Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blacks Accused of Hate Crime Against Asian/Korean Indiana University Students

On October 31, 2010, around 4 a.m., police say several Asian and Korean IU (Indiana University) students were approached by 5 African-American men and 3 African-American women on the college’s Bloomington, Indiana campus.

Words were exchanged and the Blacks attacked the Asians and Koreans. The students say their attackers used an anti-Asian slur before the assault.

"Hey! Look! Here comes Chinatown! Look at all the (blanks)!," said the Blacks to the Asian and Korean students, say police.

Two student were treated for facial injuries and released.

The assailants took several electronic devices, including an iPad and a cell phone.

Because of the alleged use of hate speech during the commission of this crime, once their investigation is completed, Bloomington, Indiana police will forward the case to the FBI.

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