The Monday, July 9, 2012, incident happened around 9:29 p.m. on a CTA train approaching the Belmont "L" stop, said police.
Authorities did not say if the sex offense occurred on the Red, Purple, or Brown Line.
The offender was described as a black male in his 20s, about 6-feet-tall, wearing a blue, plaid shirt.
The suspect got off the train at Belmont and was last seen the Belmont and Halsted Street area.
According to a post at an online community forum, another woman, who apparently lives in Lakeview, experienced a similar incident on a southbound Red Line train on July 6, 2012, around 10:30 p.m.
The woman said a male passenger purposely exposed his genitals while popping chewing gum and staring at her.
"I was heading south into downtown on the redline this past Friday when I noticed the privates of the man sitting across from me were sticking far out of his shorts. He was staring directly at me, popping his gum.
I refuse to believe there was some way he wasn't aware of what he was doing - he kept shifting I think to grab my attention,
This was a more than half full train, about 10:30 pm. I was by myself, frightened and disgusted, and after about 2 minutes got enough guts to move to the other side of the car. Two days later I'm wishing I would've called attention to him or screamed or something," said the frightened woman.
With the attempted rape on Waveland Avenue still unsolved, these reports are extremely unsettling.
Let's address the gays rubbing and exposing their penises on the electric powered porta-potties a.k.a. CTA.
ReplyDeletePer Craigslist, "the last car" is where you're supposed to be able to partake Chicago's version of "diversity" (while just trying to get to WORK).
This White SSA always goes for the most least crowded car near the front of the train.
What is your hang-up with gays, dumbass?
DeleteYour obsession with gays is as obvious as the absurdity of your comments.
Does your fascination stem from your own repressed homosexuality? We know it does - but its fun to ask and watch you squirm.
Your comment about the last train car on the "L" is similarly absurd but its nice knowing youre checking out Craigslist as you wait to board the last car that takes you to Boystown so you can go get a booth at Ram.
And although she was "freightened and disgusted" she enjoyed this for "two minutes" before moving? That's a long time. Pervy chic.
ReplyDeleteDo not blame her for this jerk's behavior. She was likely shocked and may have been afraid of him... Many people would not react instantly to this out of fear.
Deletewas this an actual police report that was received by the CPD, or are you copying/pasting from Everyblock?
ReplyDeleteThe proper response any woman should give a flasher is this: "That's it! That's all you've got & you're proud of it. All 2 inches of it!"
ReplyDeleteThen laugh!
After 2 minutes, she got the guts to move to the OTHER side of the car? That's a long time. And, why not move to an entirely different CAR on the train?
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you why. It's because his "privates were sticking far out of his shorts." I don't believe in blaming the victim, but her story is bothersome and she lacks common sense.
What kind of jerk blames this victim? Most of us would have acted the same way. Some wierdo exposes himself to you, and of course your initial reaction is going to be shock and not knowing what to do.
ReplyDeleteShe's not a victim if she spent two minutes, drooling, mouth agape, trying to figure out if she wanted to give in to her filthy desire to suck it or not. She only moved because she felt ashamed to contemplate such a thing. Everyone knows she wanted that black mambo slithering down her throat.
ReplyDeleteIf you really are a spook troll, you whole species in incapable of understanding that somebody else has a different viewpoint than yours, which is "Muh Di KK".
ReplyDeleteWhy would the average human see primate genitalia and say "Hey, I want to put that in my mouth?"
Have you ever seen a dog's twat or dick and wanted it?
Scratch that, you're a nog, you probably DID want it.
Your "people" are vile and disgusting and either need to be contained far way from the rest of it, or wiped off the face of the Earth.
Now go sell your LINK card so you can refill your Boost mobile sailfoam.
What is a LINK card? What is this fascination you people have with them? More importantly, why is the idiot above ranting on and on about dog and primate reproductive organs? Does Chris Hansen need to start a new series on FREAKS who sexually abuse animals? That post reveals an unnatural "interest" in beastiality. You are gross.
ReplyDeleteIf you expect to effectively spar with us "racists" and shut us down, you had better as hell educate yourselves on our terminology and the things we complain about.
DeleteNot all of us are Christian rednecks, some of us hold Ph'd's, and more "racists" are created everyday because of the American black Pavement ape (Rapeicus Chimpouticus).
