I have changed my mind. Effective immediately, anonymous comments have been reinstated!
Although I may disagree with some of the things being said here, I feel our readers have a right to express themselves.
Chicago News Report, also known as "Chicago Racist Report", was created for two reasons: To report the untold crimes in this city and to provide an open forum for ALL OPINIONS.
I don’t enjoy being put in a position where I have to police what people say; everything about that task feels intrinsically wrong to me.
Furthermore, I don’t think it’s fair to force people to “identity” themselves online. After all, we don’t live in fucking China.
Anyone who doesn’t like what’s being said in the comment section doesn’t have to read the comments.
That applies to Phoebe and the rest of the sniveling, whining jackasses who attacked me and my blog on that bullshit ass website.
Phoebe. Chicago Every Block. This song is for you:
Ha Ha
ReplyDeleteDoes this "Freedom of Speech" include posting things under another person's identity??
ReplyDeleteYour website was becoming obselete without all the comments huh?
ReplyDeletewe are a nation of honest cowards.
ReplyDeleteLOL good for you. I saw a post on everyblock claiming victory over you. Fight the power CNR!
ReplyDeleteYay! One of the best reports yet!
ReplyDelete"I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it." - Some guy who knew about free speech
ReplyDeleteRock on, and never (again) roll over, CNR!
@ Mike P: I'm sure that's not protected by the first amendment. You and I should post some thoughtful comments online and maybe have a silent vigil and drink some herbal tea in protest of the hateful practice of posting under another person's identity. Down with CNR! Up with the Gray Line!
ReplyDeleteThank you I appreciate the freedom also. I REALLY appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I didn't see the point in the first place. All you have to do is set up a new fake e-mail account.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for reporting the news that no one else has the balls to in this "world class city".
I want Phoebe to come back and move past "OMG BLACK PEOPLE ARE BEING CRITICIZED OH NOES".
ReplyDeleteAre they getting a free pass for some reason? Because slavery happened, now black people can spit food on the floor, bark out filthy rap lyrics in front of a captive audience, loiter for 12 hours and not spend any money?
If black people want to be treated equal to the rest of the world, then they have to be open to criticism as well, the same standards we all all held to.
I support this decision. Using a persistent identity online can be fairly dangerous, especially when dealing with controversial topics. It carries a lot risk with it and very little reward. Nobody is going to track you down for making a comment they agree with, but if someone gets butthurt by a comment they don't like, they absolutely will try to track you down and damage your real life.
ReplyDeleteFor a better explanation of persistent online identity check out Youtube for some of the speeches that "Moot" has given. He makes the point pretty well...
Like everything else in life, the right thing to do is not at the extreme level, but somewhere in the middle.
ReplyDeleteYou can't completely prevent people from posting comments that others will find offensive. It's not possible.
At the same time, you don't want to encourage anonymous people on the internet coming on & making comments that are simply inflammatory, and don't even pretend to contribute anything to the online "conversations" that happen here.
One nice thing about CNR is, that it allows people with a non-PC, divergent point of view, a place to come and express how they feel about crime in our city. Unlike the Trib, CST, everyblock, etc, which heavily police their comments in order to paint as racist or bigoted people like me who have a legitimate point of view, and back it up with things like reason, facts, and common sense.
I applaud your concern about the nature of posts on here, and commend you for trying to take action. However, just like it's a fact of life that their will be homeless people, there will be disease, and there will be crime, there will be people who come on places like this & make statements simply to offend others. Likewise, there will always be people who come on here & try to paint the non-liberal, non-PC point of view as racist, without stepping back to look at the reasoning behind those posts.
And “Fed Up” at 10:45 am today is absolutely right, equality of treatment means being held to the same standards of civilization. MLK said (and I paraphrase), to judge people “on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.” So I take Dr. King’s word to heart when I flame on here the disgusting, black, 13-30 y/o members of “society” that are destroying the city on a daily basis, as well as when I flame on those who attempt to defend those criminals or rationalize their behavior. There is absolutely nothing wrong with calling out those who are commiting the terrible behavior so prevalent in certain demographics. We all know that not nearly enough places are willing to allow that criticism, in the name of trying to not be painted as a racist.
