Saturday, December 18, 2010

Showdown Over Police Beat Changes

Who among us didn't see this one coming?

From the Chicago Sun-Times: The stage is set for a confrontation over Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis’ upcoming plan to reallocate police resources from lower-crime districts to those that need more officers.

Days before the plan is expected to be unveiled, the Fraternal Order of Police is serving notice that it intends to strictly enforce a union contract that could severely limit Weis’ options.

“His hands will not be tied. But his ambitions could be curtailed by some of the contractual agreements,” FOP President Mark Donahue said Friday.

“It would be a mistake to believe you can just move personnel at a whim without regard to the agreements the union has with the city. We will enforce the contract to the best of our ability.”

Read the entire article at

1 comment:

  1. This is TOTAL CRAP! The crime ridden areas get more cops? Than the ghetto thugs will move to where there aren't as many cops. The taxpayers pay for this service on our property tax bills so why do we have to give in, once again, to people who can't abide by the laws? Why do we, once again, have to give up our sense of well being to the ghetto thugs? The communities who have more crime than others need to look at why and start doing something about it. Taxpayer money already supports their housing, their food, their medical and sometimes, even gives them cash. Now, we have to give them our police? The ghetto thugs will crawl all over this city preying on the areas where the police aren't. Than what? One ghetto area becomes another ghetto area because of these scumbag losers? Here's a suggestion, how about HIRING MORE POLICE to make it fair. Or maybe we should just protest paying our property taxes because the ghetto south & west sides get all the benefits. Here's a better suggestion. Get off your lazy asses, come from behind your locked doors, open your drapes/blinds and PARTICIPATE in changing you own fricking community. Stop depending on the world to make your life better! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT YOURSELF!


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