Obama’s visit to a Glendale, Arizona business is being overshadowed by his heated exchange with the state’s governor.
Wednesday, President Obama was greeted by Gov. Jan Brewer at an airport outside of Phoenix.
During their less than 2 minute conversation, Brewer said the president made it clear that he was less than pleased with the way he was portrayed in her book, Scorpions for Breakfast.
“He was a little disturbed about my book.” said Brewer.
At some point, Brewer was filmed pointing her finger toward the president’s face.
Despite the widespread denouncement of Brewer's hand gesture, more than 36,000 people "liked" the controversial photo on the governor's Facebook page.
However, some of the comments left on the embattled governor's online profile expressed extreme disapproval of her actions.
"Jan Brewer, you not only disrespected the Office of the President of the United States, but you disrespected All citizens of the United States. You should apologize to President Barack Hussein Obama immediately and you should resign as governor of Arizona, for you no longer can represent yourself with decor, dignity and respect," said Facebook user Kent Hill.
Crack Ho' Cock-suckin' Beeyatch....
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, that was very disrespectful and shows a lack of class and professionalism.
ReplyDelete@ Whichever "Anonymous" you are:
ReplyDeleteThis I S Chicago's PREMIER Website for "disrespect, and lack of class and professionalism" - so what's the problem??
(N O T you Tim - all your "Anonymous" posters)
Read all the other "Anonymous" posts; at least I have the G U T S to post a name with my mouth-spew.
How often does one see a living skeleton point? Not often, I'd argue.
ReplyDeleteIt's just a talking gesture. What was she saying? ...maybe, "The first thing is..."
ReplyDeleteThis dried up saggy prune face bitch needs her ass handed to her. She has no disrespect for the Commander in Chief and who he is and what he stands for. If he was white and she was black, she would have been in jail and her ass needs to be too....get out the sun bitch you all dried up.
Delete:) agree
DeleteI understand that she was trying to get her point across. But there are somethings that you do not do to someone that is running the country and one of those things is put your finger in their face. It is VERY disrespectful and I think that she should apologize for such actions. I can bet that if it was any other President that would have not happened. I can understand that you have your differences but show the Commander and Chief some respect.
ReplyDeleteshe needs to make a public apology to TO THE PRESIDENT on NATIONAL TV.
ReplyDeleteWow this is why you north siders deserve your invasion you support people like obama
ReplyDeleteAnd you are from?
DeleteYour an Ass just like she is!!!!
DeleteYou probably have an issue with him because he is black also. Yes President Obama has supporters like us and Gov. Brewer has supporters like you.. Remember the U.S. was fucked up before he took office and of he had a little support from "y'all republicans" to help him straighten it back out maybe the economy would've been back to normal... Grow up and stop supporting ignorance.
DeleteDude if I was near u I wud put my finger n yo face nd make u like it hope u flinch wrong so I could drop u where u stand
DeleteDamn, I thought most people loved the color black. I guess green is out and pink is the new color representing jealousy.
DeleteHold on everyone this fag probably hates ” his shadow” because its black! That's if his retarded ass has realized it yet!
Deleteinstead of explaining herself she needs to apologize. if Mrs. Obama was there i don't think she would have done this!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis bitch needs her ass whip. Races ass people something's will never change.
ReplyDeleteThis is what this cunt does. Her calculated outrageousness makes her a hero to all the Obama haters. If you think this was spontaneous, there's a CTA Gray Line on the south side I'd like to sell you.
ReplyDeleteShe is a cunt alright! Not even a good one!
DeleteI applaud her for standing up for herself against the garbage this man represents. She's got more guts than most men.
ReplyDeleteIf the president is garbage what does that make you? She was disrespectful. If I were to put my hand in your face would you feel discontent or would feel like everything is cool? With what he was given he has done a good job handling all sort of problems created by the previous Bush administration.
DeleteNo your the garbage..& if you see that as something that deserves and applause your as much as a Dickhead as she is...Jerk!!!!!! Total disrespect for the Presidency..
DeleteNo let me correct you. She has more guts than the spineless and mindless jellyfish of men in your family. I know I know I don't know you but I can tell by the comment you posted that your more than a couple eggs short of a dozen!
DeleteJust like a person who is disrpectful. No apologies, just her point as to why she feels she had to say in her mind what needed to be said. You don't prove a point at a greeting. Just in this interview alone, I see she had no respect in her approach with the President. He probably thought how dare you want a lunch when you chew me up during breakfast. Presentation is key.
ReplyDeleteshe was simply disrespectful regardless of the conversation
ReplyDeleteNever in my entire life, have I seen so much disrespect for the President of the United States!!!! Even if I did not vote for or support the person who is President, I RESPECT them for the simple fact of the position that they hold. This is not the first act of disrespect that has been shown since this President has been in office!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf u don't respect the man please respect his post. His official title is commander in chief. You do you country a great disservice when the world stage see things like this. He fights for you. He kills for you. Not saying you should kiss his @$$ or anything. But come on....really?
ReplyDeleteFirst of all she is completely disrespectful, what is her issue. President Obama deserves respect no matter how she feels he is over her in position. That woman needs to learn respect and apologize. For the record he is President Obama not just Obama!!!
ReplyDeleteClassless... just what i'd expect from a bleached blonde... over botoxed yet still excessively wrinkled... over tanned... white trash whore with her credentials... she sure knew who to do that to bcuz she wouldnt try that crap with just any old joe shmoe nobody on the street because she knows she would have gotten the dog shit slapped out of her!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone has their own opinion however just because it is a person that you don't agree with does not give them the right to disrespect, would it have been the same if it were you or your father or your mother even don't be ignorant that is wrong and I don't care who you are or what you believe. If you were so strong in your views, you probably would not be anonymous. The people on your job apparently don't know you are racist.
ReplyDelete......time always tells the tale. Once the dust settles.. folks will see that over all Obama had the right ideas. But due to political partisan view(racist republicans) they would rather see him fail than the country succeed. Gov. Jan is just wrong for being disrespectful on so many levels and worse to use that moment to score points with the Obama haters.
