Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lincoln Park: Woman robbed at gunpoint on Dayton Street

At approximately 12:28 a.m., a woman was robbed at gunpoint in Chicago’s Lincoln Park neighborhood.

The armed robbery happened on the 2600 block of North Dayton Street near Dayton and Schubert, said police.

Four male Hispanics and a female Hispanic, wearing dark-colored hooded sweatshirts and jeans, stole the woman’s purse, said investigators.

The offenders fled the scene westbound through an alley near Dayton and Wrightwood Avenue.

Police believe the crooks’ getaway car was parked in the alley.


  1. Looks like the summer of Lincoln Park robberies has begun. Reminds me of that case last year where that baseball bat wielding Puerto Rican came up behind two women and smashed them in their heads for their purses.
    Reportedly, one of the women, who returned to Ireland, remains in very poor condition.
    Another summer of looking over one's shoulder, watching out for all the diversity and "heat" coming up from behind.

  2. I don't think people realize how many robberies occur in Lincoln Park. Some people think we are a 100% crime-free neighborhood. Clearly that is not the case.

  3. I agree with the first Anonymous - and am really happy that keeps me up-to-date with stuff like this (I didn't even know Chicago News Report existed without finding it there). I found a link to this article and it took me here. You can get a daily update of crimes they email to you when you sign up.

    Everyone please attend your CAPS meetings. Don't let them down-play this! I recently went to one where the officer minimized these occurrences. If you live in the Gold Coast, Streeterville, Lincoln Park, Lakeview, etc -- you pay WAY more, why shouldn't you get appropriate protection for your tax money?

  4. i'm from englewood and i need the protection also. can someone help me.,

  5. Doesn't Chicago have a gun ban? Just sayin'......

  6. REMINDER ......

    Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) and Wrightwood Neighbors Association meeting TONIGHT on Monday June 13th (6:30 dinner, 7:00 CAPS, 7:30 WNA).

    1110 W Lill St - (New Life Church)

    WNA meeting will cover our new 43rd Alderman, Michele Smith who will talk about her plans for keeping Lincoln Park great AND hear about the new restaurant/bar where Deja vu used to be and their plans for making this establishment a neighborhood friendly place.

  7. Well, this is exactly why we need "Conceal & Carry" laws. Aren't we ultimately responsible for our own & our family's protection?


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