Watch the video and decide for yourselves.
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It looks like all the witnesses were happy!
ReplyDeleteI don't think the cop did anything wrong at all. If I had been there in person, I would volunteer to testify on his behalf if needed.
It's called Police work. And this is exactly why people act like they do because we cannot keep order anymore. This little drunk is probably an illegal alien and expects us to kiss is hind end. He was a drunken idiot and he got arrested. 20 years ago he would of got an ass whoopin with it.
ReplyDeleteWhy is that cop so fat?
ReplyDeleteWell here is an instance where cell phone video will help save a cop's job. Also note how White people celebrate the presence of the police in taking care of problem makers. Could the police ever expect such a response in any black community?
ReplyDeleteYass! Choke slam thzt savage nigger...right archie bunker?
ReplyDeleteI beleieve that the guy had every right to be arrested. However, to choke him all the way to the curve I do not believe was appropriate.
ReplyDeleteWhat a classy neighborhood! I'm just dying to move there.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see their still Real Police out there and not afraid to put their hands on people..that illegal fkn immigrant should of gotten a beating like back in the good old days! Good job office
ReplyDeleteI applaud the cop for choking it "all the way to the curb" (not curve) and keeping that mess out of the other peoples way that just wanted to go out and enjoy themselves for the day - with limits (which most people here don't know how to do). I'm sure dragging that mess out of the public way is "procedure" and I'll bet that "procedure" is very ambiguously written for a reason. Thanks CPD!
ReplyDeleteJust a few more of these being "taken to the curb" on Halsted St. each week and I'll start spending my money there again.
Thank god we have police. He may have saved the kids life, knowing he was drunk. He may have gotten it worse out on the streets that day. The cop did him a favor
ReplyDeleteSo was this person a man or woman or both?
ReplyDeleteSo many women want to physically fight men nowadays, but probably have never taken a full force punch from an adult male. I think their attitudes would change quickly if one of those guys connected with a right hook.
ReplyDeleteAlso, these dirty drama queen lezbos entire relationship is built on drama and constantly trying to calm that he/she down, and then offering it compassion when it gets hurt/arrested.
Bravo CPD, if only you could of reminded her what a punch from a full sized adult feels like...
Yeah, choke more spics every chance you get officer. Good job!
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 10:37 - Agreed. There was a couple in that Andersonville place one day that came barging out of a store front. The butch one stepped on my dog. I mean things happen but then she then wanted to start an argument about it. The "lipstick lez" girfren was trying to calm her down just like in this video. She really wanted to fight with......ME?!
ReplyDeleteRepeat a scenario like this over and over again up there. One was a confrontational "neighbor" too. They are truly miserable beings.
Hope this video gets around enough to show them what can happen when they let their lil "big man" problem get in the way.
There is nothing worse than drunken lesbians in Andersonville after the gay parade every year. Those men wannabe's are violent and confrontational as they stagger around the streets with their hairy armpits and hairy legs and sagging tits terrorizing normal people. They are especially hostile to any man.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 12:03 - the confrontational "neighbor" I had to finally tell "I'm sorry you don't have a d*ck, there's nothing I can do about it either, o.k.?!"
ReplyDeleteShe was 40+, childless and obviously still ovulating. Stood in her fully open window facing the street for hours - in the winter. They're dangerous as H.
Diversity is great and all but my conclusion is, this town is pretty much a bunch of crackpots that were run-off or kicked-out of "normal" living environs for a reason.
And the whole gay "youth" movement and coddling of these brats. Most of them are misfits that had to be let out on their own that are, coincidentally, gay (or decided to be as an afterthought).
Why has the video been removed??
ReplyDelete@Anon March 22, 2012 12:43 PM Diversity is great and all but my conclusion is, this town is pretty much a bunch of....
ReplyDeleteIf only this city was full of normal people that were exactly the same, all our problems would be solved.
Anon @ 1:04 - pretty much.
ReplyDeleteJust respect that all aren't lazy, weed smoking, tax evading, anti-everything. Some of us were born and raised in - true - diversity.
Moving from Hootchyville, WI and you and your family now thinking you're "worldly" or "cultured" because you now know a black person outside of the workplace doesn't count.
Your right to be "diverse" or "perverse" or whatever you want to be ENDS at the point you are intruding on another's right to live in peace.
ReplyDeleteEveryone write your reps/ senators/ and the republicans tell them the horrors of subsidised housing. Tell them of the failure of subsidised housing, how the people were supposed to assimilate into the rea but instead they turned it into the area they left. Tell them u want the HUD budget cut so that there is only enough for seniors,vets and people with mental and physical disabilities. This will force the CHA to reduce the number of vouchers and sell their buildings to private companies. The baby mamas who are the beneficiaries of subsidised housing have criminal relatives and boyfriends that target the area and they also live with them.
ReplyDeleteSection 8 and subsidised housing is funded federally not through the city(for those who didn't know). SO COMPLAINING TO THE CITY IS A WASTE OF TIME.
Everytime there is a budget battle contact them and tell them to cut the HUD BUDGET.
Support Paul Ryan's budget to cut food stamps and other welfare programs that promotes over breeding by lowincome, low intelligence uneducated men and women who produce the spawn who do all the wyldings and crime.
The video is down. What did it show to clear the cop?
ReplyDeleteit showed her being bulligerent for 5 minutes or so, trying to fight a 350lb bouncer, and then trying to fight the cop. it was bascially a 2nd angle of the incident that had about 3 minutes of footage prior to the choke slam
ReplyDeleteCops that take advantage of force should be burned alive with their uniform oN backwards and halfway in the ass..which is about 99.9% of ChicagoPD!?? You either have something or they plant it on you so ,You better be high Or sell druGs cause if you dont CPD will make it happen arrest you give you a rock to sleep on and a sandwich..then in the ass crack of dawn send yOu packing ...all FOR QUOTas..?!? Way to "serve and protect" CROOKED COPS.!!. To the racist assholes that talk shit ....your definately not worth my time...!!
ReplyDeleteCops that take advantage of force should be burned alive with their uniform oN backwards and halfway in the ass..which is about 99.9% of ChicagoPD!?? You either have something or they plant it on you so ,You better be high Or sell druGs cause if you dont CPD will make it happen arrest you give you a rock to sleep on and a sandwich..then in the ass crack of dawn send yOu packing ...all FOR QUOTas..?!? Way to "serve and protect" CROOKED COPS.!!. To the racist assholes that talk shit ....your definately not worth my time...!!
ReplyDeleteThat cop was awesome. He was alone in a sea of drunks. Everyone was cheering when he took that asshole away.
ReplyDeleteDo you people realize yet that this is a guy? His facebook page was posted on the first youtube video...
ReplyDeleteshort mexican fellas dont usually have girlfriends that hot, so i still think it was a female
ReplyDeleteinternet detectives post the wrong DOX all the time!
Cops like this are awesome! I'm going to join the CPD.
ReplyDeleteAttn chicagoans: IF you all wouldve beat that fool down that cop wouldnt have done a damn thing... Next time save him the time and having to write those damn reports. Clearly we are all better off with this cop on the streets! 8D