Sunday, June 26, 2011

Woman robbed, attacked during Gay Pride Parade

A woman was apparently beaten and robbed during Chicago’s 42nd annual Gay Pride Parade.

The exact time of the incident has yet to be established.

However, according to police dispatch, the crime occurred on the 3200 block of North Halsted Street, near Belmont and Halsted.

At the time of this report, investigators were trying to determine which hospital the victim was taken to.

After checking their records, police discovered the woman was at Illinois Masonic Hospital.

No further details are available.


  1. I'm quite sure there were more beatings than this. According to several of the papers, there were many many fights. What a shame that one FRICKING day out of the year, this crap had to happen.

  2. Yes, I agree with you, Towanda. I live in the area and it's a mess out there. It is 11pm and people are loud, drunk, and loitering the streets. At one point a mob of people stopped a car and surrounded it not letting it through. Cops and ambulances are busting their chops trying to control this crowd. It's too much. This is just an excuse for people to drink and be loud and obnoxious!

  3. I will never attend another gay parade as long as live. I had no clue gays were so obvious and violent.

  4. I was in Yelp talk and some guy said he was standing in an apartment building foyer watching the parade, and a group of people barged into the building and up the stairs looking for a bathroom--it wasn't clear if they knew someone in the building or if they were just hoping someone would let them use their bathroom. He said a brawl started upstairs and then a woman came tumbling down. She was apparently seriously hurt.

    Why the hell do people have to get so crazy? Eventually every street festival or parade in Chicago is going to be banned.

  5. It's not JUST gay people, plenty of straights are doing it as well.

    I think it won't belong and the parade will be a thing of the past. Too many idiots.

  6. Actually, the gays are usually quite calm, and actually friendly. Don't assume that these criminals were gay just because they were there - SO WAS I and I'm hardly of that persuasion.

    As stated earlier, look at GANGS and DRUGS - you normally will find some sort of connection.

  7. the pride parade is not typically like this. This is a result of people who have NO connection in this neighborhood. They aren't gay, they aren't questioning, they aren't friends of gay people, they just came to cause trouble. A friend who knows the Hydrate security guard who helped during the recent knifing said they asked the assailant why he did it and his response was "we came to cause trouble." These people have ZERO connection or respect for this community or neighborhood.

  8. That was me, I got smashed into a foyer across from the 7-11 at Halsted,and couldn't get out for at least half an hour. I was going to wait until the parade was over, but some drunk girls ran upstairs, there was shouting, and one girl kept yelling after they came downstairs to her boyfriend "Push him down the stairs!! Push him down the stairs!!" and she ran up to fight some more, came tumbling down the stairs and I bolted and shoved my way through the crowd. I turned around in time just to see a bunch of gay guys shoving everybody out of the foyer and locking the glass door. The boyfriend was yelling "I'm gonna kick your @$$!!!" I decided to go home at that point, I managed to walk from Roscoe to Clark where it was much less crowded got back on the El and vowed never to go again.

  9. Pride has just gotten too damn big. Didn't bother going this year, and I'm out n proud. Too many drunk people in one place with, like you said, ZERO connection to the neighborhood.

  10. This is just "transient youth".

    Told myself after last years "pride", as a GWM, I'm just not "connected" to this mess and will never attend again.

    So my straight co-worker and her husband invited me, and many other gays, to their home for the parade. We had a great time - again.

    Once getting out on Halsted south of Roscoe at 11:00pm though........QUITE scary (and I've been everywhere in Detroit). SCARY!

    There were po-po EVERYWHERE under those blue flashing cameras though.

    I've come to the conclusion that all that police presence, violence and bloodshed is just "transient youth" though. That's what they tell me.


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