ReplyDeleteShe is so disrespectful!! What a shame...
ReplyDeleteI am very disgusted with her actions. She should be embarrassed of how unprofessional she was. No matter how a situation may occur (she claims her conversation was redirected), you should always act accordingly. The President of the U.S. deserves much respect and her so-called "talking with her hands communication" was not appropriate for that setting.
ReplyDeleteI viewed this in amazement! President Obama has recieved so much disrespect during his term in office. J Brewer should offer an apology to him publicly.
ReplyDeleteOur last President left this country in shambles, and because Obama is a Black man he is disrespected. Not because he is or is not doing his job, but because he is a BLACK MAN!!!
Obama you will always recieve my vote, I will follow whereever you may lead.
J Brewer I have one thing to say to you is, you have showed disrespect for not only your president but for your country!!! You should recieve adequate punishment for that simple fact!!!!
She's stupid' it was all politics
ReplyDeleteSecret Service should have been all over her a""! She needed to show respect for the President of the United States. She does not have to personally like him. But, she should have given him the respect he is due. She is an elected official. She is displaying her personal feelings here. This seems to be the normal thing these days, for most Republican Officials. They’re not thinking about what’s best for America. They’re just hell bent on getting the President, (this Black man) out of office. It's just shame!
ReplyDeleteI agree
ReplyDeleteThis lady is way out of line!
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteJAN BREWER FOR PRESIDENT! Finally, a woman with some backbone.
ReplyDeleteAll these pinheads saying Obama is "our" president never said that when Bush was in office.
Yes sure President of Jan Brewer Brewery..ha ha
DeleteWell well well what have we here? Another retarded republican? According to this idiot no one called President Obama ” President” when bush was in office? I'm lost can someone of intelligence please explain? We got this buddy roll your toothless ass over and finish making love to your sister, brother, uncle whoever. I give up
DeleteFrom Jasmine Grayson,
ReplyDeleteI feel that this woman has no respect for herself nor the people of Arizona for this! She has no respect for our president! It not only pisses me off but as an african american female I feel that this woman needs to come face to face with First Lady Michele Obama. I cant believe that President Obama has let this woman do this to her. First off Mr. President you are the Commander and Cheif take charge and let everyone know that you will not take anymore disrespect. First Lady you make contact with this woman and stand up for your husband. Gov. Jan you need to make a public apology to the prsident and his family. African Americans you need to take charge and stand up for your president. He is our first black president and if we dont help him and stand up for him than who will. Martin L. King and Malcomn X died and Rosa Parks was sent to jail so that a black man can hold the position President Obama has. Make him proud to by standing up for him!
I only wish the dear gov had busted a spit in the presidents face. The lying criminal will continue to wreck America as instructed. Obama is a premadonna who needs to be knocked down to size. F the sob.
ReplyDeleteYou are a stupid bitch also, nothing else to say!
DeleteWhat's up with these bush wackos blaming President Obama for all that's wrong with this dysfunctional ass country? I mean I don't really feel like repeating over and over about the country being on auto pilot while lil bush jr. sat in his underoos and played his war game. Now every lil Dick, tom, Harry and sally want to take a jab at the HNIC! Oh I forgot to tell you ”F the sob” is what your last sex partner said after such a lousy lay! Have a great day!
DeleteMichelle Obama needs to beat Governor Jan Brewer's ass for such dis-respect! what is this world coming to! she would have NEVER put that finger in George Bush's face or any other previous president for that matter...Karma is nothing to play with, with that being said I really hate to see the punishment that you will receive for such wrong doing; You don't have to answer to President Obama in the end, but you will answer to GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe's black, so don't criticize him. Blacks must only be praised, no matter how mediocre. Lots of racial solidarity there.
ReplyDeleteWhites critiqued Bush aplenty. Blacks stick together like glue and these comments here prove it. Blacks defend even the lousiest criminals if they're black.
It's all about race, their race.
Thats a pile of crap, if you are wrong your wrong! There wasn't anything professional about her behavior and if you think so then this is why the country is mess up with people like that in office
DeleteAn overqualified black man is still not as qualified as a underqualified pinky right? All pinky does is criticize black because they are not it. I don't give a damn how many times you go to the tanning salon and inject collagen in your lips and asses! I think you should take your low fat, organic suffering from noassatall ass back up in that lizard that birthed you
DeleteWith all do respect how could you speak on being black if you have never been black in your entire life..Let's just take away the fact that the president is bi-racial(that means black and white). You sound like someone who never grew from the sixties..BLACKS who talks like that..and their race you sound like a pure racist to me..So here is the fact..he is your president as well as mine..no president has ever received disrespect like president obama..not bush(when there were no weapons of mass destruction) not clinton(when he got his jimmy sucked by an intern)not nixon(for lying). I'm sure you can see where I am going..and here is another fact the president can't do anything if the house and congress don't support him..so while you are worried why us BLACK folk is supporting a apresident..maybe you might want to do some reading on some facts instead of talking out the side of your neck..have a god day..and maybe instead of judging black people(by the way we are called African Americans now) maybe you should try to get to know us!!!
DeleteAt least it wasn't a shoe thrown...
ReplyDeleteYour right about that lol. People only throw shoes at cockroaches! Ooops I better be careful speaking negative about the ex commander and chief!
DeleteThat monkey faced, two bit pimped out, whore for Goldman Sachs Obama is pushing amnesty and policies to accelerate the destruction of the USA. He's the most arrogant lying sack of vomit this country has ever had living at the White House. Wake up you Obama morons. The dude is evil. Kick his butt, Jan...shove that skinny hustler in jail cell where he belongs!
ReplyDeleteLol. If president Obama belongs in a jail cell then I bet you probably belong in a dentist chair from drinking way too much mountain dew at high altitudes singing the dukes of hazards them song
DeleteHa ha :) nice reply
DeleteWell damn what is it exactly that he is hustling so you say?? You're a clown just like that governor was! Its call respect! You may not like him, but you do need to respect him!
