Sunday, September 25, 2011

Woman attacked, sexually assaulted in Ravenswood

Police are investigating a criminal sexual assault on Chicago’s North Side.

The incident happen around 4:45 a.m., on the 5000 block of North Ashland Avenue, near Ashland and Winnemac Avenues, said police.

The attacker was described a bearded Hispanic man wearing blue jeans, a blue jacket, a blue baseball cap, dark tennis shoes, and carrying a tan messenger bag.

The offender is said to be in his 30s, about 5’10”, 180 pounds, and has a medium to dark complexion.

Police said the suspect was last seen running southbound through an alley between Ashland and Clark Street.

UPDATE: Subsequent news reports indicate the actual crime scene was on the 1500 block of West Carmen Avenue, in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood.


  1. This is so pathetic! ghetto thugs are lacking humanity, respect, manners and remorse.

  2. This is why we need conceal and carry if the person being assaulted can not protect themselves maybe a by stander would help. We must become a community again and get to know our neighbors and run these thugs out of town.


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