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Cintrail Williams' Facebook photo. |
According to court records, 26-year-old Cintrail Williams was arrested several times before he was murdered on the 3300 block of West Crystal Street in Humboldt Park.
Twice, Williams was booked into custody for drug-related charges... once on November 12, 2011 and again on February 7, 2012.
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Chad C-Lo Wheels Carrasco's Facebook photo. |
Carrasco, who may have been affiliated with the Wheels of Soul Motor Cycle Club, was found shot in the back of the head on the 3500 block of West Lake Street, around 5 a.m.
Citing online postings, Carrasco's Facebook friends are devastated by his death.
Quality "reporting" as usual. Do google search and facebook know they're your main source? Even TMZ is better than this garbage
ReplyDeleteThis article is bullshit!
ReplyDeleteFuck ya it is. Wtf is this shit... His Facebook friends are devestated, YOU THINK MOTHER FUCKERS, THATS OUR FUCKING FAMILY!
DeleteBullshit, rip Celo. WHEELS BITCH!!!!
ReplyDeleteRip c lo WHEELS!!
ReplyDelete"SO-CALLED VICTIMS" Wtf???!!! A person shot in the head is only a "so-called" victim!!!??? This is rediculous reporting. .... RIP Chad.
ReplyDeleteDon't even call it reporting. The racist twat that runs this blog thinks he's a journalist
ReplyDeleteTed, in my book, people who play with fire and get burned, aren't victims... they are willing participants in whatever misfortune befalls them.
ReplyDeleteA man is shot in the BACK of the head, how in the hell is that a willing participent? Chad was a hard working good man in a very respecful industry and probably the best wireless technition in the state he didnt deserve to be killed, nobody does. Idiots like you are what is wrong with this world. May you choke on your christmas pie!!
DeleteAre u freaking kidding me....Chad was a great person and will be remembered as such. He didn't deserved to be taken from us by the hands of some idiot with a gun!!!! I agree with Ted....choke on ur Christmas dinner!!!!
DeleteFuck the news people always twisting shit around RIP C LO they need to fix this bullshit post or we going to have some serious mayhem on our hands fucking pussy asd news people he was a great man taken from us by a piece of shit scum bag n here comes the piece of shit news people talking shit
DeleteTed, I never said he deserved what happened to him... but, if you want me to believe that a random stranger executed Mr. Carrasco for the hell it, I'm not buying your argument.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be Lt. Columbo to know an orchestrated hit when you see one.
I know this is a very difficult thing to do, especially for some people in the black community, but at some point, you must hold yourself accountable for the consequences of your actions.
Furthermore, it's not very Christian-like to wish death upon someone on the eve of your Lord's birth.
I'm not black Chad's not black, I said I hope you choke not die, and I could give a shit less about Jesus!! I heard he was walking a woman to her car and a jealous bf or ex bf was the shooter. Point being you have no clue as to what you are reporting, speaking of or about or whom you are speaking of, show some respect!! ... All you did was google him found his facebook and seen a coulple tattoos and his bike club and jumped to conclussions
DeleteRIP C LO WE WILL MISS YOU ......Goofie
DeleteThese two youths will be missed. Any word on their honor roll status yet?
ReplyDeleteThe city is a better place with these 2 spooks dead.
ReplyDeleteYou need help saying the city is a better place without these man I pray you get help
Deletethese two spooks as u call them was one of my family members so who are u to pass judgement
DeleteAnonymous commenting pussies!!
ReplyDeleteThere is no honor in shooting anyone in the back. Period!!!! Be a fucking man and face whoever it is you got beef with. To shoot another in the back of the head is a COWARD!!! WHEELS BITCH!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe fat nig in the rented white suit looks faggy.
ReplyDeleteAnd ur comment shows ur not a very educated person. What's the matter u weren't loved as a child? Yo mammie didn't hug u!!!! Trust and believe he was and always will be more man than u will ever be!!!