ReplyDeleteYou have that backware that trailer park trash needs to be in a jail cell, that was a threat toward the president of the United States of America!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou can criticize the president all you like, not because he's black or white or purple, but because he's in a position that influences many. However, do so in a way that makes sense, that's logical, that's smart. 95% of the people who criticize what he does don't agree with the outcome or are racist, illoigcal conservative pigs. I prefer and will listen to those in the prior group. Those in the latter can go f themselves. The governor is a clown with no hope of a political future outside her redneck, backas*wards state. Maybe some of you on this board should consider moving there.
ReplyDeleteImagine the outcry if the situation had been reversed and our president had embarrassed her in public. Typical incivility nowdays. If my child did anything so grossly disrespectful in public to another human being, let alone our well-mannered, well educated President of the U.S., would be severely punished. These sorts of disputes should be sorted out privately. Its not O.K. and reflects badly on her.
ReplyDeleteGive your opinion but keep your finger out of the President of The United States face! Where is her American respect??
ReplyDeleteAs far as spitting in some one face no matter who they are, try that shit on the street and see what it get your ass, teeth missing!!!!!!!!! but these are the people you all want in the office and you want to blame our president, yes our president meaning my, her, and your for the mess we are in, you better open your EYES!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou know she put me in the mind of one of them white trailer park trash that come on the Jerry show that come out from behind the stage and the first thing you see is them pointing their finger and ready to fight and always get their ass kick, lmao ;0
ReplyDeleteShe was just offering to put her finger in his butt. Why is everyone so mad? She should be praised as a great woman, that is willing to get her hands dirty!!!
ReplyDelete50+ comments between 8AM and 11AM? WHY ARENT YOU PEOPLE AT WORK???
ReplyDeleteAnd last the president should fire all them secret services people because they should have had her ass face down on the ground with the foot on the neck and kneel in the back, bitchess!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought black people were boycotting this blog...
ReplyDeleteWhat happened? Who are you even arguing with??
Anyway, make sure to turn your adblock software off...
The niggers better get used to the idea that Obama is a one-term president. He is just a token like all the affirmative action nigger employees in government. After the election we will have a white president again as it should be.
ReplyDeleteWell if you mean having another stupid white pig like Nixon and many more can't remember names...Obama a well educated and winner of Noble Prize (award of highest merit)
Deletewhy you are not at work? you are are on the same page posting! I have a laptop, not to mention a smartphone ass hoe!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWas this the ultimate disrespect, or just what Obama deserves? <<<--- This question alone is a disrespect. How is it that the Commander in Chief, President of the US, adult male deserve to be disrespected like that? There may be alot behind the story but regardless of what, when you were kids you were taught how to treat those in leadership. Evidently, she missed the lesson.
ReplyDeleteYou white trailer park trash, its good to have dream because he will be back fuck ass cracker,and the same asshoe got the country where it is will have to wait another term!!!!
ReplyDeleteA majority of the comments stated above have no order whatsoever. The video shown has nothing to do with racism, so there is no need to bring that into the subject. In addition, Barack Obama holds the title, President of the United States of America. As far as I can remember in history class, all leaders who hold executive positions in their respective countries should be treated with respect. Most of you are correct when mentioning that respect is certainly the issue here.
ReplyDeleteniggers???? U ARE very immature....
ReplyDeleteVice versa u white pigs are so so messed up
DeleteWow, it's 2012 an the worst you can do it call me a nigger. Haha haha get your wack ass outta here. Get your head out of your ass an go get educated. You better hope one day you don't need a nigger to help save your dumb ass!!
Delete"I have a laptop, not to mention a smartphone ass hoe!!!!!!!"
ReplyDeleteYes, we all know you have a smartphone now. You stole it on the Red line like everyone else from your tribe...
Too bad your phone is smarter than you are, because you spelled asshole wrong. Stupid asshole!
I guess you would know an asshole when you see one you dookey chute sliding, hairy palms from fucking your anorexic apple computer techniod! probably haven't seen pussy since it spit you out!
DeleteI mean even if I do not support Barack Obama, the conduct of pointing fingers in his face is equally unacceptable.
ReplyDeleteI agree somewhat but can you honestly say, you have ever seen any other president treated the way President Obama have been with the disrespect from the people that suppose to be looking out for us the people?
ReplyDeleteNo it was spell THAT way for your dumb ass!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIts like this. The BITCH felt she could get away with it because he is black. she would not have did that shyt to cracker ass bush. so F88k her and who ever else feel she had a right to do that. Michelle need to set that bitch straight
ReplyDeleteIf I was the president, you would not get that meeting. You are very rude and disrespectful and I can't believe that you think you were justified, and for the fox reporter, yes you clearly have already taken a side by a couple of your comments. This just goes to show that as a country we as The People have a long way to go! I have seen more disrespect for the position of the head of the state that it absolutely sickens me. I suppose minorities excuse me, black folks need to accept what ever and be okay with what's allowed! Not in this day and time! Get a Clue. Oh and by the way, before you so loosely use the term nigger, regardless of your race ensure that you are not being one :-) nigger: a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.
ReplyDeleteN-G-R, pronounced the same way as the n-word, and also where the n-word originated, means God in ancient Egyptian. Even when the try to diss us, they unknowingly praise us the dumb sob's!
Deleteall these exchanges are not necessary...lets all face it...WHAT is wrong should not be condoned. WORD!!
ReplyDeleteI agree!!!!!
ReplyDelete"and for the fox reporter, yes you clearly have already taken a side by a couple of your comments"
ReplyDeleteYou realize you are not on Fox.com right? This website has nothing to do with FOX tv networks for FOX NEWS. Moreover, you realize the reporters from Arizona aren't making anonymous comments on a local chicago news blog, RIGHT???
Of course you don't, because you are JUST THAT STUPID. My dog has a better understanding of the world than you do...
if your dog is smarter just like u are....Using words like STUPID and all that...is just like deviating from the topic....U lots are immature.
ReplyDeletethis is the topic on board:Jan Brewer, Arizona governor, puts her finger in President Obama’s face?
