Thursday, November 10, 2011

Alleged ex-girlfriend of Scotty S. Strahan defends him, then makes Facebook profile private

 If you're woman enough to defend a thug, you should be woman enough to face the consequences of your foolish decision.

Chicago News Report tracked down a young lady who claims she is Scotty S. Strahan's ex-girlfriend, but when CNR questioned her allegiance to a punk who sucker punched a homeless man in a CTA Subway station, she copped an attitude and set her Facebook status to private.

In at least one Facebook posting, a female using the screen name Darreyelle Sohappybeingme Sanders, told her friends that she was Scotty S. Strahan's ex-girlfriend and that she wanted people to leave him alone.

In a Wednesday's rant, Sanders told her Facebook friends that she was upset, because people were treating Scotty differently.

Sanders also encouraged Scotty to stay strong. 

On Monday, November 7, 2011, I sent Sanders an email. I asked her if Strahan is mentally unstable.

Here's how the conversation went down:

CNR: Is Scotty S. Strahan mentally unbalanced? Did he ever beat you? Is that why he's an ex-boyfriend?


CNR: You didn't answer my question. Did Scotty ever hit or abuse you emotionally?

By the way, what kind of young lady defends a man who attacks innocent people? What does that say about your character - your parents?

Sanders: I Don't Have To Answer to you.! How do you know he's my ex.??? Let it Go.!

Shortly after our last exchange, Sanders set her Facebook status to private and blocked my messages.

Before Sander's account was made private.

After Sander's account was made private.



  2. Yeah i see why she blocked u Timothy Fitz, u fuckin wierdo and a stalker!

  3. Keep it up Tim! Let these cancers on society have the answer for themselves. The moment you attach an innocent old man on the street or encourage/defend those actions you should lose your right to privacy and respect from others.

    Darreyelle Sanders; Another thug who's name is now immortalized on the internet for a complete lack of human decency. Not like any of these gang bangers were going to be seeking legitimate employment - but it's nice to know that they have completely closed this door for the rest of their miserable lives. It's nice to see some consequences on their actions.

  4. Leave him alone??? How about he leaves other people alone?

  5. @Darreyelle and @anonymous 1:44am

    May I politely ask you - what is your take on what happened in the subway with Mr. Strahan? (on the video)

  6. @1:44am: Did you really use a hashtag on a blog? What purpose does that serve?? Let me guess you are one of the people that use hashtags on Facebook too, but don't know wtf a twitter is????

  7. FaceBook, the route of all evil for these ghetto thugs. This chick defending this parasite is why, when an innocent kid gets shot and killed, everyone assumes he/she was a gang member(see other articles on CNR and comments) This generation of idiots doesn't have a clue what their actions and behavior is doing to the rest of their culture. They profile themselves. They create their own living hell and then impose it on the rest of us and when we cry foul, they cry racism.

    Good for you Timothy for tracking this scum down and for continuing to tell it like it is.

  8. I am a little creeped out when CNR goes after victims, but cheers when they go after offenders.

  9. I am so so so happy that his name is forever attached to that video. Forever.

  10. Hey CNR, your FB icon/pic might be causing a bit of the unwillingness to respond to your inquiries. The blue star kinda looks like a police icon (which I personally have no problem with), however the types of people you are interviewing would. Some of those people might be dumb enough to think the CPD is actually trying to interview them through Facebook.

    A more plain icon might get a better response. Or better yet a pic of some gold teef and some 100 dollar bills would really get them talking...

  11. Use a cross or some christian symbol as your avatar. Pepper the questions with praise god, and how strong she must be, and how god will deliver. They will open up.

  12. "I am a little creeped out when CNR goes after victims, but cheers when they go after offenders."

    When have I ever "gone after" a victim? Surely you aren't suggesting that this "women" is a victim?

    T., thank you for your love and support! LOL

  13. CNR - No not this woman, but people who have been shot; and not shot someone else.

  14. CNR, you are always defending the victims who fall prey to crime in this city. Keep up the good work and stay safe.

  15. well make manadatory minimums for drug offenders yet an absolute MONSTER like scotty strahan can commit such human rights violations and cop a plea

  16. what about the other scum who found this incident utterly amusing! Could they face some sort of charge?

  17. Let me guess. You're black. You have a second grade education. You're on welfare. And you have seven or eight kids by different people. But thanks for the post. You've shown 100 times better than I ever could why I've gone from a fervent Obama campaigner to DETESTING blacks. Keep up the good work, sewer mouth. Maybe you'll make ALL of us ex-liberals as contemptuous of your race as I am.

  18. Actually, it's not so much a matter of's the culture of Urban Blacks. I know a number of blacks from several eastern and southeastern African countries who have spent time in the states for both business and university. They all, to the last person, had the same opinion of the American Ghetto Black as all the other postings on here. And they all told me the strongest character trait that stood out to them was LAZINESS. Those comments, coming from the same RACE as those they were describing, could hardly be considered RACIST, now could they?

  19. We know how to take care of these F cks in Arizona. You fools in these citys keep taking away the rights of of people to defend themselves and this is what happens. Black or white you ass will be put down when law abiding citizens are packing.


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