DeleteThis is crazy a man being a gentleman walking a lady to her car at night is shot and killed and this is what you post. Most people who ride motorcycles are normal people with normal lives stop with the profiling and use your skills to find a soultion and not add to the problem. GOD said dont judge his people I guess you are not familiar with the real book or real writing.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for ur positive words....
DeleteMy heart is so heavy and I can't believe someone would be so cruel and disrupt a whole community connected by Chad. Been crying since Sunday, trying to wrap my head around this horrible situation but I can't still believe tht my baby is gone. Please understand tht Sons Of Anarchy is a television show not everyone associated with a bike club is a bad person.....wake up people the senseless acts of killing is taking away loved ones
ReplyDeleteAs a family member of the deceased, I personally take offense to the reporting of my cousin's death. I am in no way condoning the "alleged" lifestyle my cousin led. Regardless of his misdeeds, he did not deserve to die at the hands of someone who felt slighted or whatever the excuse. The reporter of this article, and I use that term loosely, needs to take some lessons in showing respect to families left with having to deal with the loss of a loved one. RIP in peace Cintrail
ReplyDeleteEveryone calm down! This is what's wrong with the city of Chicago. Everything is called gang-related so that shotty police work goes un-notice. To those who didn't know C-LO, he was a professional man. Nothing hard core about him. I was one of the first to meet him when he came from Seattle. He had one vision. If you are going to do something, be professional about it. If you had a flat tire (20 degrees below 0) he would not leave you until you were safe. He helped anyone! Was he perfect, yes in one way. He was not a fake. Even if he had a falling out with someone, he was always willing to make amends. He could be the guy you hung out with everyday or you passed words with but when he saw you again it would be hard not to smile at him because he would not hold ill will. Just a cool dude! Gang Related? This article needs to be seen by all. It shows Chicago at its worst. Even the writers are corrupt!
ReplyDeleteIf either of those idiot morons were in my family I would find a new family.
ReplyDeleteAnother anonymous pussy!!
DeleteKeep ur negative comments to urself...thts the problem u have no clue what family is...Chad was and still is my family and I will see my love again one day...hey anonymous, stick yo head up yo ass!!!
DeleteIf one googles the W of S MC you'll see that 18 members were indicted last year for murder, drug distribution, robbery. It doesn't appear to be a group of pussycats. The other guy in the above article doesn't seem to have been an exemplary citizen either. Yet all sorts of people come out of the woodwork claiming everyone killed was a wonderful person. They must surf the internet constantly looking for any mention of themselves or their friends. Whether these people deserved to die or not is a pointless question since it's too late to go back in time. However, if a person lives a high-risk lifestyle they or their associates shouldn't be surprised if bad things happen.
ReplyDeleteYou are an anonymous pussy!
DeleteRegardless of what a person background was doesn't mean they still are the way they use to be....I hung out with ppl tht have done bad things, hell I've done bad things but tht doesn't make me a bad person. Some ppl grow outta tht lifestyle and Chad was a grown man with a big heart and i loved him so very much. So u say what u want but if the tables were turned u would feel the same way...
DeleteWonder if Demarquez Nelson had something to do with this?
ReplyDelete"Spook " coward stay in the shadows.
ReplyDeleteWhen I took a shit this morning and flushed it I waved and said "Goodbye Cintrail."
ReplyDeleteYou need help may god hep your soul UTStarcom damaged
DeleteWhats with black people and their illuminatti fetish? They are naming kids after contrails now?!
ReplyDeleteI a Chad's older brother and to the "So called journalis WHO wrote this article on my baby brother,you guy are a complete idiot,how the hell you ever got your credintials to call yourself One is beyond me,did you bother to "INVESTIGATE my lil brothers criminal back ground before you posted your bullshit RAG of a so called NEWSPAPER?? i'll answer that for you NO YOU DID'NT bcuz if you has you would'nt find Shit you you HACK!! & as Ted & others gave posted on my lil brother that was positive,respectful & luv,me & my family thank you,to the OTHER victim me. Williams family & friends l offer my deepest apoligy for your loss & ask Gods love bless & help you all thru this time as l ask for all C~LO's people he has there in Chicago..l luv & Miss you byond wrds baby brother R.I.P oh & I'm not annmy's I'M HIS OLDER BROTHER MANNY CARRASCO & AM & ALWAYS BE DAMN PROUD OF THAT!!!! & FYI i'm gonna be talking w/my attny in the morning to see what can be done with HACKS like this so called reporter..
