Tuesday, November 1, 2011

VIDEO: Woman allegedly harassed on CTA train pulls box cutter

A female CTA Red Line passenger brandished a weapon and threatened to stab a man who was allegedly harassing her and other CTA passengers.

Chicago News Report contacted the person who shot the video for more details.

According to Booney4B, the person who uploaded the video to YouTube, a male passenger, who is not seen in the video, was harassing other CTA commuters.

When the male passenger started badgering a female passenger from the West Side of Chicago, he apparently met his match.

"Bring your ass on down here motherf*cker," said a female commuter, as she gripped the handle of what looked like a green box cutter. "Where do you wanna be cut? I'm from the West Side motherf*cker. I'm gonna let you know. I'm gonna tear your ass up!"

According to Booney4B, this incident occurred Thursday, October 28, 2011, near the Belmont Red Line station at 945 West Belmont Avenue.

Photo: CTA passenger looks for weapon.

Credit: YouTube/Booney4B. 


  1. Wow, look at that - someone is able to defend herself (and presumabley) others on the train. I'm sure this guy was shocked to have that happen, too.

    Imagine if we were allowed to have concealed carry here, the criminals wouldn't know who is able to defend themselves, and guess what? This sort of shit, the aggressive, threatening panhandling, will go wayyyy down! Not to mention strong arm robberies, too.

  2. You could have CCW in Illinois if the State Republican Party didn't put forward theocratic statists. Lower taxes and CCW sounds great, but not if I have to vote for a nut.

  3. Why is this video called "bag of chitterlings"? Does the white girl sitting in the seat with her legs crossed need a new pair of hose? They look a little ah used. That should be the title of the video.

  4. Turn the camera 90 degrees next timeNovember 2, 2011 at 11:22 AM

    How come people can't hold their camera phone properly? I'm straining my neck trying to watch this thing!!

  5. Fight back. I wish we could shoot someone of these little shits. Take back the north side.

  6. Just from an outsider's perspective (I've lived here 5 years but would never consider Chicago my home), the "I'm from the West side MF'r" comment is part of your problems here. Although she comes off as the hero in this case, it's no different than those coming from the South Side to the North and expecting people to "submit" either.

    Or your Uptown GWM's thinking every GWM in Lakeview is a rich sell-out because he's got a "coat and tie". Or Andersonville hating Walgreens and Subway but can't accept that they're basically poor too and will sneak in when they don't think anybody's looking, or........ I could go on and on but the ignorant stereotyping in this city is your problem.

  7. Well, at least her box cutter is legal and could do some damage, though I wouldn't want to be that close to any ghetto thug in order to do damage.

    Anonymous@12:00, this city was founded on immigrants establishing their own neighborhoods long before you or I were born. Back then, everyone stayed in their own neighborhoods because that's where they felt the most comfortable...with their own kind. I'm just saying for some, it's not necessarily stereotyping, even today.

  8. ....and, again, that's your problem here. Every city was "founded on immigrants". Just another "the world revolves around Chicago" generalization, Towanda. As if that's only happened here.

    So to prove my point.....when those Soufsider's come up to the Norfside, they really have no idea "who" they might be dealing with anymore. Because Lakeview might have been reserved for "entitled" people (when? Back in 1952?), times change and Chicago stays the same. Ignorant. Stereotyping. Even White on White.

  9. Anonymous@11:05,
    You missed my point. I wasn't saying that's how I think it should be but SOME people do feel more comfortable in their own neighborhood with like people. All over this country, this is still happening. Blacks have their neighborhoods, irish, polish, italians, etc. It's just what makes them comfortable. If that's how they feel, then that's their choice. I have people across the hall from me who barely speak english (greeks) and they're wonderful people. We live in a high rise with much diversity and there's no problems. But we made the choice to do that. Some stay in their own neighborhoods. You can't force diversity down peoples throats.

    PS.this isn't an "argument" just an observation....

  10. This is a terrible example of “self-defense”.

    All that I saw in this very poorly shot video is a woman engaging in braggadocio while a bunch of giggling idiots apparently egg her on. There is no footage of the allegedly deadly threat, which leads me to conclude that there was not much of a threat to begin with.

    “Harrassing” or “badgering” someone is not a deadly force situation. Responding to “harrassing” or “badgering” by grandstanding with a deadly weapon is stupid, not to mention legally indefensible.

    In the event of “harrassing” or “badgering”, the appropriate tool would be pepper spray, not a lethal weapon.


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