Saturday, December 18, 2010

Woman Robbed of $17,000.00 Bank Deposit

A woman claiming she was giving a friend a ride when she was robbed, may end up losing her job.

At 5:17 a.m., a woman was robbed near the intersection of West Belmont Avenue and North Kimball Avenue in Chicago’s Avondale neighborhood.

The woman told police she was giving a man a ride, when he snatched a bag of money she was going to deposit into a drop box at the bank. Reportedly, the money belongs to the victim’s employer.

According to police, the man ran of with 15 to $17,000.00.

The offender was described as a Hispanic man.


  1. OK, this is beginning to look like the latest SCAM to me. This is the second time this type of theft has been reported on here. Who the hell walks around with that amount of money let alone at that time of the morning? Why didn't she deposit it the night before and who KNEW she had that money than? What are the chances SHE would be robbed? Sounds like an inside job to me!

  2. Many years ago, I used to manage a large medical practice in Lincoln Park. One of my responsibilities was to deposit money into the business' account. I went to the bank during DAY, during BUSINESS hours, and NO ONE ever knew when I was making my deposits.


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