ReplyDeleteHi Manny, I was a very close and special friend of Chad's and although this so called journalist is reporting on things he obviously know nothing about....my condolences are with u and the rest of the Carrasco family. I loved ur brother very much and we spent quite a lot of time together. He spoke very highly of u and the rest of the Carrasco family. He sent me pics of when he was jus home a few months ago and how happy he was to be home. My world has been disrupted bcuz of the jealousy and idiocy of ppl. I too am very proud to be connected to such a wonderful man as Chad. He had the biggest heart and it showed whenever he stepped into a room. Contact me if I can assist with anything, my name is Chyna
DeleteHe looks like the result of an "expert taylor" (sic - yes, that's how it's spelled on the awning of a fancy wannabe Andersonville awning that f'd up a suit of mine). The break in his pants is atrocious and the sleeves I could have done myself for him by tucking them up if he was in a pinch.
ReplyDeleteYour newscasters here with plastered on make-up are wearing suits without the vent stitching cut... on LIVE TV!!!
At least the $hitcago true gangstas of yesteryear knew how to dress. Stick to White-T's and saggy jeans or uber tight peacoats with dirty tennis shoes and baseball caps World Class city. GHET-TOE!
P.S. What's around his neck?
Wow, cant grasp the idiocracy of these so called....reporters. haha, Im sure he is a non for profit writter, hard to beleive you are gaining financially over such silly sh1t coming from his lips/fingers. Ted....you're an A$$!
ReplyDeleteIm an ass? for what?
DeleteA true scholar you are Ted. While those who grieve are coping with a loss, you say some ignorant sh1t out your mouth that makes it even harder and births anger from loved ones. Its called compassion/respect. Stay in the shadows, like most cowards do. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!
ReplyDeleteDudes I aint the fuckin blog writer here.. get your shit straight ... signed Ted Field
DeleteTo know Chad was to love him and feel nothing but love in return... let these cowards hide in the shadow and talk WE know the truth. *WFFW* Throttle Hands Up!!
ReplyDeleteC-Lo was a guardian angel in the CW. His life was taken by some punk ass civilian when he was doing what he always did... looking out for someone else. C-Lo would NEVER let a lady walk to her car alone. There is nothing anyone can say to change my memory of him (nice try though "reporters") To Manny, the Carrasco Family and all of his WOS, TK and DWD family... hold ya head, he wouldn't want us to be sad.
ReplyDelete***Respect... Love... Honor... Loyalty... 4 words a real man lives by***
ReplyDeleteThe dirtbags are dead, let's celebrate.
ReplyDeletewow the dirt bags are dead what a comment im a part of the williams family wheather he was a scumbag or an angel he was someones child my mother's baby sister was cintrails mother and she is deceased as well im quite sure u have some not so perfect fam one thing is for life is karma these wack post that are being posted someone will soon be making the same comments on your wortless buts to the other young mans family EARTH HAS NO SORROW THAT HEAVEN CANT HEAL if all this site can do is toture the deceased family then the plug need to be pulled on this Epic flop as a news site
DeleteWow..."the dirt bags are dead". That doesnt show you are a man of standard nor a man of your words. Since you're so bold and honest you fuckin asshole.....let yourself be known? You know you are saying shit that is hurting people that love this man, and you....who resembles to be a bullied, self-centered unpopular pussy, wants to just say idiotic shit to get a rise out of people. Just an FYI, when you lose someone you love...and you will, I wish they also............Rest in PISS pussy. Laid! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous ur a dirtbag....ignorant ass....its stupid fuckas like u and the rest of these idiots with these negative comments tht makes this world hard to live in...I won't waste my time saying anything to negative bcuz God has ur destiny in his hands
ReplyDeleteMy bad Ted...."Anonymous" had me pist, and ready to verbally chastise em for reading silly shit. Point is...ignorance breeds ignorance, and I hope to all things holy that this "Character"(and I choose that term loosely) doesn't have children. Very sad this is and a real loss for the WHOLE Chicago Motorsports world. His DWD family will miss him greatly. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!
