Here are few pointers from the Chicago Police Department:
Be alert: Walk confidently, with your head up, and stay in well-lighted and well-traveled areas. Pay attention to people walking in front of and behind you. Pay particular attention when you are in crowded areas, such as buses and trains or malls and stores that are filled with other shoppers. Places with large crowds are favorites for thieves and pickpockets.
If you carry a purse, keep it in front of you and close to your body. You can do this by covering the flap or clasp with your hand or forearm. Never leave your purse in a shopping cart or on a counter while you pay for your purchases. Remember not to carry open-weave bags or purses without zippers or flaps. Those items are easy marks for pickpockets. If you carry a change purse or wallet, keep it in your front pants pocket or in the inside breast pocket of your coat. Always be alert when opening your purse or wallet.
Try to shop with friends or relatives. Not only is there safety in numbers, but shopping in a group will give you a chance to catch up on things and renew friendships.
Be discreet: Never carry large amounts of money. Whenever possible, use credit cards or checks instead of cash. When using credit cards, make sure that only one credit slip is printed with your charge card. Also, be sure to tear up any carbons that may be used to complete the transaction. Credit card fraud can ruin your holiday season. Thieves and pickpockets are more likely to be attracted by expensive clothes and jewelry. When you are out doing your holiday shopping, dress comfortably and casually.
Secure your car: Cars can be an easy target for criminals. Park your car as close to your destination as possible and in a well-lighted area. When you do your shopping remember to store your packages in the trunk of the car and not on the back seat. Also, if you take packages to the car but plan to return to the store or mall, drive your car to a new location within the parking lot. Criminals can be on the lookout for unsuspecting shoppers who simply drop their purchases into the trunk and then return to keep shopping.
Secure your home: When you are out shopping, leave some lights on at home. You may also want to let a neighbor know that you will be out of the house for a short time, so they can watch your house for you. If you plan to be away for a longer period to visit friends or family over the holidays, make sure to tell a neighbor or friend who can keep an eye on your house. Have them check periodically to make sure packages that may have been delivered while you were gone aren’t sitting on your porch.
cliff notes: avoid sketchy looking black people
ReplyDeleteIf u see the ghettoe hoodlums around places like crate barrel, wholefoods, etc. Be suspicious. Cross the street when u see them when walking alone and give an evil stare. Try to avoid liquor, hip hopstores, etc.
ReplyDeleteIf you see hoodrats in front of you, either alone or in a group, keep your eye on them. If you become distracted, even for a split second and discovered they've suddenly "disappeared", turn around or cross the street. Most likely they're waiting in an alley or recessed doorway - just for you!
ReplyDeleteIf they approach you in the opposite direction, do not make eye contact with them, converse with them or answer to any cat-calls, requests for cigarettes, directions, the time or spare change. They will now consider you really stupid for thinking they're your friend and, therefore, ripe pickens'.
If suddenly surrounded by said hoodrats, twitch your left shoulder 3 times, roll your eyes in the back of your head, lick your lips and mumble "Prince has a hairy booty". They'll scram. Works everytime. Or, run to the lakefront (they usually can't keep up with those pants hanging down to their knees), stand in at least 2 feet of water and call the police (they're scurred to death of water).
Merry Christmas and stay safe!
move out of chicago.
ReplyDeleteAnd number one rule: DO NOT STOP ON THE SIDEWALK TO WATCH THE PAINTED SILVER NIGGER OR THE BUCKET BOYS - YOU WILL BE PICKPOCKETED. No matter how much your suburban high school daughter craves the radiator hose, don't let her stop to drool over the smiling con artists from the ghetto.
ReplyDeleteWalk around looking like a scruffy derelict. Carry no wallet, watch or any electronic gadgets. Look like a bum. Carry the minimum money necessary and your bus pass in your shoe. That's what one needs to do in Chicago to deflect suspicion that they might be worth robbing.
ReplyDeletedrag an aldi bag in one hand, and your knuckles from the other.
ReplyDeleteA restaurant just got my business because a pack of pavement apes was bopping and jivin' down my street as sloooooow as possible.
ReplyDeleteHoliday tip: Stay away from niggers!
"walk around like a scruffy derelict". That's what that otherwise handsome guy in Edgewater does and tries to insult me (but doesn't know it) with referring to me as "rich" because I refuse to give in and look the same, therefore - moved.
ReplyDeleteIt's truly a shame that ya'll feel you have to live that way.
--Avoid the Africans--
ReplyDeleteThat right there should help you avoid 83% of all crime, 91% of violent crime
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ReplyDeletePhoebe, fuck you. I lived in Uptown for 18 months and I'll vote for anybody who proposes shipping the whole lot of niggers back to Africa! You can join them!
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ReplyDeleteWhat makes you think I'm white, you fucking cunt???
ReplyDeleteGo suck a nigger dick and get HIV, cunt.
When the revolution comes, people like you will be first up against the wall.
Enjoy your AIDS!!
Also, I would never employ your services.I looked at your shitty webpages. Go work telemarketing with all the niggers that you love and protect, you race traitor!
Phoebe, what's your true last name and where's YOUR picture? Huh? Would you use that filthy language on Christmas Eve for your employer to see? Or do you not have one?
ReplyDeletePhoeBK website is just an auto-generated site for them to resell the garbage shit 'get wealthy' crap - based on the part of RP PhoeBK is from guessing IT is one of 'dem africani66ers - obviously from the site got suckered into spending ITs welfare check on the 'get wealthy' info, but upon opening and having someone else read the materials for IT, realized that it requires work and welfare is MUCH EZIER!
ReplyDeletePhoebe King is on facebook - she looks confused 'cause she got a black daddy and white mommy according to her picture.
ReplyDeleteYes, go ahead and avoid the niggers. Still, it'll be the husbands, boyfriends, and fathers of white women that end up raping, molesting, and murdering them anyway!!! It's so funny that they fear black men, and it's always WHITE men that mutilate them. I love seeing that shit in the news. It makes me smile. :=)
ReplyDelete^^^ you have a point, and they need to pay for it with their lives.
ReplyDeleteSaftey tip #1:
The much more rare cases of white crime like serial killing and such is much more easily avoidable than the constant, endless plague of instant nigger violence all over the city.
ReplyDeleteI keep my hand on my gun at all times whenever niggers are around me and no jury would convict me given the nature of life in Chicago anymore.