ReplyDeletePointing your finger in anyone's' face no matter who you are is disrespectful. It's OK for disagreements to occur over issues that people hold near dear to their heart however, these are elected official that have been elected by the people and they are not serving the people accordingly. They are dividing our country and it's sad.Over the past 12 years the this country has been hit hard, these issues haven't been seen since the depression era. It's really terrible that our elected official are more focused on their own personal agenda's instead of getting this country back on track. The republicans were in office for 8yrs prior to Obama being elected let's not forget that.. I am very saddened to see how racism is becoming more evident. People are entitled to their opinion, but there are ways to solve complex issues without hateful words. :(
ReplyDeleteDenouncing racism in one sentence while using racial slurs in the following sentence. Declaring your intelligence in all caps. The average IQ of these posters is probably around 80 to 85 the equal of a 10 year old white child.
ReplyDeletelike I said the guy who used the word "nigger" is very immature!! Even if he thinks Obama is in for one term...it will be because uninformed people like him will vote for the wrong people. It is not about race, it is about level of smartness.
ReplyDeleteu hoe dnt put yo hand in my dada face i will beat yo ass
ReplyDeleteYou stupid hoe yhu better not put yo saggy face ass finger in Barack Obama finger u bummy little bitch hoe u must dont know i will come to yo house and u will have a feet in yo ass
ReplyDeletecrack head jus because u white dnt mean nothin you nedd to go to jail white hoe
ReplyDeleteThe republican party is really showing there "ass" this year.
ReplyDeletewow where are these people coming from? did Tim post a link to this on WorldStarHipHop or something???
ReplyDeleteGAIN LIKE I SAID YHU BUMMY HOE U BETTER NOT PUT YO HAND IN BARACK OBAMA FACE AGAIN or im gonna fuck u up mself becuz yhu should know that he has guards who will fuck you up
ReplyDeletewow..im not sure if i am more disgusted with the picture or the fact that its 2012 and white people..well people in general are still referring to black people as niggers?? we have to stop this..seriously!
ReplyDeleteThese people including u are coming from Worldstarhiphop...silly question
ReplyDeleteThis is my president and yu really wanna talk shit with yo wrinkly face ass...........That long ass finger u got well bitch i will bite it the fuck off and guess who this is Makayla Fucking Williams and im coming for yo ass cuz yo adress all over the internet and bitch im coming for yo lil ass matter of fact my mom will handle yhu cuz she got dem choppers and bitch when u see us u better run as fast as u can!! BYE HOE
ReplyDeletelittle lady im sorry for being so rude but dnt disresbect my president like that i am not kiddin i will beat yo saggy finger ugly hoe ass so dnt play with us cause we black not white or races so get yo white saggy face saggy finger out of his face stupid roch dnt play with us we crazy ova here little lady so stp messin around befoe i go in on yo dirt ass carck head u must be on crack to put yo hand there in a blacks men face we woukd have been in jail for putting or hands in yall face so snt mess with us honey you are now dissmesed
ReplyDeleteI think that Jan Brewer the governor needs her butt kick. Because if that was any other President the governors, sentors, and congressmans or conresswomans would not have stand for her action. So all of this stuff that is happen people are setting a president on stuff like this. So who ever become President in 2012 but look out because these people basically set the the brench mark for stuff like this and you can take it back now.
ReplyDeletei am tied of white people thinking there are better than us we are not slaves but we were yesterday but it ended so dnt try to destoy us and tear us apart we are free so u just cant do us like that we had enough in slavery
uhhh miss is u stupid for puttin yo hands in our presienent face girl i will slap yo white ass bytch hoe dnt get slap fo puttin yo whit nasty ass finger in his face hoe cuz i will find were u live on google hoe and cum to yo house and beat yo ass hoe do u kno dats messin up his reputation hoe now dnt mess wit us black people cuz we crazy hoe okay hoe now we got dat straight and u dont tlk wit yo hands hoe u put yo fingers in his face hoe just attmitit bytch
ReplyDeletei kno thats rite this bitch suckin hoe put her hand rite there in the worng plce n i hope u read this bitch we will all come 2 yo house and beat the crack out of y
ReplyDeletenow if he put his finger in yo face u would be mad hoe and u shouldnt wrote dat book about him dumb hoe yo dirty white ass now put yo finger in his face again i find u hoe and knock yo ass out bitch and u betta move out the u.s hoe cuz were u go ima find yo ass hoe u betta move quick and fasthoe cuz ma find u just kno dat hoe suckin dick on the streets fo money hoe thats how u got dat house and yo clothes hoe cock suckin hoe
ReplyDeletehe anit retarted u is hoe dnt play with my president u must be races
ReplyDeleteyo ass stupid hoe cuz she shouldnt neva put her hands in his face and dats not his shadow u dumb hoe so get it straight slut bitch and u betta move too hoe takin up fo the white bitch u must suck dick wit her to den bitch stop playin wit our presindent hoe bitch cuz we dont like that white hoe u dirty bitch all yall dats takin up fo dat whit bitch is a fuckin lamr=e and stupid and dirty ass hell hoe fuck is u yellin aw okay bitch we gets dat cheese ova dis way hoe fuck i9s u yellin aw ok dirty hoes dats why yall suck and eat dick
ReplyDeletei am relly gettin tierd of this scary hoe after i get throeg beating the crach out of her she wil think before she do she want smoke again or mess with him again SCARY DICK SUCKIN BITCH!
ReplyDeleteprech on sis this bitch want to get these hands to i need to tell her about her self she need 2 stop smoking with her they white ass dnt kno shit bitches
ReplyDeleteUnity is strength...it is both white and black keys that give good tunes on the piano. Why can't people unite? It still does not change the fact that what Jan did was right. Can't Obama complain of hating the fact that his character used in her book was wrongly depicted. Now let me leave u with this latin pharase: Ut Omnes Unum Sint - That all may be one. In in being one: Stand up for the truth. No one should condone the wrong thing because of race.
