer. I applaud the police officers telling them to go back to their neighborhood. It echoes about 99.9% of the feelings of the citizens in east lake view.

  32. Many great comments and opinions posted here. My general idealism is walk where you live, don't make a trip up to Lakeview where you think you can get away with s**t you wouldn't be able to at home. I don't go down to stony Island and 79th and try and create problems down there. Use common sense. Make a difference. If it's not safe in your neighborhood, stand up and change it, don't just join in the violence.
    One day, that gravy train is going to run out of steam, and all of the gimme gimmes are gonna be real shocked when that gov't check isn't in their mailbox. It's people like them that are ultimately draining our country dry, and all they want is more.
    Notice how all of the news stations never mention anything about cutting spending on public welfare? Why is everyone afraid to stand up and say, "two year maximum on public welfare" and after that, you better have a job or a plan to do something with your life. It's turning into generations of families that don't have any plans but to sit mon their lazy asses and get something for nothing.

    Notice I didn't pick on any ethnicity? You know who you are, and you are of many colors and origins. There are many successful people that have risen from the ashes of poverty, and they did it b/c they wanted to, and had a good momma that cared to have a better life than she did.

  33. Only people with very low intelligence are content to go to the same places day after day, do nothing constructive, just hang out and steal and loiter.
    These guys and most mental patients on the SSDI/Shelter Plus care gravy train. I am so fucking sick of them wandering around picking up cigarette butts and lurking around normal people in Panera bread.

  34. These arent 'youths'. They are gully grown morons who are taking up space in MY city. Throw them all in jail or the lake.

    That is all

  35. This gay dude is tellin you chimps to GO BACK TO THE SOUTHSIDE.

    Yes I know youre gay. However you still are here to make my neighborhood worse. You are therefore, an ENEMY. GTFO lakeview.


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