Saturday, February 25, 2012

Report: Boys as young as 12, steal iPhone from Rogers Park fitness center

Several young offenders stole a cell phone from a North Side, Chicago Park District gym, said police.

The theft occurred around 12:49 p.m. at the Willye B. White Park Fitness Center at 1610 West Howard Street in Rogers Park, said authorities.

The offenders were described as two male black teens.

The first suspect, who is believed to be 12-years-old, was wearing a black jacket and baggy jeans.

The second thief is 12 to 14-years-old and he was wearing a CUBS jacket and baggy pants.

At 1:05 p.m., police stopped three possible suspects on the 1600 block of West Jonquil Terrace and brought them to the Rogers Park fitness center.

As of 1:30 p.m., it was unclear if any of the possible offenders were positively identified as the thieves who stole the iPhone.

If more information becomes available, this article will be updated accordingly.

Photo credit: Bob B. 


  1. Leaving them around iPhones is like leaving your dog home with doggie treats on the floor. They are going to eat them. They cannot resist. It is in their genes...

  2. I stopped going to the Clarendon Park Community Center because of unruly blacks. Shame. I used to enjoy working out there.

  3. Identifying nigs is tough...they all look the chimps.

  4. I didnt think those chimps could use the iphone.

  5. Those ignorant nigs can't use iphones...they sell them.

  6. "It's just transient youth" and "these things just happen".

  7. This story is pathetic. What competently sane person gets excited about this? Oh wait...

  8. Damn chimps must not know there is no pay as you go for the iPhone

  9. Come on now, a stolen iphone? Really? Why don't you start exposing real news? This happens everywhere to people of all races. Can't believe this was even considered by someone. What's the next story, kids who sneak into movies? You should really stop being so "selective" of the news you post. Your site has potential but you don't know what to do with it.

  10. I applaud this is the only way to find out what crimes the nigs are committing. All other media either ignores race or interviews the mammies of dead nig thugs who rant about how "they son was a good boy" or "da po-po is da bad man" or "he was a honor student" or other bs.

  11. I didnt think people that live in Rogers Park could afford iPhones.


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