Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hit and run: Woman reportedly struck by vehicle in Roscoe Village

A female pedestrian was left lying in a North Side street after a car hit her and kept going, said police dispatch.

The car hit the woman near the intersection of West Belmont and North Oakley Avenues, in Chicago’s Roscoe Village neighborhood, around 2:45 a.m., said authorities.

Initial reports described the offending vehicle as a silver SUV.

Prior to the alleged hit and run at Belmont and Oakley, someone reported an allegedly intoxicated driver driving westbound on the 800 block of West Belmont Avenue, around 2:39 a.m.

According to police dispatch, the 911 caller said the driver was driving a “silver car” .

Police ran the car’s license plate and it came back registered to a silver 2008 Chevy.

At the time of this report, it was unclear if the two incidents were related.

Information regarding the alleged hit and run victim’s condition was unavailable.

1 comment:

  1. Okay since it's the north side lets just say what really happened. Some idiot crosses or walks out in the middle of the street and sees a car but keeps walking anyways. Of person was a biker riding in the middle of the street thinking he was a car cut someone off and got hit in the process and it's the drivers fault.

    In other states you jaywalk or do the stupid driving the bike in the of the street and a car hits you, you have to pay the driver for damaging the vehicle


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