ReplyDeleteI am one of the managers for this T-Mobile build we are doing out here. And of the hundreds of people involved in this project, Chad outshined all of us on a daily basis. He was a true master in the industry. The first time I met Chad a few months ago was during a one week certification class we had to take in order to integrate the cell sites (integration is critical part of the process it means basically once a cell site is built it needs to be integrated into the network to handle call traffic. longer story short its very technical and only the smartest cats do it) during this class I was blown away by the amount of knowledge Chad had. He was actually teaching the instructor/class half the time. Chad will be missed by all us at at Nokia and T-Mobile. And to his family and friends am I truly sorry for your loss. RIP Chad Carassco
DeleteMy husband who also worked for T Mobile several years was actually the one who trained Chad to prepare him for interviewing. Him and Chad were best friends here in WA for a long time and I can tell you first hand he was a teddy bear at heart. He was there for us when we needed him like he was for so many. He was an absolute gentleman and the most important thing to him was family and friendships. I don't know the circumstances surrounding what happened that night, but I'm certain Chad always had the best of intentions in whatever he did. He will be sorely missed by us all. - Alicia
DeleteRide In Paradise C-Lo...... 2W1L...... Thanks for being that big brother figure for the short time that i knew u...... U will be greatly missed by all of us...... But never 4goten'...... Wasup Then Ryders...... Ca$h Money
ReplyDeleteSo true Ted... and he loved his career. I don't know many people that would drive from Chicago to Wisconsin everyday to work like he did. Even with a broken arm a couple months ago... lol He was very dedicated and proud of his team. Your hard work did not go unrecognized by him :-)
ReplyDeleteThey were both scum bred by scum mamas and now they are both dead scum, rotting in Hell. Good riddance. End of story...they aren't worth the dirt it took to bury them.
ReplyDeleteChad wasnt buried u inconsiderate bitch! I assume u people who have nothing better to do during the christmas holidays but b hateful have no family no friends and no life. U must lack love and only wish u could b as loved as Chad is. U sad excuses of human beings can say all the negative u want but best believe there will b 100 times more positive to shut u cowards down. RIP Chad ♥
DeleteThank you ^! Both should have been burned and ashes flushed down the toilet. The dirt could have been used for something useful...plant or a tree.
ReplyDeleteWhats with his all-white suit? lol
ReplyDeleteStop with the negative comments cause if you was a real man or woman you wouldn't have to post SHIT anonymous only BITCHS AND PUSSYS DO THAT COWARD SHIT.
ReplyDeleteR.I.P. C-LO
Dumbass 'whatttttt'...take a grammar class -stupid!
ReplyDeleteMr anonymous.you have been cought.I hacked the shit out of thia site now that I know who you are I'm going to out your dum ass out their.and when we catch you were going to put an apple on your head and have target practice u lil shit.and each time we shoot were going to miss. The apple not you. You got us fucked up you clown ass. Nothing ass looser.
ReplyDeleteits caught you moron,not cought.nice 3rd grade spelling.i can tell you're a real computer genius.lol.
ReplyDeleteFellow readers, please take a look at this entire site. It's clearly been developed and run by a racist, therefore, do not upset yourselves by reading additional comments posted about your friends or loved ones. If you'd like a more credible news source please go to one as this site is NOT the place!
ReplyDeleteTracey Coleman has 78 Facebook friends…ALL BLACK. Every single one is a spook. So who is the racist? She lives in an all-black world of LINK cards, baby mommas, gang wars, jungle hairdo’s, and fatherless bastard children. And then she calls white people racist.
