Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chicago Sun-Times Screws Up Robbery in Edgewater

I am really starting to lose respect for some mainstream media outlets.

Instead of presenting their readers with important facts, the Chicago Sun-Times decided to go for sensationalism, and gloss over the details.

The title of the article is, “Batman nabbed for robbery in Rogers Park”.

For all it’s worth, here’s what the article says:

"An unarmed man in a Batman mask was arrested for robbery after crashing a car Sunday in Rogers Park.

The man, in his 30s, wore the mask when he tried to rob a man near North Clark and West Catalpa, police said. But he didn't get anything.

He eventually fled in a 1990 Toyota Camry, which he crashed into a parked car and another vehicle in the 7500 block of North Sheridan. He tried to run away, but the police caught him."

Here's a screen shot of the article: 

First of all, Clark and Catalpa isn't in Rogers Park, it's in Edgewater, which is where the robbery or attempted robbery occurred. And the man the thief tried to rob was a 7-Eleven clerk.

If you want the real story, without all the fluff, click HERE.

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