Monday, December 6, 2010

Ontario Billups: Cop Investigated for Shooting Unarmed Man, "Feared for Her Life"

30-year-old Ontario Billups wasn’t the type of person who would challenge the police, said Billups’ friends. In fact, they are convinced Billups’ shooting was unjustified and the officer who shot him, should be fired… or, at the very least, investigated.

An investigation has already begun. And according to my sources, the officer who shot Billups is feeling the heat.

On December 4, 2010, the 30-year-old man, affectionately known as “Long-Long”, was shot by a female, Chicago police officer on the 8100 block of South Ashland, around 8:30 p.m.

The officer claims Billups “appeared to be selling drugs”, refused to comply with her orders, put his hands in his pockets, made “aggressive movements” toward her, and she "feared for her life".

I'm sorry, but if a cop shoots someone to death during a traffic stop, the press needs to be a little more specific about what went down. Telling me someone made "aggressive movements" could mean anything.

We know Billups wasn’t armed; that means he wasn’t reaching for a weapon, as the officer suggested. And I guess we can safely assume Billups didn’t have any drugs on him. If he did, that bit of information would have been all over the news by now. The only question left is, did Billups behave in a threatening manner - warranting the use of deadly force?

I spoke with several of Billups' friends and they say the Chicago Police Department’s description of Billups' demeanor, just doesn’t add up.

"He lived with me for about a year. He was a cool person. Very laid back. He didn’t bother anyone. And he didn’t deserve what that officer did to him. She was wrong." said one woman.

"He was an honest man. Very big-hearted. I dated him for a while, and he never disrespected me. I can't believe he is gone." said an ex-girlfriend.

Sure. Billups had a long criminal history. Yes. Police records indicate he sold drugs and did time for attempted murder. But was Billups shot and killed because he behaved in a threatening manner, or was he killed because a cop got antsy and pulled the trigger?

Without video evidence, the world may never know.


  1. he did not deserve this, what was under the circumstances they did not have to kill him, he did his time, and thay he was waiting to do the right thing it must been a racial thing, God will get to the bottom of this the Officer should be given a background check, the bible says thou shall not kill.

  2. "A racial thing"??
    That's getting old now. The cop should NOT have opened fire on this guy. As a matter of fact one of my close friends was killed by a Chicago police officer a few years back. He was shot in his back 6 times. C.P.D are trigger happy. My prayers go out to the family & friends of this guy. Hopefully action will be taken against this trigger happy KILLER. Cop or not, "the bible says thou shall not kill".

  3. Ontario Billups was my brother and we are very upset for the lost of him, to a Chicago Police Officer a person of professional standards. He was a humble young man. Never had a gun in his possession with the intent to kill. I can scratch that ATTEMPTED MURDER CHARGE because he didn't do the shooting. I was there when it happened. But the arresting officers let the shooter go and took long long instead. That oficer who took his life had the intent to kill when she got out of bed that morning. Will she be charge with MURDER, better yet! CAPITAL MURDER. This was her intent to shoot and kill the first suspect that made her uneasy in anyway. The P.C.C. protects killers like them. But who protects us, The civilians in the community. Every Police officer on the force if they have children. They dress like us, the majority of the police force ages 50 and under dress like us. Be in the clubs just like us, drink just like us, smoke just like us!! And do to this fact they can be touched just like us.

  4. "ANON", I'm sorry for your loss and hope your family can find closure. However, I doubt that officer got "up in the morning with the intent to kill". Those are pretty strong words and probably not the intent. I can understand with all the cop killings lately, that maybe she got up in the morning hoping her number wasn't up. I am sure most CP are quite a bit on edge, so if ANYONE moves in a suspicious manner when a stop is made, they first are going to protect their lives. Did this officer need to shoot to kill? Absolutely not but that is now for the CPD to investigate.

  5. Towanda it might not been her intent to get up and shoot the first person that made her feel unease. But we have to look at the situation this cop shoot this man SEVEN damn times what the hell was she thinking about. They never found any gun or drunks. Yes Ontario had a record but what the hell did it have to do with him at that moment. The officers didn't know he had a record. They stated that Long-Long never took his hands out his pockets but how did he get out the car if he had his hands in his pocket? I think that the cop should be punished to the full max, because this was her job and she should have been trained to handle the situation better than to kill an unarmed man. I have know Long-Long for years and won't hurt anyone and the murder chargers he face was because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time just like he was Saturday night. I know that God make no mistakes and maybe it was just his time to go but I wish it was under different circumstances. Long-Long you will be missed. Let keep the Billups in our prayers because they really need right now.


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