Thursday, October 14, 2010

Two Cops Hurt in Car Accident at Cicero and Erie

Around 12:01 a.m., 2 Chicago police officers were involved in a car accident at the intersection of North Cicero Ave. and West Erie Street, in Humboldt Park.

Adding to the sense of urgency, was the fact that the squad car was resting on a main gas line.

Several times, one of the responding officers frantically called for ambulances, the fire department, and for someone to contact People’s Gas.

Officers were able to pull one cop from the vehicle, but firefighters had to use the Jaws of Life to free the second officer.

As of 12:08 a.m., People’s Gas had been contacted, twice. According to police dispatch, the company didn’t give an estimated time of arrival.

At 12:14 a.m., brave officers, still on the scene, were still waiting for People’s Gas to arrive.

Ambulances were still arriving at 12:26 a.m.

Reportedly, both officers were taken to Stroger Hospital in stable condition.

1 comment:

  1. This accident occurred in Austin, not Humboldt Park.


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