Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Robbed at Gunpoint: Wilson “L” Station in Uptown

Wilson "L" station in Uptown.

A strong arm robbery occurred at the Wilson “L” station, located at 4620 N. Broadway, in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood.

The crime occurred around 12:25 a.m.

Police say 3 African-American men, one armed with a gray or silver handgun, stole two iPhones from passengers on the Wilson, Red Line CTA platform.

One offender was described as 5’7”, 190 lbs, and wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans. The second offender was wearing a red sweater and the third was wearing a brown sweater. The second and third offenders were both described as 5’10” and 150 lbs.

At 12:31 a.m., police announced that three suspects were apprehended at 4620 N. Clifton Ave. One of them was carrying a gun.

The police event number for this crime is 00184.

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