ReplyDeleteI think it takes a strong minded mature individual to decide not to put their hands on a person that puts their hands in their face! No matter what race or gender...I wouldn't have been that strong! I have great respect for President Obama for being man enough NOT to shove her ass backwards on to the cement! But just in case he would have chosen to act upon her " immature finger face pointing act" it would have been greatly deserved! President Obama was the bigger person here.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the last two posts
ReplyDeleteDisrespectful, plain & simple. He was the bigger person not to react. I don't care if this was GW Bush, the worst of the worst, that is simply disrespectful.
ReplyDeleteAll of us with WHITE PRIDE must ensure Obama is voted out of office this year. It is an embarassment to have the whole world laughing at us because we have a spook prez.
ReplyDeleteYour just so dumb for writing stupid stuff like this ...hatred and racism gets you know where !!...its time for a change
Deletevote for another white idiot...that's what leads to bombing America!!
ReplyDeleteIrrespective of who is the President, this old prune is wrong to point at the president like that.
ReplyDeleteWhere I'm from its very disrespectful to point your finger in anyone's face....no manners or home training
ReplyDeleteI don't know how you can possibly separate the President's race from this incident. I am sure my thoughtful friend Mary Mitchell will back me up on this in some upcoming article in the Sun Times. Why don't you people get it? when you're black, EVERYTHING is about race.
ReplyDeleteHere's my opinion: it is rude and disrespectful to stick your finger in ANYONE'S face, regardless of any title or position they may hold. I do not think being President gives him any special considerations - at all. In fact, politicians are chosen by us and paid by us - we do not need to bow to them. They are employed by the tax payers of this country and can be eradicated easily, so if anyone needs to do any bowing, it should be the aforementioned politicians, but that's another argument altogether. That said, as I stated earlier, there is just a code of proper, polite behavior that all civilized adults should strive for, and this bimbo clearly fell short and could use a refresher in basic etiquette.
ReplyDeleteNice comment Your Daly Downer
ReplyDeleteSeriously, where the fuck are you people coming from? What website is home to morons such as yourselves? I NEED to know...
ReplyDeletesame place u r coming from twerp! stupid question!
ReplyDeleteImagine if this situation had been reversed and President Obama had stuck his finger in her face and lambasted her in public. Would have been a huge outcry, that he was bullying her in public.
ReplyDeleteIf my child treated anybody like this in public, whether it was our president or any other person, there would be major punishment. Whatever their issue was, it was not the time nor place to deal with it. I expect better behavior from elected officials. Not a big fan of our president, but he is the leader of our country and in fact he is the leader of the free world. Remember all the world is a stage, what kind of message does this send around the world about how Americans treat our president?
She was just offering to finger his stinkhole. What is the problem???
ReplyDeleteShe was 100% direspectful to our President. I didn't care much for President Bush's policies but if someone did that to him it would have been just as disrespectful. She needs to apologize.
ReplyDeleteShe should have been tased and arrested ASAP!!!
ReplyDeleteRon from Maryland says "Total Lack Of Respect and truly shows Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's true colors. The governor should be charged with assault and should apology to President Obama on National Tv for her poor lack of judgement. And we are surprised and wondered why the youth of today act like they do. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Shame on you.
ReplyDeleteObama has to be Professional because first of all he's a man and the President, but I don't! she needs her ass kicked! how dare she put her wrinkly decrepit finger in his face. If I could I would grab Michele up and we both could take turns whooping her old funky ass!
ReplyDeleteIt has always been about race even though it shouldn't be! Everyone in the country have come by choice or by force! We are a melting pot so it's time to get over it! President Obama is our President regardless if you voted for him or not! If another country attacked the United States he would have to make the call to protect us! It wouldn't matter if he was black or white. Now Bush sent our fathers', mothers', daughters', and sons' to die in a war that wasn't ours. The President can't be everything to everyone but she was completely out of line. All the racial name calling let us know that racism still is alive and well in a country that is filled with foreigners! Remember your ancestors came over here from another country as well. How can we as foreigners hate another race? President Obama and his wife have been disrespected!
ReplyDeleteShe just wanted him to sniff her finger...
ReplyDeleteYou are just mad obama likes them old white ladies and not his ragged man-sized wife!
oh well who cares obama could suck a fat one hes a LIAR! AND IF U ARGUE THAT THEN CHECK YOURSELF CAUSE YOURE IN DENIAL!
ReplyDeleteOnly a finger in Obama's face? Should smack that traitorous black scarecrow in the jaw with an Arizona slugger and leave em unburied in the desert.
ReplyDeleteFrom plotting "fast & furious" with Holder, to bailing out wall street and coddling the unconstitutional, scandalous federal "reserve" banking cabal, to lying about boots out of Iraq and Afghanistan to signing the NDAA and squashing our Bill of Rights...that sob scumbag deserves a noose after tar & feathers.
Jan gave him a taste of what is coming from liberty loving Americans to reward Obama's treasonous actions. Rest in HELL, Obama.
where is the secret service, someone should have downed this bitch!!!!
ReplyDeletethis lady points her finger in my presidents face and some stupid ppl support this behavior??? she should be arrested and all of u racist people...BURN IN HELL!!! i love the skin um in and my black is very beautiful...my husband is ah white man.. SO WHAT!!! right is right and wrong needs to be punished!!!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I'm not a Droid, I'm a Mac!
ReplyDeleteNiggers have a bad stank.
ReplyDeleteRacism will never end b/c ppl brainwash their kids...No one thinks on their own...Be a invididual that you are...IT WAS DISRESPECTFUL...
ReplyDeleteIts rather whites who never shower...cocksucker
ReplyDeleteShe should be asked to resign. This is a lack of respect for our country. Shame on her.....
ReplyDeleteWell, how else is he supposed to sniff her finger, if she can't hold it up to his face????
ReplyDeleteIf you want to show your disrespect, vote a Republican into office later this year!!
