He wasn't wearing a cape, but he’s definitely a real-life superhero!
When a woman’s purse was snatched on the 5000 block of North Kenmore Avenue, around 10:14 a.m., a Good Samaritan sprang into action, said police.
A man riding his bike chased the suspect and snatched the victim’s purse from the offender, said police.
Shortly thereafter, the purse was returned to the victim.
However, the crook managed to escape.
The suspect was described as an unshaven black man in 20s with curly brown hair, about 6-feet-tall, and 170 pounds.
The failed purse snatcher was wearing brown pants and an orange T-shirt.
If you spot anyone matching this thug's description, call the police, immediately.
Photo credit: Incurable_Hippie
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