Thursday, June 16, 2011

Random police calls: 06/16/2011 (more trouble on Halsted)

12:34 a.m. - A Rogers Park man was allegedly assaulted in his apartment on the 6800 block of North Sheridan Road. The man reportedly told 911 that his boyfriend "slammed him into a piece of furniture". One of the victim's eyes was bleeding, said one report.

1:10 a.m. - A 17-year-old girl was reported missing. The girl, identified as Alexis Pruitt, lives on the 7400 block of North Greeeview Avenue. Pruitt is 5'6", 112 pounds, has black curly hair and brown eyes. She was last seen wearing a gray tank top and a beige sweater. According to the news flash, Pruitt's last known destination was an Icon movie theater.

1:24 a.m. - An Uptown resident reported a man standing on the street masturbating. The alleged sexual offender, who was described as a black man wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans, was spotted near the intersection of Carmen and Glenwood Avenues. He was last seen walking southbound on Carmen.

3 a.m. - A pizza delivery driver asked the cops to meet him at 6443 North Damen Avenue. The driver said he was robbed at that location before. When police arrived at the scene, the pizza man was nowhere to be found.

4:01 a.m. -- Police were called to 3458 North Halsted Street. The address belongs to a bar called Hydrate. According to police dispatch, 8 black male teens were robbing people in the area. The 911 caller did not provide a clothing description. No further details were provided.


  1. According to an article in the Chicago SunTimes, it seems Tom Tunney is more concerned about his restaurants being affected by the food trucks than he is about the crime in his ward. Shouldn't he be asking for more police???

    "Restaurant-owning alderman demands limits on mobile food truck proposal
    Ald. Tom Tunney (44th), owner of Ann Sather’s Restaurants, demanded Wednesday that brick-and-mortar restaurants like his own be protected before Chicago legalizes mobile food trucks with cooking on the premises."

  2. The problem in Boystown is probably separate from the current Flashmob problem, it's been around since about when the Center on Halsted opened.

  3. The police need to be out on the streets late at night on their bikes not those ATV's (You can hear them coming 3 blocks away)...BOYSTOWN needs a group like the guardian angels...FIGHT BACK...these are OUR streets.

  4. So, what's stopping Boystown peeps from creating their own security force?


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