ReplyDeleteWOW it's a shame that while the country is up side down we still have the time to hate one another. The country is in the state it's in because we have people like JAN BREWER as an official. I would not want her to to be the Governor or whatever she is of my city. The problem with the U.S> is There's no UNITY ANY MORE. I feel sorry for the people that call them selves running the country now. I feel sorrow for there children seeing them disrepect tht PRESIDENT. You all may not like PRESIDENT OBAMA, but just think we could still have that Bush guy. Be careful what u wish for. Disrepecting the PRESIDENT, what's next? That's why so many bad things or happening in the world right now. PRESIDENT OBAMA I will aplogize for the ECONOMICALLY,POLITICALLY,DISENFRANCHISED RUDE person that put her finer in you face. I AM SO SORRY FOR HER DISREPECTING YOU.Please
ReplyDeleteDON"T let the finger pointing interfer with what you are try to accomplish. That' s why we are in bad shape now because of politicans like her. But Keep you head up because G.O. D put you in office and when your time is up he will move you because he put you there . Man has no say in the matter(KEEP YOUR HEAD UP) and you have my vote.Right now I am not proud to be AMERICAN.
good point!!!
ReplyDeleteGovernor you would consider it disrespectful if anyone put their finger in your face... for that reason alone you should apolgize for forgetting your place.. as anyone should..NO ONE SHOULD EVER SHOW SUCH DISRESPECT TO ANYONE ..let alone the president...timicai
ReplyDeleteThat woman was totally disrespectful to President Obama the bottom line is this has nothing to do with the task of running the country but all to do the President is a black man. white people are saying everything negative against this man they need to get over it one thing they can't deal with is President Obama is well educated and very intelligent this is hard for the white man to stomach. just get over it. I can not understand how they think he could go into there dirty house and clean it up in five minutes. they need to leave the President alone so he can continue to straighten out the mess the last dummy made
ReplyDeleteThat Governer of Arizona should be made to give the President a public apology
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter what point she was trying to get across, putting your hands in someone face is unacceptable. it shows lack of respect,courtesy,integrity, and professionalism.
ReplyDeleteWhooooo someone not kissing the mulatto's ass. This is great.
ReplyDeleteA lot of OBOTS on this blog. The white house occupant deserves it. I love it, someone not worshiping him. Gov Brewer for president 2016!!
ReplyDeleteShe obviously isn't lady like. I can't believe any woman in the seat of Governor would not understand that the President is a much higher step in the chain of command; the highest job in this country and perhaps the world. This is the respect that some emplyees do to their bosses. She won't apologize because that morally the right thing to do. If she had any class she would have no need to apologize because she would never have done what she did!
ReplyDeleteCan someone please tell that HUZZY that we don't get her point on ANYTHING!!!
ReplyDeleteArizona is so White trash. All the ugly aging women with their triple D fake boobs and fake blonde hair with black roots. They are all swapping husbands, having orgies, and gross sex parties with animals drinking their cheap wine in their cookie cutter homes. Arizona is the land of White trash! Been there once and was disgusted by the people. And their skin was so dark and damaged. I can understand them wanting to achieve a nice healthy glow, like mixed race skin, but they took it to a different level! And their fashion sense must have been influenced by all the trashy Vegas strippers who move there! Oh, it makes me laugh seeing White trash. So glad that people think I am European and not American. Of course, I am absolutely gorgeous and I can see how anyone could mistake me for being from a Royal family.
ReplyDeleteAnything to sell books!! Whatever! If you don't respect the man, at least respect the position.
ReplyDeleteWe must vote Obama out of office. WHITE POWER!
ReplyDelete@1:07am says "maybe you should try to get to know us!!!"
ReplyDeleteI have lived in chicago for many years, and know you all too well. That is the problem. I have been attacked from behind by groups of your children. I have been called racist terms by your cousins while riding the train. Then you come along, and call me a racist for even mentioning the bad experiences I had around your people.
Your idea of what black people are, is different from the reality we live and work in every day. Maybe you are a decent person, but there are so many who aren't, they make you look bad. People like myself that have been violently attacked have to remain suspicious of you, because when we let our guard down, we end up getting sucker punched in the back of the head and stomped by every black person in sight...
I know black people really well, they are creatures of pure ID. They don't care about math, science, the arts (other than "rapping". Only base desires are indulged. Violence and mindless sex rule the day. They have no concept of maintaining a property and slumlords are created because of constantly repairing bullshit damage (like windows shot out by bb guns, or holes punched in the wall).
ReplyDeleteThey have to talk loud, dress loud, and they have to be the dominant male/female in all matters, especially if they are not qualified to be in charge. Scowling, yanking their children all around the mall and abusing the fuck out of them for just being little kids, etc. I could write a 1,000 page book about TNB.
I agree that blacks are urban terrorists. I have learned to fear all of them because I have been a victim. They are subhuman savages. If only we could be rid of them, we could save billions in taxes and greatly reduce the need for police, courts, and jails.
ReplyDeleteLets not generalize about any group of people. Because within any given demographic there will be every kind of person from very accomplished wonderful people, average people, mentally ill people, criminals, etc. We are not responsible for what other people do. We are only responsible for ourselves and raising our own children to be law abiding responsible citizens. Regardless of how people on this comment board feel about President Obama (notice I used his title, shows respect), he is a very accomplished, well educated and hard working person. Wrote two bestselling books, and he plays basketball and has nice friends too. He has a beautiful, accomplished wife and two very accomplished daughters. And this family tries to set a good example for our country. Even though I do not always agree with our president, have to give him credit for all that he has accomplished.
ReplyDeletewrong finger Jan
ReplyDeleteWow... it must be extremly embarassing for a black man to be verbally abused by a white woman..the potus no doubt. Shame on her
ReplyDeleteyou stupid mother fuckers...why are u mad at Obama. First of all he ask for help from the Republicans, because he's "Black" yall dont wanna help him. He never put us in any debt he came in office wit a load of shit...thank Bush stupid ass for passing the tax break law to u wealthy mother fuckers because the poor is payin 14 percent for taxes and stayin poor and the rich is stayin rich because they are only paying 8 percent...this is not creating jobs because yall "BIG" people are creating jobs out of the U.S. the reason obama is fucking wit Canada and other countries is because we OWE THEM! he just trynna keep the peace b4 they attack our stupid asses
ReplyDeleteMy GAWD, glad it was Obama and not his wife, the first lady may have tried to burn the Arizona State flag...