ReplyDeleteI keep coming back to this page and I really don't know why all it does is upset me not all but some of your ignorant comments who really cares why Chad was wearing what he was wearing and how he wore it or what your negative opinion was about him if you didn't know him then that was your loss the idiot that wrote this poor excuse of an article has people judging what they didnt know and that was a man who loved his family and friends I know my family is morning his loss and I thank those of you with your positive thoughts and feedback and for those of you and your negative thoughts you too will be judged one day and I hope that all your negative thoughts and words get thrown back in your face
ReplyDeleteremember this- let he without sin cast the first stone
May you rest in peace Chad you will be missed when you see my dad give him a big hug for me
Braxton Starr...name the place and time you stupid monkey.I'll use my bare hands.
ReplyDeleteWe had a beautiful vigil last night, lets keep that positive momentum going. Stop entertaining these racist people. You don't want this to be a part of your last memories of him. Ignorance and prejudice are the handmaidens of propaganda. Our mission, therefore, is to confront ignorance with knowledge, bigotry with tolerance, and isolation with the outstretched hand of generosity. Racism can, will, and must be defeated... but it wont be done on this blog.
well said..........
ReplyDeleteIt's always good to see when this gangbanging trash gets killed.
ReplyDeleteLOL at the fat guy in the white suit...head shaped like a dickhead.
ReplyDeleteInferior races seem to think that everyone gets arrested. As a decent white person, I can say that neither I nor anyone in my family has ever been arrested for any reason. I also don't even know anyone white who was ever arrested for any reason. Spooks think that going away to jail is normal...like whites think going away to college is normal.
ReplyDeletemay God continue to cover the families for the lost loved ones In his blood. everyone in their youth have done something that they're not proud of that does not make them a bad person or give another person right to take their lives. only god can judge .
ReplyDeleteIt's bs that "only god can judge." We have human judges in criminal courts who judge and sentence criminals everyday. Only spooks think "only god can judge."
ReplyDeleteinferior races like those that go into schools killing babies,movie theaters killing innocent people,what the fuck make this inferior always pulling the race card im Fat Black and Proud u bitches
ReplyDeleteWacko whites killing mass innocents is aberration. Not a threat to most. Murderous, sociopathic blacks killing innocents (ie whites) on a daily basis is another matter entirely. The average black will kill without a twinge of moral conscience, usually for something valuable like a f*king cell phone or pair of used sneakers, and then shuffle off to MacDs for a rib sandy. A primitive people.
ReplyDeleteLong lived KING CINTRAIL I love you and my you rest forever. All yall with the sorry comments when you loose a love p one no matter there pass come back and tell me how you feel in your future ass because this shit really hurts
ReplyDeleteYou obviously never finished 2nd grade. Go get an education. Then come on back to post in english.
ReplyDeleteto the nut case that is talking bad about chad you really will be judged,God would not even have anything to do with you,you know where you are going...lmbo
ReplyDeleteLate Breaking News Update...Both of these assholes are still dead.
ReplyDeletedead times 2. delightful!
ReplyDeleteIt took me a long time to comment on this so called "STORY". I am Chad's sister and the person that can tell you what kind of a person he was. Not only was he a "teddy bear" but his heart was like a childs. He would give you his last dollar if you needed it. He did not deserve to die the way that did he did. He came home in Sept to Mt Vernon WA for my sons wedding. They say God works in mysterious ways. Well I know that God brought him home because he knew that he was going to call him home months later and he wanted that time for us for us to be the last time to spend time with him and to take pictures for the last time, us not knowing that it would be the last time. Chad went to Chicago because of his empolyment, he did not go there to be part of a "gang" that so many people that have commented and did not know him. He lived a positive life style and he became a member of a motorcycle club because he wanted help others and that was the way that he saw that he could that. For those of you that dont know him or are only depending on "news" I can tell you if you lost your home, job, or family, this man would give you his last dollar!!!
ReplyDeleteSabrina n her dad killed cintrail thats why she always say that he hunts her