A collection of videos, filmed on CTA.
Holey jeans, Batman! Mack daddy gets dissed!
Video info: Published on Jul 8, 2012 by ExclusiveMC.
Uptown: Off her meds and kicked off the bus!
Video info: Published on Jul 3, 2012 by baldevis. Filmed on the Lawrence Ave. bus in Uptown.
Rogers Park: Black magic slips through the cracks!
Video info: Published on Jul 8, 2012 by Aerodena427. Filmed on a northbound Red Line train approaching Loyola.
The city shows its disdain if not outright contempt for CTA patrons day in and day out by not providing a safe, clean conveyance for passengers.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the police, transit units, and security? Theyre deffinitely not on the trains, buses, and platforms - forcing fare-paying customers to ride in dirty, urine-soaked cars with predators, thieves, bums, con-men, mental patients, etc.
Id rather see the city give $1 million to the Guardian Angels than to Ceasefire. At least the Angels help the good people.
Theres something wrong when city authorities and CTA tell passengers to hide their smart phones from the thieves.
Confused what the woman in video #2 is doing that's so wrong? She's not allowed to ride a bus because she has mental issues?
ReplyDeleteThe guy in #3 is not on drugs. That's just how they are.
ReplyDeleteAll mental cases. These types don't scare me so much as the black mobs.
ReplyDeleteThis is a "world class" pubic (sic) transportation system. It's o.k. between the hours of 6-9am and 4-7pm. Don't get rid of your car and DON't believe the hype otherwise.
ReplyDeleteDese blaks are cawsin all dem problems Derrrrr
ReplyDeleteNo, white crazy people are just as reponsible for the misery on the CTA. We hate them, too.
ReplyDeleteI should be legally allowed to put my foot up the ass of anybody who stumbles onto the bus and demands that people pay their fare. They should then be placed under the wheels and ran over.