To today at 1053 am - you're absolutely right. Bleeding heart liberals & black store front "revruns," and all the way up to people like Jesse Jackson Jr & Al Sharpton, have hijacked the discourse to deflect attention from the real problem, namely, 13-30 y/o black gangbangers & banger wannabes, and successfully re-directed it to making anyone who criticizes those blacks as a "racist."
ReplyDeleteAnd especially in a city like this, which gives those race peddlers more power & influence than any other place in the country, that can become dangerous to people like me who see through their attempts to deceive. I have a real career that, if an effort was made to out me & paint me as a racist, would be completely over.
My colleagues, many of whom are black, agree with both my point of view as stated on here many times, and my concern about needing to remain anonymous.
It's a crying shame that the race pimps have allowed this to happen, but they have, and they've done it well. And they've successfully brainwashed a lot of black 13-30 y/o's to believe that those people are the victims of slavery and as such, can act in any manner they choose.
They absolutely have the right to do so; likewise, I have the right to call them out, CPD has the right (and obligation) to track them down and arrest them, and America has the right to judge them for who they are.
I was blacklisted and put on a 'do not hire' list for posting (the truth about blacks) on an industry peer forum....Dumb, yes. Unfair to me, yes.
ReplyDeleteTo 1113 am - Yeah that really stinks, but unfortunately, on an industry forum, you have to bite your tongue, just like if you were working & at a meeting with people you don't know.
ReplyDeleteThat's why when I'm on here, I use a free IP address scrambler that makes it seem like I'm in some rural town in Indiana, when I'm actually in Chicago.
Oh also don't ever check controversial sites like CNR, SCC, Shaved, etc., from your work computer, whether at work or home, and don't check them on your work phone if it has net like a blackberry or iphone. All it takes is one a$$hole in IT who told the filters that CNR is racist to cause you a lot of trouble. But like Big Al always says, that's what has happened here because the race pimps have shifted the discussion from calling out criminals, to calling white people racist for not toleating criminal behavior.
ReplyDeleteWell, this is Timothy's blog and he can do what he wants. My concern was for the attacks made towards commenters and the use of the "N" word. It's my personal opinion but I think a debate or an expression of an opinion can be had without resorting to that. We are not all going to agree. Intelligent educated people can have a discussion without resorting to this. If you can't, then what is your contribution other then to be hateful and ignorant? When you do this, you show your true colors...
ReplyDeleteI am by no means PC and do not believe being PC does any good. Many people express that they are not referring to all black people when they comment but rather those in the black community who are creating all the problems in this city, like Big Al. I have said the same thing, it's the ghetto thugs destroying the city.. of every ethnicity. You know who you are. Touchy-feely doesn't seem to be working either. Telling it like it is may not either but at least it's being said. Turning a blind and not speaking out only exacerbates the problem. Those who are a contributing part of society know who they are as well.
I, for one, am fed up with the freebies, the ghetto thugs and the increasing destruction of this city by those people. Again, YOU know who you are. Get a life and stop blaming history for your behavior!
It's your blog Timothy, and I'm behind you:)
Thank you Chicago News Reports. I read Phoebe's comments on Everyblock Rogers Park site. She complains about everything...ie, she complained about her landlord vacuuming too late at night. I overall like her and see her point about some unpleasant comments, but I don't think we need to police everyone. If you don't like what is said, go to another site. I for one don't like the bashing of the Occupy Chicago people on this site for I support them, but I do not think it would be right to stop their opinion or mine for that matter.
ReplyDeleteWhy won't you guys embrace the fact that you are racists? It's so weird that you talk all this crap, but then don't want to be labeled racist. Gosh, grow up. And, what's with the wetbacks talking so much racist crap on here? Real white people hate your guts! Fag men who want to have sex with beaners love you, but they are going to hell. I'm racist and embrace it. I would like to see Mexicans exterminated with raid, because they are roaches infesting this country. El Pollo Loco!
ReplyDeleteTimothy, do you have AIDS? Or, are you only HIV-positive. We know you do the butt-sex thing with other men. You're going to hell, ya know! I'm glad. You're disguisting.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you allowing comments now? Finally developed the ability to track ID's or better yet, block anonymous writers. Dude, you're a fag. Your dad always hated you for it.
