Are Chicago police officers looking the other way while hoodlums -- often mislabeled as disenfranchised, black, gay youth -- run amuck in Chicago’s Boystown neighborhood?
Monday, at 12:54 a.m., a man reported several black males throwing bottles at passing cars outside Spin Nightclub at 800 West Belmont Avenue, near Halsted and Belmont.
Before authorities could respond, the same man dialed 911 a second time claiming a group of black males threatened him with a knife.
Almost five minutes later, around 12:59 a.m., the man called police, again. This time he said 100 black males were throwing bricks.
According to the cop who allegedly spoke with the 911 caller, the complainant called the officer a racist and accused the officer of not doing his job.
“I didn’t like his attitude,” said the investigating officer to police dispatch. “He called me a racist and said I wasn’t doing my job, because the people out here are black.”
Meanwhile, a slew of emergency calls from multiple citizens, suggested the serial 911 caller wasn’t the only person complaining about Boystown’s unwanted gests.
At 1:17 a.m., police responded to the 7-Eleven at 3407 North Halsted Street after a large crowd took over the convenience store’s parking lot.
A female officer dispersed the crowd around 1:24 a.m. and coded the job as a 5-Paul: A street disturbance/other police service.
Around the same time the disturbance occurred outside the Lake View 7-Eleven, a similar incident was reported in front of D.S. Tequila Company at 3352 North Halsted Street.
A black Chevy was parked in front of the business with its doors open and music blasting, according to police dispatch reports.
A subsequent complaint indicated several people were also blocking the bar’s entrance.
With the action on Halsted Street showing no signs of slowing down, several black youths on the 3200 block of North Halsted Street were accused of criminal property damage and attacking a Chicago cab driver, at 1:40 a.m.
According to one source, the group was blocking the street and when a cab driver blew his horn at them, they attacked his vehicle.
It’s unclear if any arrests were made, but at the time of this report, police were interviewing the taxi driver.
Although we understand the first 911 caller’s frustration, filing a false police report -- if in fact, that’s what he did -- is illegal and a waste of valuable police resources.
Over-exaggerating the circumstances surrounding a 911 call may get you a quicker response, but once investigators realize you are lying, your credibility immediately goes out the window.
However, one question remains: Could the police do more to discourage criminal behavior in Boystown, or are their hands tied due to a manpower shortage and the threat of lawsuits... which may result in the loss of their pensions?
Photo credit: NationalJournal.com/NATO protester yells at officer.
But this type of uncivil behavior is a NIGHTLY event in Boystown.
ReplyDeleteIf, for a moment, we exclude the race of the offenders and only judge them by the content of their character, these same people - who happen to be black - would be singled out for attention because of their actions, not the color of their skin.
Why should be lower our basic standards of acceptable behavior in order to appease these people - who don't live in the Lake View community and bring nothing redeeming to LV?
Since when doesn't behavior have consequences?
Why should we tolerate people who draw this unflattering attention by being uncivil, disrespectful, loud, profane and vulgar; who litter and loiter, intimidate, block streets and sidewalks, and, dare I say, commit crimes.
What happened to Supt. McCarthy's pledge to enforce the Broken Windows theory of crime reduction? Because the little things are NOT being enforced.
Yes, we need additional police personnel. But we cannot continue to ignore the problem. These people often have no money. Theyre not visiting area residents and not patronizing LV businesses.
This problem must be acknowledged and addressed.
This stuff was NO DOUBT bound to happen Sunday night. You could feel it coming. That street was littered with those hoodrats walking around slowly with this ghetto swagga like they own everything. Peculiar, two of the more popular bars I went in were practically dead but those streets sure indicate otherwise. It's the first time I walked out of that area with protection ready in my hand.
ReplyDeleteThat whole street/area is a disaster. It's a depressed pit. Then walk by that closed up wine shop whose owner jumped from the 49th floor. I could go on and on.
There could be a textbook written for Chicago on how NOT to F up a gay community.
I, for one, will not be going back there until these businesses, Alderman or whatever he is and police get a WRITTEN plan POSTED about what they are going to do.
Again, just stand behind these counters and collect cash off our backs as if it's just another day.
There outta be a march to shut these businesses down until they get it together out there.
This really explains alot for me with these career hustlers that are always inviting you out to their establishments when you pass them during the day. Two of them (from the same place) literally turned their face on me (twice each) the last time they saw me over the course of the past 6 months. They obviously know they shouldn't say a word. Twits. One of them, when I inquired about the bloodied people, literally crossed his arms and turned his head - like a little girl. I'm serious. (and that was 2 years ago).
ReplyDeleteThere's probably a helluva lot more going on out there than we know about.
You don't care about me, I don't care about you. A straight couple in Lakeview even agrees with me on that.
These are "just transient youth" ya know.
I WILL however give credit to another long standing business out there. I was just passing by and the obvious door person(I've seen him there when visiting before) told a patron that was leaving to "stay off Aldine and Buckingham, they seem to be the hotspots". I respect that guy.
ReplyDeletelakeview is a mess. there was a mob of ghetto youth blocking clark st. between the Metro and that nasty hot dog stand at about 5 am on monday. i was riding my bike home from the All Night Bike Ride when I saw them. I turned around and went south, and ther were more of them at the McDonalds. I thought that i was going to be bikejacked.
ReplyDeleteWhat can the police do against a tsunami of black rioting and mob action? Even having an extra 2000 cops added citywide wouldn't make much of a dent. How many people in the area have in the past promoted the notion of black civil rights and "social justice", only to find out now what it really entails? The chickens have come home to roost and are preying on the liberal types who helped bring this about in the first place.
ReplyDeleteHow do you get the genie back into the bottle?
You don't just need more cops. You need more corrections personnel: judges, clerks, guards. Cops can't do anything if the crook has no place to go. Maybe we should just lower taxes and that will fix it(sarcasm).
ReplyDeleteIf the cops wont act, the citizens must.
ReplyDeleteIronic that these black hoodlums choose to attack the most liberal areas of the city. Racism moving on up to the the east side!
ReplyDeleteGet ready for a race riot
ReplyDeleteSo true 1:30pm, you don't see these black thugs bringing this shit to Bridgeport because those white will lynch and kill these animals. The Irish and Italians in Bridgeport don't like the black and aren't afraid to show it. They won't tolerate this crap.
ReplyDeleteWhat a laugh! In my old neighborhood we never wanted the cops to show up because we would have battered these stinking Negros to a pulp with baseball bats. I guess when you're a whiny little fudgepacker all you can do is run away on your tiny weak knock-kneed legs and scream for help. What pussies! HAHAHA! Boystown - not! Cowardsville!
ReplyDeleteSince your information comes from radio broadcasts, are you sure the complainant was white? Maybe he was black.
ReplyDeleteThis area and their "trendiness" and jump on the latest PC bandwagon are soooooooooooooo tha-roo!
ReplyDeleteReally, I can't believe in this "city of big shoulders" that it's people are SO weak.
These gay farmboys that discovered Madonna's B-sides here are going to be running like a B-bottom boy back to Hootchyville very soon.
@anon 6:16 am- Sad but true.
ReplyDeleteSo many residents of Lakeview and Lincoln Park are total pussies. These savages are merely preying on the weakest victims. They just lay down and let themselves be victimized. Plus it seems they lack the courage to identify (and fight) the TRUE problem (ghetto nigs) Especially the gay males... Someone send them a memo reminding them they are still men... Arent they?