ReplyDeleteThis ain't good. First he bows to the Saudi's, the Russians won't shake his hand and now a woman Governor punks him out... MU-dIK
ReplyDeleteHe's been disrespected because he's not one of us, he's from Kenya, think Barry Sarratoro or somthin is his real name. I hope this is not true
ReplyDeleteNot sure if he's gonna make the next election. Still too many peoples like me without a job. I have famly in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland and Baltimore, they in the same boat. The promises of jobs aint here yet. Is he really for us, you know he's half white. Not sure what to think.
ReplyDeleteYou know all the presidents make the promises and dont keep em. He's no different, it dont make no difference if we keep him or get another one. he wont keep it either. He's got his wife and kids hooked up and hiself. why would he care now
ReplyDeleteYou are all a bunch of uneducated, poor White trash who don't know any better. You don't have any money to travel the world, therefore you cannot embrace diversity. There is a whole world out there, get out of your dirty Rogers Park studio apartments for once. I hate White trash MORE than any other type of trash. WHY? Because it REALLY must suck to be White and a failure!! You are all angry at the world and blame the Blacks for YOUR own failures. You are stuck in your dead end low paying jobs because you are too busy complaining and hating other people. You are WHITE TRASH and I don't feel sorry for you. You are responsible for your failures, stop blaming the Blacks. Imagine if you were all successful....hmmm, you wouldn't have the time to complain about others and you would be able to afford to live in affluent areas.
ReplyDeleteSUCKS TO BE YOU!!! Keep on hating people, it only demonstrates your self loathing ways because you are failures!
P.S Rich White people don't like poor White trash.
I look at alot of blogs and dont get the illegal thing. I lost my job to a bunch of guys that wernt black and wernt white and they didnt speak english. Ok we were underbid by illegals that work for less. Then I'm on the list for the canadian pipline to work as maintenance and then Obama cans that. I voted for him last time, I was in the park and everything, he sounded so good.
ReplyDeleteSUCKS TO BE YOU, you dont get it...
ReplyDeleteIt appears that you have a race fixation on a group you have identified as white trash. I see your anger, but do you think your focus is being directed at the wrong target. The discussion on this commentary is derived from the event in Arizona, and you have been distracted by a few negative people. Race cards should not be played here and you (you seem intelligent) should not be distracted by off subject comments. The best way to excise the unwanted comments is by ignoring them. The best to you Sir.
This is to you, Hitler's taint:
ReplyDeleteThe so called black people you encounter wherever u live might be bullying u because u look down on them. Have u considered that?
You do not talk about human beings like that.
And this goes to the fool who said blacks should be wiped off to reduce taxes: I THINK U ARE STUPID. The world is not for the WHITES. Blacks are the way u see them because of what the Whites made them.
Go back to history. Unintelligent idiots....
Our President handle this situation very well; although I personally want to slap her!!! Her actions were very disrespectful and she should apologize and reesign!!! Very disrespectful and a shame to the US.
Where is the respect for our President? Everyone wants to blame him and not our congress men and women who will not back his recommendation. Yet they worry about clean air,etc and not the important matters at hand, just to try to make our President look bad, when in truth they make their own self look bad. All of our congresss need to be fired (republicians. If they would join in with the President, the US would be in much better condition! This is so very disrespectful, for her to put her finger in the Presidents face and nothing to be done!!!
ReplyDeleteShe needs to apologize immediately!!! She also needs to be taken down as the governor of Arizona. NO ONE SHOULD REPRESENT AS A LEADER WHEN THEY DISRESPECT THE PRESIDENT OF THE US!!!!
@1:17 Wow, and you are not any better. You call yourself an American, yet you can't even speak and write proper English? I would have fired you too, just for being a dumb ass person.
ReplyDelete-----In response to:
Anonymous said...
I look at alot of blogs and dont get the illegal thing. I lost my job to a bunch of guys that wernt black and wernt white and they didnt speak english. Ok we were underbid by illegals that work for less. Then I'm on the list for the canadian pipline to work as maintenance and then Obama cans that. I voted for him last time, I was in the park and everything, he sounded so good.
January 27, 2012 1:17 PM
Blacks aren't human beings, they are humanoid apes. They share enough of our DNA to interbreed with us, much like how mules are created.
ReplyDeleteThey always revert to tribalism, their defacto baseline mode is aggression and intimidation.
They bully me because they only thrive on base desires, all they know and want is sex, violence and "Gibsmedat". They have no concept of getting a job and saving up for something they want, they just see something shiny and snatch it and jungle run away from the human it took the thing from.
Even niggers with jobs see that I have a nice hat or a shirt and they can't help themselves, one Master's degree holding social worker nigger saw I had a new hat and blurted out "Gimme dat hat!", and this was an "edumacated" man. He couldn't help himself. They never can.
They make life on the CTA miserable with their loud niggerbabble and slinging their children around, their kids can't sit still in public or stop from stealing. I can go on...click on my name for some truth about niggers.
About 80-85 percent of the world's humanoid population has got to fucking go. The American South, for example, is fucking useless, both whites and blacks.
ReplyDeleteToday I had that rare day where I left the car home and I was at a bus stop with a stupid polock and her ADD afflicted kid who kept bouncing into me, what fucking purpose does she serve to society? I'm sure whatever job she has is menial at best, I know some polish and she was stupid as fuck.
We only need the best and brightest and maybe built some robots to do hard labor and chores. The rest of the world can fuck off.
And white Kids always have mental illness...if it aint ADHD then it is down syndrome. U are VERy stupid. I am sure u are some broke ass with a Dick that never erects...Hitler's taint
ReplyDeleteLet the Robots fuck your women who adore Our Black Panther!!!@Hitler's taint
ReplyDelete@Hitler's taint: next time you wanna speak this kind of rubbish say it when your Black Bullies are around!!! you Coward....I hope they knock some sense into your dirty head. Run when u see us....chicken!!