I don't care about what happened to long-dead people, right now thse chimps are carrying out an all-out war on the rest of us, probably ordered by the Jews. Once the Jew is done using blacks as muscle against the rest of us they will expand Israel to this continent and wipe out the nogs themselves.
Stop watching MTV. Stop listening to rap. Stop encouraging and giving money to pro athletes. You are only paying for your own destruction.
Link is the main source of Gibs in Illinois. Food stamps, cash assistance.
ReplyDelete"Gibs" is the short version of "Gibs me dat" or "GIBSMEDAT" or as the Boystown attackers probably jump up and down and holler "Gibs MUH DAT! GIBS MUH DAT!" is the common refrain of the black pavement ape.
DeleteIf you want to understand our disgust with these partially sentient, violent primates, you need to understand about LINK, Section 8 (or Section Ape), and all the other free bananas they receive with OUR TAX DOLLARS.
I don't agree with Republican or Democrat, but at least the conservatives want smaller government. Mitt Romney will not actually be able to take away your porn, he will just be another President, no better or worse than the rest of them, but at least he won't be a socialist.
I wrote about dog parts because I grew up as a minority in a black ghetto (not black myself) and there were things like dog-*ucking going on, I only speak from experience.
@829, YES one of the best posts EVER. I wasnt a racist before, but after the last 18 months of seeing the RACE WAR that the n o g s are waging against us, I have learned to see the n o g and to be on guard, ready to protect myself and to move the hell out if I have to.
ReplyDeleteOur Hebrew-run media empires here in America more or less created the toxic hip-hop/rap/disgusting nog culture that we all know and hate today.
ReplyDeleteIf they went back to the James Brown/Earth Wind and Fire kind of nog culture I could maybe go back to just being a di*k instead of a hardcore "racist".
What planet are you assholes from!?! I have my issues with urban problems, but they are much more related to socioeconomic status, not skin color or race. One more thing: people with PhDs usually have better spelling and grammar. I would bet my first-born that not a one of you "anonymous" coward posters has a PhD.
ReplyDeleteAt 3:33 am - I WAS gay but after living in Sh*tcago amongst gays for 5+ years, I now consider myself SSA. They are animals with bloodthirst for sex, drugs and $ just like the animals they are complaining about overtaking their "neighborhoods". They deserve each other.
ReplyDeleteI've been invited to the "last car", Steamworks, the allies, etc. but I refuse to partake in Chicago's version of the gay lifestyle. I never knew about, nor had to go this route before. There was alot more pink shading on your HIV infection map back in 1992 compared to gay communities in other major cities, and there still is.
Now hop on the "civil union" train for PR purposes. A whole 22 couples were down there.
And, yes, I do read Craigslist and here's why......(it just backs up my view of Chicago's gay "lifestyle")......
ReplyDeleteTouche piss party last Saturday - m4m - 43 (Club Room)
Date: 2012-07-02, 7:52AM CDT
Reply to: tdfvn-3113735299@pers.craigslist.org
You: about 27-30, white, naked. Me: white, stocky. We rubbed our meat together and both squirted a little piss on each other, kind of next to that slightly larger group of guys. Totally enjoyed our encounter and would like to do more.
Re:: Steamworks Sunday night - m4m - 26 (Steamworks)
Date: 2012-04-09, 4:02AM CDT
Reply to: 7q2d2-2947834855@pers.craigslist.org
You probably didnt hear the screaming.. or see four attendance taking
a guy on a wheel chair from that room... It was sad and very scary...
Though I still wonder what they did to that guy in that room, which
makes it that bad... anyone has any update on that? Is he okay?
(but I can't wait to rent my White Picket Fence "condo" next door to that place and complain about crime at my doorstep though - or partake and live in Edgewater while "leaving it all behind" like I'm better than and was never even there).
ReplyDeleteThe CTA is misery. Most bus routes have every limping, pathetic loser with a Circuit Breaker bus pass just riding to ride, holding up the bus extraordinarily long with their pathetic, needs to be put out to pasture asses. Oftentimes a landwhale in excess of 500 pounds on a scooter needs to take up four spots, then two more zombies with walkers and grandma carts get on. If they're disabled, why don't they order a PACE or something?
ReplyDeleteAnd the only reason they're disabled is an addiction to KFC.
Chicago has some fat fucking, ugly ass creatures here.
And the train is filthy, full of screeching primates.
Damn. I came across this site by accident, and I see so much hate spewing out of people's lips. Is Chicago and it's people that awful? I'll never step foot in here. Damn.