Saturday, December 18, 2010

West Rogers Park 7-Eleven Robbed?

A 7-Eleven employee at 6801 North Western Avenue in Chicago’s West Rogers Park neighborhood, told police he was robbed.

According to the clerk, an African-American man in a black coat and an African-American woman in a brown coat, stole his money from the counter. The incident was reported at 4:06 a.m.

At 4:08 a.m., a police officer spotted two people matching the suspects’ descriptions at 6600 North Western Avenue. The officer stopped the subjects and questioned them.The pair was being extremely cooperative, said the police officer.

At 4:10 a.m., both suspects were brought back to the 7-Eleven.

Based on the officer’s tone, I got the impression he didn’t believe a robbery had occurred.

As of 4:33 a.m, there was no indication any arrests had been made.

1 comment:

  1. Well IF this employee cried wolf, shame on him. On the other hand, who's out at that time of the morning who matches the description? Same color coats? See, most decent people are home in bed because they have to work in the morning or are already at work. Only thugs are prowling around doing THEIR JOB, which is robbing and stealing, THAN they go home to sleep!


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