ReplyDeleteHitler's taint: thank you for your website, which is very well-written and an excellent ongoing dissertation about niggers and their subhuman behavior. I would vote for you as President.
ReplyDeletePS...the jokes are great too! They are so funny because they are so true!
I speak to black bullies with my mace, my baton, my tactical pen, and my .45.
ReplyDeleteThat old gray headed,scribbled up,prune faced ,wrinkle finger false nail wearing "hoe" was out of line. Next time the president should send Mrs Obama to meet with her. She'd beat that bitches ass. I bet that scribbled up hoe wont have a finger to point."no more"
ReplyDeleteOld Bitch...
She states she felt threaten .....well my question is by whom? The president doesn't roll that way so she is lying period. Also uh the Secret Service was there, so again she is lying furthermore if you are going to write a book ..be ready for the backlash! He had a right to voice his dislike but how dare this disrespectful tramp but her finger in the President of the United States face. Has she lost her mind? I mean really enough is enough. We have heard all about the "foodstamp president" and "blacks on foodstamps" when stats show this is not the case.Whites represent the majority on foodstamps but that's neither here nor there. Now this ...she needs to apologize asap. Sitting there smiling during an interview afterwards! I don't care if it was former president George Bush and it was a black woman ....i still would not agree with anyone disrespecting the Office of the President that way period!!And of course there is that group of 36,000 that agreed or condoned what she did.It is the same 36,000 that hate him because of the color of his skin undoubtly. They are probably all related to the woman from South Carolina that thought Gringrich put the black journalist "in his place". WHat is his place i wonder...uh the cotton fields?! Yep, the 36,000 have to be the antebellum hostiles from South Carolina because hopefully no other group of human beings is simple minded , hateful enough to think that it's ok for anyone to put their finger in the President's face!A bunch of inbred fools! Yet a lesser man would have turned the Secret Service on her and i swear don't know how he continues to rise above yet he does because he has faith and more class on his one eyelash than they will ever have. He's so cool..he laughed at her! Personally i would have turned to the Secret Service and told them she just threaten me and let her hateful uncouth unattractive ass sit in jail a few weeks! That thou is why i am not the president!smile. SHe wanted publicity for her book no doubt well she has gotten more than she will be able to swallow. She's gotten a war and President Barack Obama relected! Bunch of good old boys and girls....Republician clowns!Yep lets recall the heffer!
ReplyDeleteThis was obviously a planned stunt by Gov. Brewer, that's why she is smiling in the interview afterwards. Totally playing to her redneck supporters. Just goes to show how two individuals can have different interpretations of their meeting at the White House. Our president is a former professor of constitutional law, he was probably trying to explain to her that what she wanted to do in AZ could be unconstitutional. This is what educators do. Its not condescending. She doesn't want to learn anything, she wants to play to her base.
ReplyDeleteNiggers don't have a full set of human emotions, they have learned to mimic ours though, to tug at the heartstrings of stupid ass liberals and social workers to get them to feel sorry for them and give them stuff.
ReplyDeleteThey give us that "sad ape" look and some stupid bitch with a cheap messenger bag and a laptop helps it get more welfare and other gibs.
@11:33 U should av died in the 9/11...ppl who used the N word died ages ago!!
ReplyDeletemy name is john william an to the person who said we never saidthat when bush was our president , thats bull crap because do i need to count all the other presidents that were white , african americans had no choice but to except an respect them , when they were in office . , now theres is a black president every thing he does is wrong , an thats not fair do i, meaning me being a black man agree with all the things he might be doing hell no he is human just like all the other white presidents, but i think base of the hand he was delt in the first place he is doing the best he can , the country was screwed up long before he took office , what you all forget is Bush got paid through all the rising prices of oil an gas , bush served 2 terms to screw this country up , maybe its gone take president obama 2 terms get it rite, 2 terms an bush couldnt get bin laden , yet president obama got him on his first term , an we wanted him us americans wanted bin laden so bad but we dont talk about catching him , anyway to that lady who put her hands in president obamas face , you only did it because you dont respect that black man as president , thats why you did it you hate that his black behind is in office . God bless you anyway .
ReplyDeleteNOW THIS COMMENT IS TO THE ASS HOLE WHO USE THE WORD NIGGER . the bible says my people are destroyed because of lack of knoledge , an you are one of them, if you know your history the bible tells you where all life began in genesis , it says it started in africa this is your bible now , so when you say niggers you come from us dude , you so dam ignorant an its sad in the year 2012 people are still talking like that, an what im about to say i mean no disrespect to any other white , people , only to this clown , you called us apes , well lets look at the apearance of a ape an see whos body structure is closer to the apes, apes have very thin lips on average , whites have thin lips , apes have hairy bodys , well a lot of white men are very hairy in the chest back an legs areas , most blacks dont have a lot of hair on there body ,our lips are pretty fat an juicey so when you call us apes you describing yourself an your to dum to see it , an another thing , again other whites please dont take this as me attacking you, just the clown who wanted to use the N WORD, again what im going to say is in the bible that im shure all of us believe in , who do you think jesus was closer to looking like, im gone describe what the bible say his eyes was like fire, an his feet was like bronze burning in a fire, an his hair was like sheeps wool, well we know that most whites hair isnt nappy an kinky like a sheep but black unless the get a perm is . an feet like bronze well unless a white person has been in the sun for years they complection is far from that , so i say all this to get you to realize becarefull how you talk about us NIGGERS YOU COME FROM THE COLOR BLACK , CHECK YOUR COLOR WHEEL ALL OTHER COLORS COME FROM BLACK , YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE IT BUT YOU COME FROM US NIGGERS BROTHER . GOD BLESS YOU ANYWAY
ReplyDeletebasickly dude go back to the trailer park you come frm
^^^^you are an illiterate, ignorant nigger
ReplyDeleteAnd you are a dick juice drinking, big eared, meth smoking, balemic, impotent excuse of what your inbreed ma and pa wished for when they decided to keep it in the family. Since your so intelligent who is the first Black President? Say it, Say it.......OBAMA!!
ReplyDeletedried prune juice, no ass, stank hoe. Who do these people think they are.