Sunday, December 5, 2010

Woman Beaten and Robbed on 55 Street CTA Red Line Platform

A woman was beaten and robbed on a CTA Platform after struggling with a thief.

The vicious crime occurred around 8:15 p.m., at the 55th Street “L” station at 220 West Garfield Boulevard on Chicago's south side.

Police say the woman fought to hold on to her purse.

Ultimately, the assailant overpowered her, snatched her purse, and left the victim battered and bleeding.

According to police dispatch, the complainant didn't give 911 a description of her attacker. An ambulance was called to the scene.

On September 18, 2010, around 2:30 a.m., 19-year-old George Lash was shot and killed by Chicago police officers at the same Red Line Station. Lash reportedly pulled a gun on police.


  1. Robbing and beating up a woman just shows the lack of respect in the south side and west side communities. What are these people teaching their children? It appears nothing. What a coward to rob & beat a WOMAN! Maybe if she had pepper spray, he wouldn't have bested her. Innocent people should be carrying pepper spray..since we can't carry a gun to protect ourselves and something is better than nothing. I also carry a can of pop in my messenger bag and trust me, if I need to use it, it won't be me going down:)

  2. women get beat up on the north side too. so don't make abuse against woman a racial thing.

  3. I'm sorry but this article was about the south side/west side. Had it happened on the north side, I would have said the same thing. You made it about race by mentioning it. Where did I mention race? If you have a complex, it's not my problem.

  4. you made it about race when you singled out the south side and west side. the west side wasn't mentioned in the article, but you lumped it in there anyway.

    you think you're slick, but i have your number sister. i know a evil hateful person when i READ one.

    quote: "Robbing and beating up a woman just shows the lack of respect in the south side and west side communities. What are these people teaching their children? It appears nothing."

    if race had nothing to do with it, you could have simply said, "robbing and beating up a woman shows a lack of respect for women," and left it at that. instead, you pointed out areas that are predominantly populated by blacks.

    girl, you aren't sharp enough to tango with me. go play your weak word games with someone else.

  5. "ANON" Nit pick all you want. At least I use my name and don't hide under "ANONYMOUS" so people don't know who I am. If I hit a sore spot because maybe that's where you live, that's not my problem. There are other people besides blacks who live on the south & west side or are you telling me that's the "hood" and no one else lives there other than blacks. Admit it, you brought it up and pointed it out loud & clear. Oh, and since YOU brought it up, all we have to do is look at all the shootings and killings going on on the south side to know that respect for human life is not taught there so beating up a woman is no big deal. And trust me, there are more woman beat up on the south & west sides than mine. Explain that. Guess the truth hurts. When you stop making excuses for the behavior of the thugs, perhaps there will be change. Until than, your neighborhood has to deal with the consequences. Sadly, the thugs are spilling into all neighborhoods in the city. Why, because respect, manners and honor are not taught and now all over the city, people have to suffer because of the south & west sides lack of parenting.


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