Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Abandoned Vehicles: People Trapped on Lake Shore Drive for More than 6 Hours, Police May Have to Use Snowmobiles

Dozens of motorists are leaving their stranded vehicles on Lake Shore Drive, after being stuck in the snow for hours.

The latest report comes from West North Avenue and North Lake Shore Drive; which is approximately 1500 North Lake Shore Drive.

At 9:09 p.m., several 911 callers reported motorists ditching their vehicles on the expressway. Police said the stranded citizens were trapped in the snow for several hours.

A woman and a 16-month-old child are also stuck on Lake Shore Drive. I was unable to determine where the woman is, but she has been strapped for three hours. She has no food or water.

According to authorities, some people have been trapped on Lake Shore Drive for more than six hours.

Meanwhile, at the intersection of North Elston and West Fullerton Avenues, which is approximately 2400 North Elston Avenue, a northbound CTA bus is also stuck in the snow.

Several police cars have been immobilized by the 2011 blizzard.

Authorities are considering using snowmobiles to get around.



  1. I thought I was hearing ALL day that the city was prepared? Is that bus stalled and that's why it can't move over a little so the cars can get around it? This is not good.

  2. Towanda, the buses are trapped in snowbanks. Snowplows can't get to them because of the abandoned vehicles left on Lake Shore Drive. Those cars also trapped in the snow.

  3. OMG! This is awful and only getting worse. Maybe everyone with a snowmobile will come to the rescue? I've seen many great things happen when people need help. One can only hope:)

  4. Dear God. I hope everyone gets out this blizzard alive.

  5. I thought the city was prepared for this blizzard? WTF is going on out there? They should've stop the traffic on LSD long before people got stuck!!!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous@10:18, My thought exactly. Part of the problem is people didn't listen:(

  7. I guess we'll see if the postal workers, in fact, delivery the mail in "rain, snow or sleet" tomorrow:)

  8. Still stuck on the drive @ almost 11:00pm and the temperature with the windchill is below zero. I just don't get why ALL those people were out or even drove their cars. Why not take the CTA when they knew this was coming?

  9. Towanda, it's really rough out there. Cops are snowed in at several police stations, officers are trapped in the snow, emergency workers can't reach injured people, buses are stalled all over the city, and at least one store has been reportedly looted!

  10. "at least one store has been reportedly looted!"...Are you fricking kidding me? What is wrong with these people? I hope they fall and break their useless necks. Sorry, but with what is happening out there, for these scums to do that knowing the police are busy helping people..well, a whole lot of 4 letters words come to mind.
    Well Timothy, now you'll know what happened in '67..too bad I have to experience it again. When I was in the hospital, they were running out of food, diapers for the newborns, sheets..pretty much everything. I think the hospitals are a little more prepared for this one though. I guess the city wasn't as prepared as they though:(

  11. I posted information on the burglary at the Austin cell phone store on the main page.

    No food, diapers, or sheets?! Wow! Just wow!

  12. does anybody know at what time that bus jacknifed at
    Belmont avenue? the bus that presumably started the
    traffic jam. We got on the drive at 5:00pm and
    it was slow but the ground was just fine.
    the rest is history.

  13. so I finally got the answer listening to a tv broadcast. that bus jacknifed at 3:00p.m.
    how could chicago police allow cars to enter the drive after that? to all those individuals who posted derogatory negative comments. You remind me of the class of people who always line up with the bullies instead of the bullied. In addition, I don't think you have common sense. I work in the loop had to get home somehow,
    and a major thoroughfare plowed continuously by cars is the logical way to go. In fact google maps was recommending the drive over inner streets. in the end it all boils down to the monumental incompetence of certain chicago officials. and no I could not stay home that day. I had to work.

  14. catherine, the only bully posting negative comments is you. Orozco or Byrne is to blame, not the police. Even Daley stressed the avoidance of Lake Shore Drive. Relying on Google Maps during a blizzard is NOT common sense. Traveling during a blizzard is NOT common sense either.


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