Dear Hotmail: Sorry about using you to set up a bogus Wordpress account. I blame Phoebe. Poor, sensitive little Phoebe. Suck it.
ReplyDeleteIsn't this Phoebe heifer part negro? Why was she so offended for being called a "N-word lover?" Does she hate herself?
ReplyDeleteCriticizing anonymous posts while posting anonymously? Are you serious???
ReplyDeleteYou are beyond help...
Good for you Tim, run your blog the way you want to!
ReplyDeleteI don't care if someone calls me racist. What I don't like is when groups defend the actions of their bottom dwelling scum by crying "racsim," and those same people trying to deflect attention away from their brethren by saying the disgusting behavior isn't a social problem, but I am because of my opinions.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a problem with blacks, latinos, asians, etc. - I have a major problem with ghetto trash criminals that rob, rape & terrorize our neighborhoods.
And I have every right to judge as scum the black assholes on the bus "rapping" vile, obscene lyrics at the top of their lungs while spitting on the floor of the bus. They can choose to act that way in the privacy of their homes. But if they choose to act that way in public, they are allowing me to judge them as nasty scum.
Anon @ 12:01. I'm White and not a racist and I'm here. I'm gay and am not attracted to Mexicans (nor blondes in general). It's called personal preferences that many in this big "melting pot" aka Chicago need to get over and deal with. Maybe you're not a racist but are wrong, ignorant and a bigot.
ReplyDeleteI love CNR mainly for the local, violent crime reports that, although we might see incidences of them with our own eyes, they're never reported in other media because the almighty $ is at stake. Who knows maybe CNR has saved me from some serious bodily harm or even saved my life already.
Nigger is the perfect word to use to describe ghetto thug jungle savages terrorizing decent people.
ReplyDeleteSo for some reason responding to actual reality is racist? They say, don't call black people monkeys.
ReplyDeleteBut they sort of resemble them. Some white people, too.
And when blacks laugh, they definitely howl like howler monkeys. Just take a listen sometime.
This site is educational as hell; I have heard bigot-speak here that I have heard nowhere else!
ReplyDeleteAnd what site caused all the ruckus?
It's a BLOCK EVERYONE is on.
ReplyDeleteThey are so blinded by rose colored glasses of liberalism it borders on mental illness, just like Uptown Update. They live in a goddamn warzone, and yet they post about terra cotta, yuppie crap and the abandoned Uptown Theater. I have an idea guys, get rid of the urban terrorists in your midst!
Oh, THAT website. I sort of like that website.
ReplyDeleteI guess calling people racist names is hotshot urban terrist fightin'?
Rogers Park is a wonderful crime free area. I love the diversity there.
ReplyDeletelol hits must have went WAAAAAY down after that decision.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck to Tim and All,
ReplyDeleteI am off of this Childish-Assed Shit since I can't post vulgarity myself, but others can post vulgarity in my name.
To my Stalker/Imposter: _ F U C K _ Y O U _
RoCk On CNR...keep doing what you're doing. As my momma used to say 'ya can't fix stupid.'
ReplyDeleteThis is the most entertaining site I've run across. Keep up the good work...
ReplyDeleteThanks for supporting the idea that the Internet was founded - unstoppable communication. The Internet was not designed to be edited.
ReplyDeleteFew are more self-righteous and annoying than somebody with slightly above-average intelligence and have been sucking off the tit of liberalism their whole life.
ReplyDeleteGoodbye Mike P! Wishing you and your arthritic fingers and that prized Acer all the best!........Hmph!
ReplyDeleteMike P,
ReplyDeleteWould like a copy of 'Battlefield of the Mind'? :)
Everyblock is owned by MSNBC and isn't worth your time and thoughts. :)
Next to free porn, anonymous racism is the internet's greatest gift to mankind.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rudy. That explains everything! :-)
ReplyDeleteawesome, congrats of not being a SOPA-sucka.
ReplyDeleteoh an ps - everyblock is not only run by msnbc - but the hire ni66ers to run it! i got banned by one - 'becca' for not even saying anything racist, just honestly discussing the violence in my hood and having a disagreement with several of the other posters. i think they delete more than they keep!
ReplyDeleteMy goodness gracious. I'm just a midwestern girl with good manners and a squeaky clean past. I'M IN!
