Saturday, December 4, 2010

Eugene Ramos Charged With Raping 2-year-old in Crowded Dollar Tree Store

Photo courtesy of Fremont Police Department.

On December 1, 2010, Eugene Melendres Ramos, a 36-year-old registered sex-offender, allegedly raped a 2-year-old girl in a crowded Dollar Tree store at 1720 Decoto Road in Union City, California.

Witnesses said they caught Ramos on top of the two-year-old with his pants down. The child’s pants and diaper had been removed.

The little girl was shopping with her aunt and grandmother. When the toddler went to return an item in another aisle, that’s when Ramos pinned the little girl to the floor, said police.

April Thomas, a customer at the Dollar Tree store, bravely tackled Ramos as he tried to flee the scene. But Thomas wasn’t strong enough to hold on to the brazen sexual offender. Ultimately, two men, Demario Hawkins and Sammy Johnson, wrestled the S.O.B. to the ground and held him until police arrived.

In 2005, Ramos was convicted of the attempted sexual assault of a 7-year-old girl.

I have said this before, and I’ll say it again. Do not let your children out of your sight when you are in public. There is nothing in a store that is more important than your child’s safety. Sexual predators know that shoppers are usually distracted, and will pounce the moment your child is out of your line of vision.

So, while you’re keeping an eye out for holiday bargains - don’t forget to keep an eye on your children.


  1. Let This MAn Rot in Hell... Send In Jail For LIFE!!! grr

  2. ikrr man im 15 and im so pissed at this situation about this dude.. my mom said the same thing yhu said

  3. yeah well your mom said right, raping a lil GIRL 2 YEARS OLD WHAT THE HELL!!!???

  4. Sick Sick Sick, I literally feel physically ill over this!

  5. This guy needs to be intimately introduced to an unsanded broom stick.

  6. No sympathy for this kind of person.. put him on jail and let him die

  7. What kind of God allows these types of things to happen

  8. gross what if he got a diaper full of shit from the little 2 year old HAHA
    i would laugh the hell out

  9. Why do we keep paying to keep these people in jail when we could just shoot them? Jail= a roof over their head, 3 square meals a day AND education all on OUR DIME. BAHA! Are we insane?! SHOOOOOT HIM! If I had been in the store, I would have.

  10. that sick son of a bitch! my opinion he should get the electric chair...even though they dont do that in illinois.


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