Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Uptown: Shooting on Argyle Street

At 12:52 a.m., a Chicago police officer reported gunshots on the 5000 block of North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Argyle.

The officer heard four to five shots fired.

A witness identified the shooter as a Hispanic on a bicycle. The shooter was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, said the tipster.

The alleged gunman was last seen in an alley on the east side of Broadway Street, near Argyle, said police.

One 911 caller dropped to the floor when the gunfire exploded. The caller said he or she heard people running through a nearby alley, but they didn’t see the shooter.

At 1:10 a.m., gunshots were also reported one block north of the Argyle shooting, at Carmen and Sheridan Road.

An officer stationed at the intersection said he did not hear the shots.

As of 1:25 a.m., the suspected Argyle shooter is still at large.

No injuries or property damage were reported.


  1. Ha, the officer didn't hear the shots? Give me a break.

  2. There's a hispanic guy who rides a bike and sells drugs off it in that area. Wonder if it's the same person? I saw a deal going down at the corner of Foster & Sheridan last year in broad daylight with a hispanic on a bike. I walked thru that exchange, unknowingly, made a smart remark like "get a real job" and they scattered. What other fool would be riding their bike at 1:00 am in that area unless, of course, they're selling drugs???

  3. towanda you need a life especially if you sat and watched a drug deal go down. what is wrong with you lil lady?

  4. What part of "I WALKED thru that exchange" didn't you understand?


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