ReplyDeleteCNR, You're welcome. :)
ReplyDelete7 PM, Becca also manages suburban blogs.
My 3:57 post correction:
Mike P,
Would you like a copy of 'Battlefield of the Mind'? :)
Im not anonymous, never have been. Ill say it to your FUCKING FACE!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU!!!! Just like I told off the little fucking socialist, anti- cop, assholes at the Morse El stop today right to their fucking faces. Soooooooo sick and tired of their whining about everything and everyone being racist. Sorry for all the f-bombs but damn it felt good!
ReplyDeletemaureen - i like your swagger - why no pic on ur blogger acct? i think i wanna marry u (except in our pre-nup, u can't have any of my social security)
ReplyDeleteThey are so uber-liberal and accepting of anything at Everyblock if teenapers created a new art form that involved flinging poo in public, they would praise them and chastise anybody who disagreed with this new form of expression.
ReplyDeleteChicago Racist Report must be so proud of the readers it attracts: racist, vile, ignorant MFers who don't have the balls to identify themselves and must post their filth anonymously. I have lived in Rogers Park for years and am so grateful that none of you assholes are my neighbors. You disgust me and the owner of this blog has no business blogging about my neighborhood--your perspective is gross and distorted. It cracks me up that people on EB have defended you as NON-racist: If your stories, which use words like "savages" and "uncivilized," can't be considered racist, then I must be missing something. Chicago Racist Report is the WORST sort of blog anybody could publish. You racist assholes give white people a bad name.
ReplyDeleteCNR thank you for posting news that other media outlets hide from the public.
ReplyDelete@5:32 It's not just White people who are racist. I'm an educated Black man living in the River North area but grew up in Uptown. I've also lived in Manhattan, Los Angeles, and Miami. Having lived in these major cities-- In addition to Whites, I also witnessed Blacks, Asians, and Latinos express racism. Even Latinos are racist within their own race. In Miami, I knew a Cuban with Blonde hair/ Blue eyes and she disliked the Black Cubans. The Afro-Latinos are now identifying themselves as African American. In Los Angeles, Mexican people hate the Asians. As for Blacks, there are some bitter racist ones, absolutely. I just see it as every race has it's uncivilized people. You can't really categorize and judge an entire race simply by what is going on. Step outside your geographic zone and you will see that it's the same problems, only different types of people committing the crimes.
ReplyDeleteI dont need a prenup. I make my own $$$. I work hard. lol
ReplyDeleteWhat is happening in Chicago?? I grew up in the suburbs but went to school in the city and lived in the Gold Cost and Wrigleyville back in the 90s. It really wasn't this bad back then or perhaps there was less media coverage. I remember one semester I took one night class because the other slots were full and I used to walk most of the way home. I didn't feel unsafe. When I lived in Wrigleyville, the only building that was trashy near me was the section 8 high rise on Grace, across the street from Ihop.
ReplyDeleteThe remainder of the time in Chicago was spent in the Gold Coast and I used to go for walks along LSD and in Lincoln Park at night. I never felt like I had to watch my back, considering Cabrini Green was still 100% occupied.
I do remember reading the neighborhood newspapers' crime section and a lot of the crimes were thefts in the stores, dine and ditches, and White people brawling at bars. And I don't remember there being too many Blacks hanging out in the North side, they all stayed in the South. How did this change? Are these ghetto trash Blacks coming from Houston? I would love to know how Chicago got this way. Are the police not racial profiling anymore?
People need to start calling the police every time they see a up to no good ghetto thugs standing in the corners or at the El stops.
I no longer live in Chicago but have family in the city and it would suck if one of those disgusting POS thugs did anything to them.
Anon @ 2:03pm. Well said. Direct and to the point. Just the way I like it. And some of these radical loons along the lakefront wonder why we just "don't connect" (that's my "nice" term for I can't stand you either nor your ignorance, laziness.....or "art" when getting a job should be the priority).
ReplyDeleteWhew! It's not just me.
Anonymous@5:32..or should I say Phoebe? Wonder if your pals at Everyblock know how you actually talk? Who are you kidding?
ReplyDeleteTalk about the pot calling the kettle black with this sentence;
"who don't have the balls to identify themselves" guess you have no balls as well.